
In The World Of Detective Conan: The Strongest Uncle!

The real crime in this world is not as simple as what is shown in anime. Blood and darkness are mixed with the ultimate evil in the world. In the modified version of Detective Conan, a terrifying world of tricks, Kogoro has the system on his back and is bound to be the strongest detective in the world. "What I have been searching for is the truth! Of course, money and beauty are also indispensable!" Follow Kogoro Mouri on his journey on the World of Detective Conan! [PS: The world of Detective Conan is full of Murder and during the reasoning, the case will be explained in detail so it's not for readers that have a 'weak heart'. Although it's still on the 'light' side right now, you've been warned.] #TAGS: #Mature #R18 #Action #Aggressive Main Character #Aggressive Characters #Adultery #Affair #Age Regression #Body Swap #Businessmen #Carefree Protagonist #Cohabitation #Complex Family Relationships #Dark #Criminals #Detective #Kaito Kidd #Lupin... PS: I will add more later... ========= ===== == Disclaimer(s): Author(s) Ddeath Husstle Raw Source(s) sj.uukanshu.com Translator(s) Levaa

Levaa · Anime & Comics
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180 Chs

Case Closed: The Strongest Uncle!

Chapter 127: Festival!

Kogoro Mouri squinted his eyes and said with a dry voice: "I'm fine, don't worry, we will be able to reach our destination soon."

Mouri Kogoro recalled the experience of the past few nights, and couldn't help but feel a little scared. Because it was approaching New Year's Day, his women wanted to spend this day with him. Kogoro shied away and said that he would accompany Ran to reject these women one by one, but as a price, he has to satisfy everyone one of them before he leaves!

So every night he is always busy!

Yuko Ikezawa, Natsue Hatamoto Sei Asoh, Boa, Kiwako Toda, Akemi Miyano...

Each of these girls, Mouri Kogoro, has to accompany each other, so in the evening, he turns into a human flesh juicer. After hard work, even his inhuman physique made his legs wobbly for a while.

About three Kogoro Mouri who hadn't slept at night naturally felt a little tired at the moment.

It was already evening when the car arrived in Saitama Prefecture. As soon as Kogoro Mouri drove into this area, everyone felt very warm. There are many small volcanoes near Saitama Prefecture, which provide abundant geothermal heat and hot springs.

Everyone in the car saw that the people who came and went to this place were either wearing yukatas or kimonos, which looked a bit of ancient charm.

Kogoro Mouri parked the car in the parking lot of the luxury hot spring hotel and entered the hotel with Ran and others with his luggage. After checking in, the group was ready to have dinner.

When they passed the hotel lobby, they heard a voice call: "Ran, you are here!"

They saw a beautiful figure appearing in front of everyone, with a tall ponytail, a pretty face, and big amber eyes staring at Kogoro Mouri, smiling like a flower. Although she was wearing a grey and black bathrobe, it doesn't hide her youthful breath, she is none other than Kazuha Toyama.

When Mouri Kogoro saw Kazuha, his mouth couldn't help but smile. A few days ago, after Christmas, he made a special trip to Osaka and gave this little fairy a lesson. He did not expect that she would suddenly appear on New Year's Day. It gave Mouri Kogoro a big surprise.

When Ran saw Kazuha, she quickly greeted her, and the two women hugged each other and began to talk. Since the last time they met, the two have been in constant telephone contact, just like a good girlfriend.

But all this is just Ran's wishful thinking, after all, Kazuha also came to the throne of her stepmother.

It is a roundabout tactic that she deliberately befriends Ran. She wants to learn more about Mouri Kogoro from Ran's mouth, and even wants to use Ran as a breakthrough to their relationship.

Only then did Haibara react. It turned out that it was Kazuha who was talking to Ran on the phone these days. She couldn't help but relax. Haibara, who thought it was Eri, looked like she was waiting, ready to make a scene at any time.

The recombination of Kogoro Mouri and Eri Kisaki, so it seems that is unnecessary...

At this moment, Conan looked around. He always felt a prying gaze. Suddenly, Conan saw a black charcoal head in the shadow of the corner, and he couldn't help but shout out: "Hattori Heiji?"

Everyone couldn't help but cast their eyes to the corner of the wall, and Hattori Heiji touched his head and walked out with a smile.

"What a coincidence, Mouri detective, I didn't expect to meet you here in Saitama Prefecture too!"

Toyama Kazuya's face immediately turned cold. She raised her eyes to Hattori Heiji, and said indifferently, "Hattori-san, are you following me?"

Hattori Heiji's forehead immediately sweated: "Alele, Kazuha, how could I follow you? This is a coincidence. Saitama Prefecture just happened to have the world's first festival here. I just came to have a look. I didn't expect such a coincidence. I think the two of us are really inspiring!"

"Sorry, Hattori-san, we are not that familiar. Could you please call me Toyama, Ran, let's go, and have dinner?" Kazuha turned around, looking at Kogoro Mouri apologetically. Originally, this New Year trip to Saitama Prefecture was the result of her constant lobbying for Ran. The original intention was to make up for her failure to spend Christmas with Kogoro Mouri, but at this moment, there is suddenly an eye-catching guy-Hattori Heiji. And Kazuha is also afraid that Kogoro Mouri will misunderstand.

Kogoro Mouri smiled gently at him, and said, "Heiji, you can eat with us too!" He didn't put the black charcoal head in his eyes at all.

When Hattori Heiji heard this, he hurriedly followed, and the group walked to the restaurant on the side.

On the way, Hattori Heiji fell behind, ignorantly looking at Kazuha with a smile, Conan on the side looked at him weirdly and asked quietly, "Heiji, are you here to follow Kazuha specifically this time?"

Heiji Hattori heard Conan's voice and couldn't help but pat his head, and said,

"Little devil, I want you to call me big brother, also, you don't have to worry about adults!"

Conan's face immediately appeared dead fish eyes.

However, when Hattori Heiji saw Kogoro and his party walking ahead, Conan was the only one besides him. He still couldn't help feeling depressed and complained: "This woman is really elusive. I've been her childhood sweetheart for more than ten years, but all of a sudden she changed, and I'm totally unclear why!

"This Kazuha has ignored me since we came to Tokyo last time and returned to Osaka. She said she wanted to draw a line with me. I don't know what happened. It's really inexplicable!" Hattori Heiji said as his face looked distressed.

Conan on the side felt the same when he heard this. He was obviously close to Ran who grew up as a childhood sweetheart. But after he became small, her attitude towards him has also changed strangely. Ran also said that she has someone she likes. But it's not himself, and no matter how hard Conan searched, he couldn't find who the man was.

Moreover, Ran falsely accused himself of having a girlfriend, and called her to explain but only got blessings. This is really ridiculous!

Conan could not help but nod and said: "Heiji, you are right, women are elusive."

When Hattori Heiji saw Conan agree with him as if he knew what he feels right now, there were a few more black lines on his head: "What do you know about my feeling? We've been friends since the first grade, but no matter what I say, Kazuha really changed! I will definitely catch the culprit!" Hattori Heiji's eyes flashed a firm gaze.


A group of people entered a seafood restaurant and ate the blessed pufferfish that must be eaten on New Year's Day. After eating and drinking, everyone left the restaurant.

It's almost half-past seven, night has fallen, and Saitama Prefecture has become very lively. The night market has opened. The shops on the left and right of the street sell all kinds of exquisite items, the orange lanterns are hung, and the top of the mountain is in the distance. Flames began to ignite above the sky, preparations for the first festival in the world were about to begin, and the atmosphere of the New Year was permeated everywhere.

Ran, Kazuha, and Haibara's eyes lit up at the same time when they saw this scene.

On the other hand, Kogoro Mouri yawned, and he opened his mouth to everyone:

"You girls can go shopping, I'm a little tired, so I will go back to the hotel to soak in the hot spring."

Ran couldn't help frowning and said, "Dad, why are you so killjoy!?" Haibara and Kazuha also looked dissatisfied.

Mouri Kogoro really felt that the energy consumed in these three days and nights was too much, and he was really unsupported, so he ignored the advice of the three girls and went back to the hotel alone.

Kazuha's eyes brightened when she saw this, as if she had thought of something, she hurriedly said, "Ran, and Ai, then let's walk around by ourselves."

Hattori Heiji, who was behind them, wanted to follow. But Kazuha quickly turned around and said, "Hattori-san, we are going to buy things for girls. Please don't follow us."

Ran agreed casually: "In this case, Conan will be handed over to you, Heiji, please help take good care of Conan."

Conan, who hadn't reacted yet, was sold to Hattori Heiji by Ran, vomiting blood in his heart.

Looking at the three who were going away, both of them looked angry, and finally looked at each other hostilely, and said in unison: "It's your fault!."


Mouri Kogoro, who returned to the luxury hot spring hotel alone, asked for an indoor private hot spring pool, and then took a bathrobe and went to the hot spring.

Because Saitama Prefecture's No. 1 Festival has just begun, the outside is the busiest time, and the people in the hotel are all out to watch the excitement, so Kogoro Mouri arrived easily at his private hot spring pool.

The private hot spring pool is in a wooden hut. There is a path paved with cobblestones in the house, leading to the hot spring pool made of marble. The spring water enters from the outside and the water is misty inside.

Kogoro Mouri doesn't like the various Japanese festivals, so he chose to come back to the hot springs to wash away the boredom. He washed his body first, and then stepped into the warm spring water, making nasal noises involuntarily.

Kogoro Mouri only exposed his head to the surface of the water, and then began to meditate on the guidance technique. Energy slowly gathered from all directions and poured into his body, and vitality gradually returned to his body.


The world's first festival began. At 8:01, the sky character on the Saitama Mountain began to burn, and the huge sky character burned on the mountain. People under Saitama Prefecture looked up and the big characters were clearly visible.

Ran and her party stopped in front of a kimono shop, where all kinds of beautiful girl kimonos were placed.

While the three of them were constantly choosing kimonos, Kazuha suddenly frowned and said to Ran and Haibara: "I seem to have something left in the hotel room. You two choose first. I'll go back to take it first."

Ran and Haibara nodded and continued to choose kimonos without any doubt.

On the other side of the street, Hattori Heiji was holding Conan, and Conan was holding a rabbit balloon in his hand. He looked helpless, but in front of Hattori Heiji, he still couldn't reveal his identity, so he could only act as a little brother obediently.

With this lively New Year's Day scene, Hattori Heiji was also full of interest, dragging Conan to wander around.


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#1 = 5 Chapters Daily.

#2 = 3 Chapters Daily.

#3 = 2 Chapters Daily.

==== Daily Chapter is 1-2 ====

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