
In The World Inside Worlds

A guy who died ends up in a world he didn't expect, he only gets one advantage thought that is his experience Bar....... What will he do now that he doesn't know what to do in another world... What can this Experience Bar really do???? I dont own anything but my own OC

Cold_Phantom19 · TV
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4 Chs

[4] Talk, Elijah Wakes Up....

After twisting and turning for an hour I finally made it to the church again, going inside I went straight to the room from last time. There was still a light on inside so I lightly pushed the door open and walked inside, Davina was sitting at her easel painting something.

She heard me walk in so she turned around with a surprise look on her face, "What are you doing here so soon? Don't you have friends to hang out with tonight?" she asked setting her stuff down.

"I need a place to crash until I can leave, but that will take a moment seeing as I need to find my friend. He went to some party tonight leaving with some woman, hours later she came and attacked me. Now I am here and she is well let's just say she is not around anymore." He saw her look of horror and thought of his words, "Ahh sorry she was a Vampire."

She calmed down hearing that, "Well I don't know, I mean I trust you and all but how do I know you wont lead them here and they will do the same to me?"

"Well aren't you currently cloaked and no one can find you? Isn't that enough?" I asked looking at her with a little anger, I knew what she wanted but that drags me further in I saw the coffin open and knew he was going to wake soon.

"Yeah but that is for me, you----"

"I will tell you how to kill them okay? Just give me a few days." I said cutting her off and she returned that with a beautiful smile.

"Alright then go ahead and stay but first tell me how to kill them." she giggled happily while sitting down and getting comfortable.

"The originals can only be killed by a white oak stake, it was part of what made them so it is also the thing that can kill them. Bad news is though that unless you can find where they hid the last one then you can't kill them." I said placing my bag in the corner and taking a seat at the only table in the room.

"What about finding another tree and getting one from there." she asked while sitting cross legged on the bed.

"You want that information then it is going to cost you the bed." I said leaning back in the chair, I was wondering how I was going to add the points to my stats that I got for leveling up.

She didn't speak for a moment before I heard, "Fine you can sleep on the bed but no funny business." she had a small blush on her cheeks.

I was stunned I didn't expect her to agree even less I didn't think she would actually sleep in the bed with me, looking at her I shrugged. "There are no more trees, the last known wood they got rid of years ago but not before someone made Stakes out of it. Now I think there is only two left remaining I could be wrong though. Ahh last thing you shouldn't have taken the dagger out he is now waking up and can also hear everything we are saying, he should be up by tomorrow afternoon."

She looked over at the coffin and sighed she had just fought with Marcel earlier about it and now it seems that she should have let him take it when he came. "Is there anything we can do? There is no telling what will happen when he wakes up."

"Nope not even daggering will work until he is fully back, the only thing we can do is wait. Though knowing his personality we will be fine since he sees himself as a gentleman if only he wasn't following his brother so much I am sure he would be a great man." I said resting my eyes.

I got a surprise when I closed them my status screen showed up and I put the ten points I got into each thing, after tonight I needed to grow as strong as possible. When I was done I opened my eyes to see Davina thinking something over on her bed, "What are you thinking about over there?" I asked.

(Status in Author Thoughts)

"Well I was just wondering if there was some way we could make this dagger do the the same as the Stake. I mean it can turn them into husk so why can't it get strong enough to kill them?" she wondered aloud while biting her thumb making her look adorable.

"Nah couldn't work. The dagger is already coated with it so it already shows that it isn't strong enough, though I'm sure if you got with your witch friends you could think of something." I said.

She winced and looked away, "Well that is kind of hard at the moment since I can't really go near them."

"Oh why is that?"

"Well," she hesitated before sighing then she went into the story about the harvest ritual and why she ran away from it.

"I mean I understand where you are coming from but if this has been done in your coven for years now then why don't you trust it enough to do it?" I asked since I couldn't remember if I they explained that in the series or not at this point I was going off memory of what I did know.

She paused thinking about it, "It wasn't really my decision, I was in the middle of the Harvest when they started slicing the other girls throats. Marcel came in a took me away before they got to me but when he told me that Sophie said it wasn't a guarantee that we came back he took me away. After that I just got mad at them since they were doing something that might not work."

I looked over at her and she seemed unsure of what to do, I couldn't just convince her either though I knew what would happen if she didn't do it. Sighing I walked over and after kicking off my shoes I jumped in bed next to her, she moved slightly to the side, "We are make tough choices, think about it clearly before you do something that you may not be able to take back."

Not waiting for her answer I began to sleep, one thing about me is that I was able to easily fall asleep no matter if it was this life or the past, "Goodnight." is the last thing I heard before she moved in the covers going to sleep next to me.

-----------The Next Day

The next morning I woke up and got out of bed looking around, it took me a moment to realize where I was before looking at the girl who was sleeping on the bed. She looked like a angel when she slept like that, though the little drool on the pillow was like a punch to the gut making her more adorable than she already was.

Smiling to myself I walked over to Elijah's coffin and looked down at him, "I'm going to grab breakfast, you should be up by the time I get back. I know where the stake is so if she isn't how I left her when I get back then it will be in your heart." After the threat I wrote a note for Davina and left, I missed her opening her eyes and smiling as I Dove out of there.

Without a car it took an hour to get to the city and I quickly bought food for me and her before heading back, along the way I saw police cars at Max's parents bar though. Ignoring that I went back as quick as I could, when I got there the two were sitting and talking, they both looked over at me when I walked in.

"I got breakfast burritos." I said walking over to Davina and handing her two along with an orange juice, "I see you are awake Mikaelson."

"Elijah please, and it is a pleasure to meet you to Mr.?" He asked looking at me with a slight smile but he made no move from where he stood.

I looked at Davina who nodded and smiled while taking a bite of her food, "Dex, and please try not to be so formal it doesn't fit someone I see as a murder." I said taking a bite of my own food.

"What does that mean, I remember you saying I was the gentleman of us." He said losing a little of his smile.

"Simple you follow your brother hoping for his redemption while also at the same time just being as savage as him. You are really just a walking hypocrite who says his brother needs to change while you yourself do the same thing he does." I then quietly at my food as he thought it over, for a small girl Davina was eating hers quickly with a blissful smile. It made me dazed for a moment.

She looked over at me and smirked catching me staring, "Well then Elijah you can leave if you want but your memory will be wiped."

That brought him from his thoughts, "Actually I was hoping we could talk, maybe make a deal. I am willing to let you see some pages from my mothers book."

She looked shocked for a moment then looked over at me, when I didn't say anything she knew it was her decision to make. I ate my breakfast while listening to the two of them, I still needed to find Max and maybe kill some more Vampires if I am lucky.

10 points--> (New Stats, Strength-17, Defense-18, Agility-22, Intelligence-5.7) Level 4

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