
Veldora II

"Damn! He got serious too early" Chronoa said as she began folding space around her weapon. She was preparing to slash again but had to do a backflip and dodge Veldora's fist slamming into the area where she was a moment earlier.

Veldora wasn't holding back no, so his speed was increased, plus, being that this world is based on an anime, he probably got a bit of a rage boost as well. Still, Chronoa, while still in the air, swung her sword, sending the beam towards the exposed Veldora.

Unfortunately, he was able to somehow duck his massive body under the slash and spun around, hitting her with his tail and sending her flying. Veldora then turned towards Luminous who cast a large magic circle around him before chanting one of the strongest Holy Spells in existence.

"Begone, pest! {Disintegration}!" She yelled as a pillar of light pierced the stormy sky and fell onto the Dragon. At first, it seemed as though his scales would protect him, as he only seemed to be pressured by the magic but not harmed by it, but after a moment, his scales darkened and the True Dragon grunted a bit before folding his wings over his head to cover himself from the attack.

Unfortunately, although the wings did indeed burn off, {Disintegration} doesn't last more than a few seconds, so when the spell concluded, there was a very angry, and very damaged True Dragon still glaring at her. He opened his mouth and rapidly shot several blasts of fire at break-neck speeds towards her but she cut each one of them in half with her sword before they managed to hit her.

A massive claw from Veldora came screaming at her from her right after finishing off the last fireblast. She tried to parry the strike but her weapon shattered under the full force of a True Dragon's attack and she was sent skidding across the floor, only to be hit with a combo of [Black Lighting] and a draconic fireblast. Veldora looked at her for a moment before he felt a piercing sensation on his back.

Alice had snuck up on him while he was dealing with Luminous and stabbed Angel's Tear into his still fresh, but rapidly regenerating back wounds. He grunted in pained annoyance as he jumped into the air. He was going to reverse bodyslam her against the ground, trying to crush her under his weight.

"Not so fast!" I yelled as I had finished compiling my newest spell. "{Chains of Tartarus}!" I yelled.

With my new Ultimate Skill [Solomon], I was able to much better control and manipulate my ancient magic than before. By folding space in just the right ways, I made several dozen white-hot chains with spear-like tips that fired out from several {Gates} I had opened up around him when he jumped into the air. The chains impaled into Veldora's body before hundreds of custom enchantments made using [Creation Magic] and calculated by [Zaphkiel] rushed from the {Gates} along the chains, increasing their strength and suppressing Veldora's magicules.

Alice looked at me and smiled before channeling more water into her weapon. Aquaria used all of her Spirit Particles to create a gigantic spinning cyclone of water in the air behind Alice. It was easily 20 meters across and sharpened into a point that immediately funneled into her blade.

"<Posidon's Wrath.!" Alice yelled as a beam of water erupted from Veldora's front, having traveled at insane pressures throughout his entire body.

Veldora roared in immense pain as, despite the fact that this attack wasn't fatal, it still hurt more than he would have believed possible for a True Dragon and their immense durability. Veldora thrashed and pulled against the chains in pain as Alice dropped off his back exhausted. I ran up to her and caught her while she was falling, despite the fact that I know she would have been fine. I caught her in a princess carry before running out from under the Dragon's body as he finally broke the various chains on him.

He fell to the ground with a loud thud before rolling over and charging up another Dragon Breath like the one from earlier. He was planning on destroying everything with this blast which would be comparable to a nuclear explosion. I looked up at this action in shock before putting down Alice. I prepared to open a {Gate} where it would land to send the attack away, but Chronoa got to him first.

"[Unlimited Imprisonment]!" She yelled as she wrapped Veldora inside the barrier just as the attack went off, literally blowing up in his face. Despite being inside a barrier, the explosion still caused huge amounts of wind to be kicked up and a shockwave to destroy the surrounding buildings and uproot most of the park's trees.

I sighed for a bit and was about to let my guard down when I saw the barrier was unraveling. My eyes opened wide in shock and I yelled at [Zaphkiel] to tell me what was happening.

[Due to the fact that his Skills weren't sealed, [Unlimited Imprisonment] was analyzed through the use of [Investigator]]

'Why though!?! I thought it was going to take hundreds of years for Rimuru to analyze it with [Great Sage]!' I thought as I saw Veldora getting up rather groggily. It seems like his own attack left him VERY sore.

[[Investigator] under normal circumstances, only increases thought processing and analysis by 1000 times, however, unlike the version belonging to [Great Sage] and [World Sage], this analysis cannot be combined with [Parallel Processing] and takes the user's full concentration to achieve. It makes up for this difference, however, by being able to increase processing speed exponentially the more magicules one pours into the Skill. There is also the fact that the barrier was created hastily, which made it not at its optimal strength]

I sweat-dropped for a bit. So because we didn't seal his skills and the barrier was weaker, he was able to use his ridiculous amount of magicules, the highest in the world other than Milim (who has infinite), to analyze and escape from it.

"{Brilliant Radiance}!" Luminous yelled as she fired of another tower of Holy Magic Light at the still reeling Veldora.

This knocked him out of his support and made him roar in pain before jumping out of the area of attack and unfolding his regrown wings. He hovered in the air for a bit before looking up and roaring. Another [Death Storm] was called, this time with [Death Heralding Winds] combined into it to create [Storm of Destruction], Veldora's strongest AOE attack.

the city, which was already raved earlier, was being reduced to rubble with only a few still pristine buildings in the distance being protected via Holy Barriers cast by the Holy Mages and priests, though even those appeared to strain under the force of the storm above them. The only reason the barriers still stood was that none of the barriers were under the direct attack of the [Death Strm] or [Storm of Destruction], but to almost collapse at the secondary collateral damage from attacks nearly a kilometer away, was telling at just how much force was being generated by the enraged dragon.

We all regrouped together and Chronoa placed an [Unlimited Imprisonment] over the area we stood to block the attacks from outside while we caught our breath. Though none of us were physically tired since we all had Spiritual Bodies, our mental exhaustion was high. Chronoa and I were mostly fine and still had enough magicules to keep going, but Alice was almost completely out and Luminous was low as well.

Luminous didn't invest much in defense, since [Lust] allowed her to revive and heal herself if she was injured, so defending against attacks from the scale an angry Veldora was dishing out was taxing on her magicules. She looked up at Veldora with hate in her eyes, wanting nothing more than to kill this thing with her own hands. She clicked her tongue before looking back at us.

"We need a plan. If we keep this up it will become a battle of endurance and he has more magicules." She said.

I looked to Chronoa. "How did you solo this guy before?" I said.

She shook her head. "He didn't take me seriously until after I sealed most of his Skills and by then it was easy to trap him." She said.

Luminous looked at Chronoa with shock and began thinking of what we could possibly be talking about. I had a similar confused expression.

'I thought Veldora said he stopped underestimating the Chosen Hero halfway through the fight before he lost.' I thought.

[It is possible that he was lying to make himself seem stronger. Master's memories from the [Akashic Archive] recall that he seemed to be boasting despite the fact he lost.]

'I see' I thought before looking directly up at the [Unlimited Imprisionment] above us. Veldora was hammering at it with his fists and [Black Lightning] but it wasn't budging. Chronoa had enough time to make it correctly so it was taking Veldora longer to analyze it to unravel this time.

I looked back at everyone. "Alright, here is the plan. I have something that will knock him out in one shot temporarily, but I need time to charge it. Alice, you and Chronoa buy me some time. Luminous, use your Skill to remove the aspect of Death from the storm out there so we don't die immediately when he gets in. When everything is ready, Chronoa will trap him again in a hasty barrier, and the moment he unravels it, I'll hit him with everything I've got." I said.

"I'm the Demon Lord here, shouldn't I come up with the plans?" Luminous said under her breath before nodding. Alice and Chronoa nodded as well.

A moment later, the barrier came down and we all scattered. Chronoa used [Absolute Severence] on her blade to slice off another one of Veldora's arms which landed near me. Alice charged directly towards the creature. Tired as she was, she still put in her all. She poured every last inch of her <Battlewill> into her blade before making contact with the True dragon again.

Veldora raised his clawed fist into the air and begun bringing it down in an attempt to crush Alice, but she was faster.

"<Water Streaming Piercing Dance>" She yelled as she used the last of her magicules to create a familiar torrent of icy-blue water at the tip of her weapon.

*BAM!* An explosion erupts at Veldora's midsection, tearing scales off and crashing into his flesh with enough concussive force to knock over the behemoth, forcing his fist to miss his mark. He stumbles to regain balance and tries to reach out with his hand to keep himself from falling over but it hadn't regenerated yet, so he fell.

Luminous smirks to herself, yelling at Veldora. "How dare you try to use Death Magic against me! The Queen of Nightmares and Lord of death!" She said. She had gained control over the [Storm of Destruction] when Veldora stumbled and stopped focusing on it using [Lust]. Normally, her Unique Skill wouldn't allow for control over the weather, but by adding [Death Heralding Winds] into the [Death Storm], she was able to wrestle control of the aspect of death. Veldora was never any good at controlling his energy anyway, preferring to brute-force everything with his absurd amount of magicules, but his lack of experience allowed for someone else to effectively 'hack' his strongest attack.

She immediately converged all of the [Black Lightning] and tornados onto Veldora's still fleshy and exposed chest. While Veldora couldn't be killed by his own death magic, the force still caused him considerable pain, as he spasmed on the floor for a few seconds howling in anguish before Luminous lost control over the attack and Veldora canceled it. Chronoa had gotten Alice out of the range of the attack when Luminous started.

He lay there for a second before rolling over and glaring at everyone, a bit with hate, and a bit with fear. Despite the fact that we weren't able to put him down, we were still constantly kicking his ass, so he was very wary of us now.


[Attempting to evolve Unique Skill [Lust] into Ultimate Skill [Asmodeus: King of Lust]...]


[Individual Luminous Valentine has acquired the Ultimate Skill [Asmodeus: King of Lust]]

The Voice of the World announced. I was a little shocked, but I guess wrestling away the aspect of death from a True Dragon was enough for the VotW to acknowledge Luminous' abilities with the Skill and upgrade it. It didn't matter much though, since I was finished.

"Hey, Veldora!" I yelled, having a concentrated ball of infinitely black magicules in my hand.

Veldora looked at me and opened his eyes wide. I immediately tried to jump away but was trapped in an [Unlimited Imprisonment] by Chronoa. He quickly began to analyze it and unravel it. He didn't really think about it enough though, since if he would have stayed inside, he would have been at least somewhat protected from my attack, but he was too panicked to think clearly.

The instant he unraveled the barrier, I used a bit of [Time Magic] to accelerate my attack's speed so that it would hit the microsecond I fired it.

"{Singularity Cannon}!" I yelled. This was the ultimate form of my {Collapsing Star Canon}. I combined [Gravity Magic], [Time Magic], [Spatial Magic], and [Evolution Magic] together to create an absolutely devastating attack. Veldora fired off another full-power Dragon Blast like the one that blew up in his face the moment the barrier unraveled and blasted it towards me, hoping it would stop what came next.

As his stream of Draconic energy fired off and raced towards me at breakneck speeds, I unleashed the singularity in my hand. I small and thin beam of black energy, no more than a toothpick's width in length instantly covered the distance between myself and the infinite horizon. It went right through Veldora's blast, traveled through his body and out into space.

A second later, I wrapped Space around the beam at about a meter's radius from it. Chronoa, having noticed the same thing I did, layered my wrapped space with her [Unlimited Imprisonment]. It's probably a good thing we did though because an explosion that blinded us and could be heard across the entirety of the Western Nations engulfed the entire wrapped space and barrier, instantly killing Veldora and obliterating almost everything in a kilometer's radius while blowing away Luminous, Chronoa, and Alice. I was able to be rooted in place by wrapping space around myself so I wasn't blown back.

Normally, you'd think I was crazy. I wanted to capture and seal Veldora, not kill him, but that's where my little plan came into effect. [Zephkiel] used a bit of [Spirit Magic] on Veldora's soul and body a moment after his death to capture it and place it into my [Akashic Archives]. It then waited for a few moments and, when the dust was settling and everyone was getting back up, I spat out his body again, completely healed and reimplanted his soul, though I made sure to plant a curse of sleep on it.

Now, instead of living awake for 300 years of time, he would be asleep. I made the custom curse so that it would only allow him to wake up if he was alone for 290 years. This will still give him 10 years of boredom but it's not nearly as bad as before, though because he will be asleep, his aura will leak out as it did in canon, so Slime Rimuru would still be born and probably still find him.

Oh yeah, and I made Veldora a girl.

Part 2 of 2

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts
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