
Chapter 23 : Guilt

Chen Li Xue who always fell asleep whenever she did nothing couldn't hold her sleepiness any longer during the silent drive. Thanked to certain someone, she could hold at least thirty minutes before falling asleep.

Arriving their apartment, Ye Xiao was reluctant to wake his beautiful angel. He carried her to her room. He pressed her password and the door unlocked. He had seen her password the night before when he accompanied her back to her room the night before.

He put her on the soft bed gently before he tugged the brown quilt over her. Her room was the studio type. The whole room was simple but cozy, decorated with mostly brown or white color. There was a frame of her and her mom's photo. They really looked alike.

He sat down on the sofa near the floor-to-ceiling window. He took his laptop and replied all the unread email.

Chen Li Xue was awake an hour later. She stretched her body and groaned. She then realized that she was in her room, but how? She sat immediately and saw the man was looking at her mischievously.

"I have never known that a girl can snore so loud"

Chen Li Xue subconsciously closed her mouth with her both hands then she softly asked "Really?"

Ye Xiao chuckled. Chen Li Xue then realized that she was teased again.

"Why didn't you wake me up?", she asked.

"You look like you didn't sleep well last night", he replied with his wide smile.

Chen Li Xue glared at him intensively. 'Who to blame ?'

Ye Xiao who knew the hidden meaning of her glaring chuckled before he dropped the ultimatum.


Chen Li Xue widened her eyes in shock. 'Me ? This shameless robot!'

"Blaming yourself avoiding me which gave me no leeway", Ye Xiao added.

Chen Li Xue's face was red upon listening to his explanation. Ye Xiao who saw it didn't want to torture his little girl any longer. He closed his laptop and stood up and pulled her hand.

"Let's go for dinner"

"Wait.. I look so messy"

"It's okay. Going home after all."


Ye Xiao didn't answer her. Chen Li Xue then realized the meaning of home. It was his room.


It had been a month since Ye Xiao's unofficial confession and Chen Li Xue also did as she promised. She didn't avoid Ye Xiao, though she still tried her best not to go places that he might be. She didn't jog in the morning, but she went to gym instead. After all, Jiang Wan Yin recently became a gym freak and requested her to accompany her.

Last week, Ye Xiao offered to drive her to the church. They also had lunch together. Their conversation would mostly about the stocks as Ye Xiao found out she was interested in the topic.

Chen Li Xue who was clumsy nearly fell when she stumbled while walking back to their car. Fortunately, Ye Xiao's reaction was fast enough to hold her up. Looking her embarrassed face, Ye Xiao couldn't help but tease her.

"Are you so nervous around me?", Ye Xiao asked with his mischievous look.

Since then Ye Xiao would hold her hands wherever they went.

Arriving her own room, her heart thumped very fast like it was about to jump off from the rib cage. Her face was red and she could feel her body getting warmer. Then her phone suddenly rang. She jumped in shock before she fished her phone out from her bag. She looked at the screen and her face immediately changed.


"En, I'll make sure to be free on that day. How is your company?"

"Okay, tell me if you need help. En, bye."

She sat in daze. The guilty feeling crept over her whole body.

'I shouldn't have done this. After all, he is not someone that I can afford to dream of. He might only think me as a new toy which catches his attention. So Clarisse wake up from your dream.'