
In The World Inside Worlds

A guy who died ends up in a world he didn't expect, he only gets one advantage thought that is his experience Bar....... What will he do now that he doesn't know what to do in another world... What can this Experience Bar really do???? I dont own anything but my own OC

Cold_Phantom19 · TV
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4 Chs

[2] Alright Then......

In front of me was a screen showing some stats of course they were mine but there was more than that.

(Normal human has a base of 2 for everything, luck base is 1 more than five is extreme luck)

[Lvl: 2 Exp:0 Race: None

STR: 2.3

DEF: 2.1

AGI: 2.6

INT: 1.7

Luck: 8

Free Points: 1]

[Choose New Race:

Vampire Lord: Extreme raise in speed and strength, you will live until your heart and brain are destroyed at the same time. Have influence over other vampires for having a purer bloodline than them. (Disadvantage- Weaker in Sunlight, Weakness to Fire, Must Drink Bloods [12 ounces every month])

Alpha Lord Werewolf: Extreme raise in Speed, Strength, and Defense, lifespan increased by 100 years. Have influence over other wolfs even at the Alpha status for being a pureblood werewolf. (Disadvantage- Silver, Wolfsbane, Weakness to Fire) Curse of Moon- Transform every full moon [uncontrollable]

Nephilim: All Status raised, Gain 1 eye power of choosing, lifespan increased until Killed. Hybrid of human and angel, influence over animals. (Disadvantage- Archangel Blade, Grace Extraction, Angel Ritual) No side effects caused.]

These were the only options and it seemed like they were overkill, I was also wondering why there was nothing with magic, that would have been cool. Looking at it though I think this was the only chance I was getting for something like this the question though what was going to happen to my life the moment I chose one of these it couldn't be good.

It was an easy pick though since there was three I went with Nephilim all the way, it gave me the same feeling it was similar to Jack from supernatural only a little different. After I choose it a long list for Eye powers showed up and it was nearly endless some I had only heard about in Anime's I needed to choose wisely here or this would be bad.

I thought about it for a moment before deciding what I wanted, it was obvious I was somewhere dangerous but seeing as I never came anywhere near it then I was in a safe area. Then again I never knew what life would throw at me for this so I said f*ck it and went and chose something I always wanted it was the Deva Path in Rinnegan, Banshō Ten'in and Shinra Tensei.

When I choose it suddenly my eyes burned some but I knew they didn't change much other than gaining a little ring inside of them, I also got the information to control them. Although I knew what it was in English since it was now my power I could say it in fluent Japanese which was the best thing ever.

Sorry to my main man Itachi who I should have followed.

The next second though I was happy though I didn't get his powers I got something similar to him I could move by white doves instead of ravens. This was close enough for me though it would help to make cool and flashy entrances while also staying to true to my favorite character in the show.

The only thing I got other than that is giant wings which I would need to check out tomorrow after I woke up and an increase to my status if I wanted more I would need to see if I got it. Smiling to myself my last thoughts before falling asleep was thanking the person who gave me this, still mad about the whole just putting me here but thankful for that.

------The Next Day

I woke up feeling refreshed and a lot more excited to start the day, the first thing I test when I woke up was how my wings looked. It was a good thing that I slept shirtless because that would have made it go to shreds, the wings were fifteen or twenty feet in span. They were a white but I saw little shades of purple in them it was like an under glow beneath them, well this was awesome.

They felt as though they have been apart of me my entire life, and if I wasn't in my apartment at the moment then I would have flown to the sky cheering and laughing all the way. Done with that I wanted to try Banshō Ten'in and Shinra Tensei, I looked at a can across the room and said in a low voice with my hand out 'Banshō Ten'in' and it flew to my hand.

The feeling I got from using it was like something was pulling in my gut I didn't know what it was but it was something foreign, instinctively I knew I could do this about three more times before I was worn out. Nodding I used 'Shinra Tensei' and localized it to the can in my hand, with that much force on it the can was in shreds before it got two feet away from me.

The limit of five seconds only effected me if I used the same one twice it didn't effect me though if I used the other next to it. Now this was just to awesome but I'm hoping that nothing major happens before I get stronger I didn't need to die before I got to experience this.

Also last night in that weird state I put the whole one point in INT I was going to need that, everything else was passed 10 after I chose my new race. There was still one last thing that I needed to try before I got ready to head to the airport, we had an early flight hence why I was up at 6am for a 9am flight.

Concentrating the next thing I knew I heard wings flapping and it was an out of body experience as I ended up slamming my face into a wall, forgot to look where I was going. Rubbing my sore nose I stood up and tried again this time seeing the Doves as they slowly came from my feet, then arms, finally my whole body was moving across the room as I landed on the bed.

Coming back to myself I sighed looking up at the ceiling, that is such a weird feeling but awesome, hopefully when I fully master it I will be as fast as Itachi was when he was using his. I put my wings away and took a shower while thinking about what my future would be like now that this has happen to me, one thing was clear though this isn't a normal world.

After getting ready and taking my packed bag I went downstairs and saw my friend there in his jeep looking excited, his girlfriend was in the passenger seat next to him. "Whooo! let's go Dex we have a whole week of partying to do!" he shouted getting out and taking my bag before throwing it into the trunk.

"Still overly hyper as always huh Max?" I asked with a small chuckle all the memories of this guy was good so I didn't see the need to be distant to him. He just chuckled and ran around to the front, sitting in the back seat were two different people the guy was a little stocky with brown hair and brown eyes.

Getting in I looked at him for a moment and he blushed, well that tells me one thing but why does he look so familiar, I wondered looking down at the girl next to him who sat in the middle. She was small and had dirty blonde hair but was cute none the less, "Hey I'm Dex."

"Hi I'm Josh, this is my friend Tina. Hope you don't mind us crashing." The guy said with a smile while looking at me and shaking my hand.

I could have sworn I have seen him somewhere but I don't remember where exactly, ignoring it I shot them a smile, "Don't worry about it I was invited last minute anyway so it doesn't matter."

"Ahh come on Dex you were the next person I asked after my girl here so don't think anything of it." Max said from the front before blasting the music, his girlfriend of the month smiled at his words. Most likely though by the end of this trip she would be stuck in a different state looking for a way home though.

When we got to the airport it was already time to board so we rushed to check in and get on the plane Max didn't want to waste a night.

-----Two hour plane ride.

When we landed in New Orleans Josh and Tina went their own way, apparently Tina was the sister of Max's current girlfriend and they hitched a ride there. Max was already in party mode, his parents owned a bar in the quarter so when they found his driver he told them to take them there.

The place was beautiful it was also my first time being in a this state or anywhere near here so it would be an experience. When we got to his parents bar he knew the guy running by name and they exchanged hands of something before Max led me and the girl to the apartment upstairs.

I was feeling a little weird though the moment I got close to this place it was like someone was brushing against me lovingly and it felt nice. I brushed it off though as excitement for being in a new place, the city was already loud with noise and celebrating and Max couldn't wait to join.

"Well me and my girl are out Dex, Enjoy yourself and here is the Key to the place meet me later here tonight for free drinks. And try not to stay in here all day alright it isn't that great." He didn't wait for my reply before leaving.

Sighing I changed my clothes and showered even being on a plane for an hour and first class didn't help how dirty I felt from breathing recycled oxygen. After my shower I left and decided to explore I was only here a week might as well get the most of it, along the way I stepped on any bug or insect I saw gaining a little Exp.

Since I was looking at the ground I didn't know where I was walking until I noticed the place was quite, looking up I realized I managed to walk off somewhere that I had no clue where. Looking around I saw what seemed to be an abandoned church walking closer I decided to check it out, not like I was going to get any more lost than I already was.

Walking inside the place looked oddly familiar but I just couldn't place it, it was the same feeling I got seeing Josh earlier, shrugging it off I looked around. The ground floor had nothing so I walked over to the side stairs that led upwards, looking around there was two ways one to the walk way and another was a dark hall.

Well going down the rabbit hole I walked down the hall towards the only door that was there, as I got close it felt like I walked through something but I ignored it and kept moving. The door was slightly cracked as I got closer, pushing it slightly the old hinges creaked revealing a room with just an easel, bed, some board games, and a coffin with and E on it.

My eyes stopped though on the girl who was standing over the coffin getting ready to open it, like a flood breaking a dam I knew exactly where I was and what was going on. "Shit!" I said out loud causing her to look over.

She was 5'3 with long brown hair that reached her mid back she had incredible blue eyes that were hauntingly beautiful. Her full pouty lips looked kissable and I was holding myself back from doing just that, her face was currently scrunched in confusion but she still looked super cute that way.

"How did you get up here? Who are you?" she demanded looking ready to use magic on him the moment he lied to her.

Stats after race change (Strength-15, Defense-15, Agility-20, Int2.7)

Monster Energy anyone?!?!!?

Cold_Phantom19creators' thoughts