
In the world of magic and monsters, my wonderful journey with the dog

The germination of magic is just now, and religious beliefs are varied. A mysterious wizard, hiding in a lonely place. From the civilized city of Ann Lobis to Zezhou in the resurrected mountains, an absurd and bizarre mystery tour is about to unfold, with the remains of witches, the pursuit of curses, the remains of behemoths, the horrible green face and the mechanical killing beyond the times. By the artificial lake of Thorn Thorn College, a fake schoolmaster was holding a fishing rod without a hook, and when he was planning how to cheat in the exam, the fishing line suddenly vibrated violently, and he caught a garden dog ... "Can even dogs cross these days?"

Wilfried_Eichberg · Fantasy
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166 Chs

Magic whistle

When hands were released, the road was full of bodies.

Terrible physique is Lugar's strongest weapon. To a certain extent, it is a firebomb gun as a strong killer in the atrium, and there is no way to hurt Lugar.

Bloody, Lugar raised his eyes and looked at the crowd over there. "All right, let's go!" When he finished, he was leaving.

But there was no movement in the crowd. They were shocked by this bloody scene. Even with the recent natural and man-made disasters in the atrium, they have never seen such a terrible scene.

That's not a bunch of pine rabbits, but the most powerful soldiers in the atrium, cold-blooded killers! At the same time, they were scared.

But it's not because of Lugar.

Before, the civilian Council of the Cabinet sent troops, but they didn't use firebombs or even one-handed epee. They just used a wooden stick to warn them to return to their homes and not to make trouble everywhere.

At the moment, the people in the cabinet will be killed! They're scared.

But after the fear, it is deeply angry.

This anger is so strong that it can't be suppressed anyway. Someone shouted directly: "Don't go a fart! These bastards are trying to kill us!

What's the use of such a cabinet? "

The cabinet has three points, but these civilians can't know.

The cabinet was very secretive about this, especially after the wizards left the atrium collectively.

In order to carve up the atrium, both the cabinet civilian meeting and the newly-built aristocratic alliance after the collapse tacitly did not say anything about it, and even told the civilians that the extraordinary power had disappeared forever!

"overthrow them! Overthrow tyranny!

We regroup the atrium! "

Ambitious people, unable to control themselves at this time, shouted such a sentence. Because this time, no matter what, is the most mature time.

With the sound of this falling, there was a sudden excitement, and then the voice of rebelling against the cabinet and reorganizing the atrium became stronger and stronger. But before those ambitious civilians shouted something, someone rushed in and shouted, "Not the cabinet, the cabinet is now."

It has been divided into two parts, one is the cabinet civilian meeting, and those who do those experiments are the people of the civilian meeting!

Mr. Isugo, a former core member of the civilian organization and now the leader of the secret martial arts school, can testify to this matter! "Due to the long-term aristocratic rule, the civilians at first heard this, and they couldn't help but wait.

Even most people believe it at the first time, and then they are relieved.

The accumulation of hundreds of years and thousands of years has already made civilians accustomed to being ruled by nobles.

If it is against the nobility, it is a very serious psychological burden for most civilians, even subconsciously.


This is a group of eagles that have already been domesticated! "It doesn't matter whether it is or not!"

But this time, Lugar has already spoken, and the field of radiation is unfolding. As a demigod's coercion, almost no one is there.

Can bear, "I open the way and directly kill the highest authority of the cabinet civilian meeting. The rest will be arrested first. After the trial, if they are guilty or participate in those unethical things, they will be killed again!"

When he said this, he raised his hand and pulled out a stone pillar by the road.

This is used for hanging kerosene lamps. He shakes the kerosene lamps off at any time, then carries this stone pillar and rushes towards the highest meeting place of the cabinet civilian meeting and the aristocratic alliance.

Yu was shocked by Lugar's godlike scene, and many people subconsciously found weapons and followed. People's conformity makes more people keep up, including trained soldiers.

They were the first to take part in the demonstrations and protect the safety of these civilians.

Some people were transformed into monsters because of the descendants of their comrades-in-arms, and they joined them in anger. There are also people who are themselves other forces, and this time they are adding fuel to the flames.

But for now, no matter what the situation, they have to bite the bullet. "Damn it, he's using us!"

Isugo, hidden in the crowd, has already reacted at this time.

With his intelligence, he thought it was too smooth before, and immediately understood that it was Lugar, who had already made preparations. In fact, Isugo was surprised, and Lugar was also surprised.

Because it's so smooth.

He is indeed the first person under the great power of the seven worlds. With the disappearance of natural disasters, the decline of extraordinary power and the departure of wizards from the imperial court, no one can stop him positively.

Maybe monsters from the depths of Styx can, but as long as it's not a soul struggle, Lugar is fearless!

Before the arrival of dusk that day, the cabinet, which is estimated to be called this force in general, had vanished under the attack of hundreds of thousands of angry civilians in Wilke.

Just in case, he didn't let go of any of the former top leaders of the cabinet civilian meeting.

Later, by agreeing on the aftermath of the three cities of Wilke, Dawangcheng and Berners, which are almost equal to ruins, all the power leaders in Wilke were invited.

Considering the large number of people attending the meeting, even though they knew Lugar's strength and investigated this guy's ruthless past, they were happy to go.

But I only brought a few people.

After all, if you bring too many people, you will appear too unintelligent. At present, this kind of meeting that decides the interests of future forces can't be ugly. Then, Lugar showed them what it means to be unscrupulous and unscrupulous!

Lugar killed all these people.

Including the Mr. Isugo and Karla who hasn't left yet.

Actually, Karla was not killed by Lugar, but was helped by Encore, but it was no different from Lugar's killing. After that, Count Vla of Dawangcheng sent someone directly to announce the recognition of Lugar's status and respect him.

Lulusi took the opportunity to win nearly 70% of Wilke's army in that chaos.

Have to say, not the kui is the eldest daughter favored by Count Vla, who has completely revealed the side that does not conform to her female identity in terms of military talent and ruthless means.

But this ya likes women, in fact, she can also be directly regarded as a man.

All the leaders of Wilke City were killed by Lugar, leaderless, and it was extremely easy to be incorporated. This year, on this day, a tyrant after Fiance the Great reappeared.

However, compared with the one who once reigned in Jersey, except for the Resurrection Mountains and Ann Lobis City without his army, Lugar only controlled three cities, and one of them was almost equal to ruins.

On the third day after the chaotic bloodbath, Lugar married Lilith. For this reason, Anke almost demolished the golden castle where Lugar currently lives.

However, by doing so, Lugar also reassured Count Vra that his position was completely stable. After that, we began to establish a new atrium system.

After the wedding, Count Vla consulted Lugar and asked him to restore the monarchy.

After all, at the moment, even if this power was directly seized by Lugar by his own horrible force, he also had the capital to become the emperor.

The physique that can't even kill a musket gun is already an epic in the true sense! Beyond the past six sigma (σ) level of the devil!

It was impossible before, so Count Vla chose the most powerful side.

However, Lugar's strong performance made this old man with ancient aristocratic blood unable to control himself and ignited his initial ambitions.

But to Count Vla's surprise, Lugar refused.

Not only refused, but also chose the most unfavorable system for him.

The cabinet is still established, holding the power of a country, and the highest position is the head of state, with the highest reputation and the right to veto reconsideration by one vote. At the same time, it is not hereditary, but a three-year term.

Once the term of office expires, he may not be re-elected, and there is no possibility of becoming the head of state again thereafter. This system can be said to shock the whole atrium.

The ancient city of Buchuan Eve, which was opened independently without authorization, and Muerhe Prefecture, which was completely autonomous several years ago because of its unique geographical location, were later confirmed by people, and announced their recognition of Lugar's status and rule, and expressed their willingness to return unconditionally.

After the earthquake in Zezhou, the divided atrium was half mastered by Lugar in a short time. The other half also returned to the atrium after the return of the ancient city of Eve in Buchuan and Muerhe State.

The purpose of their independence is nothing more than power, but now they have the possibility of becoming the supreme head of state, and the extremely good-looking aristocrats can't resist the temptation anyway.

A month later, Lugar once again called all the heads of big families in the name of agreeing on the atrium law.

This time, Lugar failed to do it.

It was not someone who stopped him, but these heads of families, who had already prepared themselves psychologically.

Even if Lugar proposed to abolish the aristocratic system and keep the honorary title of nobility, they all agreed after some psychological struggle.

There is fear of Lugar's lawless temper and extremely terrible fighting power.

But what's more, these wily old guys have long seen the possibility of their power expansion after this new system. Whether count, baron or viscount, all will be equal in the future, and the three titles can only be regarded as the honor of ancestors. What determines their strength is not how much they have contributed to the atrium.

It's the old man's head!

That is, money and capital, having huge capital in society means having huge power in the atrium. This is what this group of nobles are looking forward to. They never lack industry.

And civilians, who have long been rich, are also rejoicing in this. After the promulgation of the law, they are very happy.

There are also protests by civilians, who think that this will aggravate the exploitation of civilians, cause a greater gap between the rich and the poor, and even form an unparalleled number of unemployed people and become exploited.

However, under the general trend that people with great power all agree with it, these civilians may be called prophets, but after all, it is Lang's arm that blocks the car, and even a little wave can't be lifted.

The whole atrium, also began to resume reconstruction work.

Five months later, the first head of the new atrium, known as the tyrant and monster, had his descendants. It's a lovely little princess!

But it was not born by the first lady, but by the lover of the Fuehrer. This has made many people ready to watch the drama.

After Count Vla's estate was transformed into his power, the old count's power was even stronger. The older the aristocrats are, the more frightening their industries are.

Even Lugar couldn't have imagined that these nobles actually hold veins, big and small, not under one hundred! There are more than a dozen gold mines among them.

However, this also gives the birth of atrium currency with sufficient resources.

Lugar used gold and silver as the treasury, issued paper money, and set the monetary unit in the atrium as yuan, replacing the original old man's head. But to those people's disappointment, Count Vla accepted it calmly. From time to time, you can see the old count, with his niece, His Royal Highness Tini, who has no pedigree, playing in the streets of Wilke.


Two years later.

The Golden Castle has become a military stronghold, and the number of troops deployed is the highest in the whole atrium. Because the whole atrium lives here, the person with the highest power at present.

Facing the morning sunshine, Luger, who has been pampered for two years, got up lazily from Anke bed, put on pajamas and stretched himself on the balcony.

Looking at Wilke who is back to normal, he can't help smiling. The problem of the water monster has been completely solved.

Those experiments have already been destroyed.

However, the mysterious magician Gerst has never been caught.

After some investigation, the superintendent, whose power was further strengthened, gave him a report that was not bad.

They suspected that the guy had gone to Xuezhou along the route that the magicians left the atrium when the chaos broke out.

Xuezhou is the snowy kingdom of the past.

After splitting from Zezhou, it has undergone some changes, but it has recovered its vitality in just half a month. However, due to the geographical environment of the snowy kingdom, they lack shipbuilding people.

By the time they gathered enough warships and planned to take the opportunity to come to Zezhou and bring the atrium into the territory, Lugar had been crowned king. Because among the people who came together, there were many wizards.

So this warship army returned on the same day.

With the maturity of the magician's theory and the recovery of the past magic, they gradually understood Luger's strength, and understood that in the absence of a few five-ring wizards to surround Luger, more people would just die.

Zezhou, Granzhou, Xuezhou, Zezhou Island, Resurrection Island, Mystery Island.

It was after that extraordinary power decline that a brand-new world outlook was formed.

There are three islands in three continents, among which the mysterious island is the most mysterious, because more than one person on this island saw the legendary city of Ann Lobis.

It's just that maybe it's influenced by this mysterious city, and that small island will drift around without any laws. At the beginning, the wizards did not all go to Xuezhou, but separated several groups.

Granzhou is said to have become the cradle of wizards at present, because more than one Four-Ring Magician has been born. Although all of them are only the owners of extraordinary powers in the past who have regained their strength, they are also famous.

Bang, bang, the phone rang at this moment.

On the bed, Anke immediately put his head under the quilt, then stretched out a small hand, grabbed the pillow on the side and slammed it on Luger's back. "Go and pick it up ..." The telephone was improved, but because of the incomplete technology, if no one answered this noise, it would ring with a silver sand!

It's almost a day ... "Hello?

I'm Lugar. "

Lugar grumpily picked up the receiver, and his impatient expression changed immediately. "You said that the wizards in Granzhou and Xuezhou demanded that the first world wizard competition be held in Berners?"

"Mr. Fuhrer, are you agreeing?" Listen to the other side of the microphone, there is a voice. "No, tell them, don't even think about it!"