
In the world of Naruto with the Patriarch System

A young guy, who just yesterday had big plans for life, wakes up in an unknown place and finds out that he has found himself in a harsh world of incessant wars and widespread violence. Having almost resigned himself to the unenviable fate of being swept away by the whirlpool of upcoming events, the young man discovers a very unusual “Patriarch System” (It's a translation)

Angel0Sama · Anime & Comics
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121 Chs

Chapter 42

On the 124th day, luck finally smiled on Kenshin. He managed to create a prototype chakra suppression formation. After it was applied to the cuffs and Natsumi put them on, it was extremely difficult for her to form any technique, or walk on walls, but the increased physical strength did not go away, and the chakra in her muscles refused to go to sleep. But a start had been made, and all that remained for Kenshin was to refine the formation in order to get a formidable ace up his sleeve against recalcitrant kunoichi, or valuable but powerful enemies.

On the 125th day, Ichiro found his father and told him the good news.

- Father, it seems my chakra has become better! – He said with a proud look.

Kenshin instantly looked at his 'status' and was surprised.

Name: Nakayama Ichiro

Age: 20 years

Talent Level: 16

Chakra quality: 3

Chakra quantity: 3320

Chakra control: 51%

- Hmm, indeed, your "chakra quality" has increased to three. In addition, the amount of chakra has increased slightly, and control has improved slightly. Well done, Ichiro! – Kenshin praised him and patted him on the shoulder.

- Thank you, father! – He answered sincerely.

Then they conducted several experiments, and Kenshin finally understood what exactly this strange indicator, called the system, as "chakra quality" gives. Ichiro's fireball, although not larger, became much more destructive. The temperature and density of the fire increased by about twenty percent. The special water tank, which had previously evaporated 70%, was now completely dried up by the fireball.

On the 126th day, the second batch of blue sage ripened, of the 34 seeds planted, only 30 were fully ripened. If any of the people involved in the industrial cultivation of blue sage saw Kenshin's success, they would immediately spit out all their insides from insane greed.

It was considered a great success if at least 10 out of 30 planted seeds grew and ripened. Therefore, Kenshin's results were completely beyond the dreams of anyone who was involved in growing this whimsical plant. Typically, blue sage had enormous requirements for soil, lighting, fertilizer, and quality watering. It grew for about two months, as opposed to ten days with the help of Kenshin's formations.

Of the thirty bunches of blue sage, Kenshin decided to use twenty for seeds, and use the remaining ten for his own needs. In the future, he wanted to give blue sage tea to his children every day. Blue sage tea had a very beneficial effect on the circulation and production of chakra, and on average improved the results of shinobi training by 10-15%. Wealthy Elite Jonin or Kage-level shinobi could take baths in blue sage infusion and improve their training performance by a record 30%. In the future, Kenshin planned to provide such baths for each of his sons at least once every few days.

In the evening he brewed blue sage tea and gave it to his sons to try.

- Hm? What is this? – Ichiro muttered with interest, feeling the unusual taste.

- This is blue sage tea, drink it. It should stimulate the chakra in your body. Do you feel anything? – Kenshin asked his eldest son.

"Mmm, something unusual, I can't describe... It's as if my chakra was a little raging, but at the same time it became more pliable... A strange feeling..." Ichiro muttered, concentrating on his sensations.

- Yes, father, I feel the same as my older brother. It's as if a storm began in the lower abdomen, in the center of the chakra, which forced the chakra to circulate faster through the channels! – The Third declared with delight.

- Yes, yes, father, I feel the same! – The Fourth confirmed and took another sip of tea.

After the "tea party," all of Kenshin's sons went to training, and spent several hours in the gym, until finally the Third's voice was heard through the telepathic connection, "Father, father! We did it, you should look at it!"

Kenshin immediately went to the gym and saw the Third and Fourth incredibly happy. To the father's question "What happened?" They silently made their seals in a few seconds and simultaneously shouted:

- Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu! – A few seconds later, a half-meter-long fireball appeared, which rushed to the far end of the room and crashed against the wall, entwining it with fire from top to bottom.

- Well done! You did a great job! But don't try to get arrogant. The world is full of shinobi who will destroy you with one finger, so train harder! – Kenshin said solemnly, wanting to light a spark in their hearts, which, thanks to their complete idolization of their father, was not difficult.

- Yes, father! You can rely on us, with your elder brother and us standing guard - no one will dare to poke their nose into our house and leave unharmed! – The Third stated, and the Fourth nodded furiously, supporting his brother.


On the 129th day, luck finally smiled on Kenshin. He managed to refine the chakra suppression formation. Having put leather cuffs on Ichiro, he decided to personally test how much the combat power of shinobi without chakra changes.

Coming out onto the tatami with his son, Kenshin felt a little relaxed for the first time in a long time. Ichiro's incredible speed and strength returned to their original levels. All the chakra in his body was blocked and "slept", so Kenshin gave his son a worthy fight, and ultimately, with difficulty, he won.

"Incredible bracers..." Ichiro muttered, taking off the cuffs. As soon as they were removed, he took a deep breath, and it was as if he had been born again. His perception improved greatly, and unable to bear it, he jumped up, spinning, landing on the ceiling, stretched his shoulders, and instantly found himself next to his father.

Kenshin still could not get used to the incredible capabilities of chakra owners, and only sighed.

"Father, these cuffs are unlikely to block the chakra of anyone above Chunin level." When my chakra was blocked, I vaguely felt that if I became much stronger, I would be able to fight the blocking effect without any problems. – Ichiro noticed.

- Fine. I'll try to come up with something and finalize the formation. - Said Kenshin. But deep down he believed that he was unlikely to be able to come up with anything new until he acquired new knowledge.