
In The World Of Detective Conan: The Strongest Uncle!

The real crime in this world is not as simple as what is shown in anime. Blood and darkness are mixed with the ultimate evil in the world. In the modified version of Detective Conan, a terrifying world of tricks, Kogoro has the system on his back and is bound to be the strongest detective in the world. "What I have been searching for is the truth! Of course, money and beauty are also indispensable!" Follow Kogoro Mouri on his journey on the World of Detective Conan! [PS: The world of Detective Conan is full of Murder and during the reasoning, the case will be explained in detail so it's not for readers that have a 'weak heart'. Although it's still on the 'light' side right now, you've been warned.] #TAGS: #Mature #R18 #Action #Aggressive Main Character #Aggressive Characters #Adultery #Affair #Age Regression #Body Swap #Businessmen #Carefree Protagonist #Cohabitation #Complex Family Relationships #Dark #Criminals #Detective #Kaito Kidd #Lupin... PS: I will add more later... ========= ===== == Disclaimer(s): Author(s) Ddeath Husstle Raw Source(s) sj.uukanshu.com Translator(s) Levaa

Levaa · Anime & Comics
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180 Chs

Case Closed: The Strongest Uncle!

Chapter 95: Night Assault!

Among them, the fat aunt Mariko was the happiest and said to the bald man on the side: "Dad is dead, Kitaro, this entire Hatamoto consortium is yours. Ichiro can concentrate on painting and continue his studies. I can also inherit the Hatamoto Foundation."

The yellow-haired Tatsuo Hatamoto said, dissatisfied: "Aunty, don't tell me you want to monopolize your property?"

Mariko laughed, her face blushing visibly: "Of course not, we will also share some for you at that time."

At this moment, the old butler Suzuki who heard this said: "I have something to report to you all. In order to prevent this from happening, the master actually made a will a few years ago. And It will be announced when we return to Tokyo after marriage."

When everyone heard this, their faces changed greatly and they stood up in shock.

Mariko Hatamoto's mouth began to tremble: "Butler, don't tell me all the property will be given to Natsue!?"

The old butler nodded: "This will have been made since Miss Natsume was admitted to the University of Tokyo."

When everyone heard the news, they were unable to sit back on their chairs, and their faces were extremely ugly

The yellow-haired man stood up suddenly and yelled: "In this case, there is no hope of inheriting the property. Damn it, I would have married Natsumi if I knew it."

Aiki was immediately enraged when she heard this: "What are you saying, did you marry me for the property of my family?"

"Of course, otherwise, who would marry a shrew-like you, every day being with you is torture!"

"You are a useless guy. You are idle and lazy. If I didn't marry you, you would never find a wife!"

Another round of tearing has begun.

It didn't take long to hear this extremely bad news, everyone was in no mood to eat dinner, one by one got up from the restaurant and left.

This is how a family in high society works. Assets first before anything else.

Mouri Kogoro was still thinking, he always felt that he seemed to be missing something.

Haibara, who was in his arms, looked at Kogoro's pensive face, and couldn't help but reach out to help him massage his temples.

Kogoro looked at this look of Haibara, his face couldn't help showing a smile.

Mouri Kogoro kissed Haibara's cheek and put Haibara on the chair beside him. He said to Ran: "I will go out and feel the sea breeze by myself, and organize my thoughts."

After that, he walked to the deck alone.

Just as Mouri Kogoro stepped out of the cabin, he saw Miss Natsue crying by the fence. She was wearing only a light blue skirt and looked very thin.

Mouri Kogoro was about to walk in the direction of Natsue to comfort her.

But at this moment, the entire ship was powered off, all the lights disappeared, and both the cabin and the deck were completely dark.

Everyone couldn't help but panic.

Suddenly a running sound appeared, and someone seemed to run in the direction of Natsue in the dark.

Mouri Kogoro immediately felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly sprinted back and forth in accordance with the direction he had just remembered, and ran in that direction.

Natsue turned around, and said with a little face with teardrops in panic: "What's the matter, why the power went out."

This sound just gave Mouri Kogoro a guide, and he grabbed the slender waist of Natsume, and Natsume immediately screamed.

"It's me, don't be afraid." Kogoro's gentle voice came out, and Natsume stopped struggling.

But at this moment, the sound of breaking wind came over, as if someone was attacking with a weapon, Mouri Kogoro hurriedly stretched out his hand to block, with a bang.

Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but let out a cold snort, what seemed to be an iron rod hitting his arm.

The blow was unsuccessful, and the man-made another move, and there was another sound of breaking wind. In the darkness, Kogoro could not see anyone. However, out of the intuition of the martial artist, he listened to the sound and blocked it, he held the iron ton tightly the moment it hit him.

The incoming person couldn't break free, and couldn't pull the iron rod away, so he immediately let go, turned and ran in other directions.

"Mouri-kun, Mouri-kun, are you okay?" The frightened Natsume kept groping on Kogoro with both hands, asking him if he was injured.

Mouri Kogoro tightly guarded Natsume and made sure that the murderer had gone. He was relieved. If it was a step late, Natsume would become a corpse.

"Natsume, I'm okay, but the person who wanted to attack you ran away." Kogoro Mouri hugged Natsume's trembling body tightly, patted her softback gently with his big hands, gently comforting her.

In this way, the purpose of the murderer this time is very clear, it should be for the property.

"Natsume, let's go to the electric room together. It should have tripped, but I'm afraid the murderer will come back again, so you can go with me."

Mouri Kogoro stretched out his hand to hug Natsume's shoulder, but it seemed that he had made a mistake in his judgment in the dark. He accidentally touched a soft lump, and he couldn't help but grab it subconsciously.


Natsume exclaimed again in a low voice.

"Sorry, I caught it in the wrong place." Kogoro put his hand on Natsume's shoulder again, and the two groped forward in the dark together.

In the darkness, Natsume's pretty face blushed. She smelled the breath from Kogoro, and she felt a sense of security that she had never had before.

Listening to Natsume's guidance, the two came to the cabin's electric room step by step. Kogoro pulled the switch on again, and the lights immediately restored.

In front of the two of them is a simple delay device. A candle, a thin wire and a heavy object are used to create a delay device. The candle gradually burns, and the thin wire that binds the heavy object is burned, and the heavy object falls with the switch Then the power goes out. This kind of device is very simple, anyone can do it.

At this time, Natsume in his arms spoke softly: "Mouri-kun, where did you just get hurt, let me see."

"Nothing, he just hit me in the arm."

Natsume hurriedly pulled Kogoro's arm over, untied the cuffs and pushed it up, and saw a deep bruise, her face was very nervous: "Mouri-kun, it looks like it hurt, do you want to see a doctor?"

Mouri Kogoro smiled: "It's okay, this kind of small injury is nothing to me."

The two of them were still hugging each other at the moment, their faces were very close together, and the atmosphere seemed to become a little charming for a while.

Kogoro looked at the exquisite face of Natsume just a few inches away. Her eyes seemed a little red after tears and felt pitiful, and the pink lips seemed to be particularly attractive, making Kogoro attracted to it. Without hesitation, he kissed her pink lips.

Natsume's green eyes kept shrinking, and her little hand slapped Mouri Kogoro's shoulder, doing resistance that seemed like nothing.

The kiss was so strong that he kissed Natsume until she was fascinated. Only then did Maori Kogoro stop. His nose gently rubbed against Natsume's nose, and his fingers were gently inserted into the hair on her head. Looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, he couldn't help but say: "Let's go, Natsume, let's get the attacker out."

"Hai, Mouri-kun!" Natsume's small face was slightly smoked, her body seemed boneless, and her legs were weak, so she couldn't stand up.

Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but stretch out his hand to support Natsume's small waist. Natsume felt a big hand on her waist, and couldn't help her body from trembling, but she did not resist, but her delicate face became even redder.

She involuntarily flicked the long hair under her temples, wanting to take a closer look at Mouri Kogoro beside her.

Kogoro touched the silk-like dress in his hand and felt the delicate skin inside. He couldn't bear to let go, and the two of them leaned on each other and walked towards the restaurant.

The two soon arrived in the restaurant, Ran and Haibara hurriedly greeted them.

Seeing Mouri Kogoro supporting Natsume, the two women's eyes were fixed on Natsume, both of them were a little dissatisfied.