

I find myself waking up in the woods. No one near or around me. Not even an animal. I think to myself 'What the hell did i do to end up here?' i quikly stand up and by my surprise i think i see someone laying in the grass. I run as fast as i can to her screaming "Ma'm! where are we?" i'm not getting any response which is startling me since my scream is pretty loud and sharp. i kneel beside her and turn her around. "Oh my god..." i could not tell who she was but the only thing i can say that i am sure about, is that the woman laying on the ground. is not recognizable. i immediately try to find my phone to call 911. nowhere to be found. i recognize the clothing that the woman was wearing but i couldn't tell from who it was. what am i supposed to do now? i'm in the woods in the middle of nowhere with nothing but clothes and a Jane Doe beside me. no phone, no food and no water. i'm scared. this woods doesn't really look like the type of woods hitchhikers would walk. I don't and just can't remember how i got here. the sun goes dawn and i drift of to sleep. thinking and trying to remember. how in did i get here?

it's my first novel and i didn't really know how to start it but i have lots of ideas planned for you guys so i geuss like it? add to library? xoxo Nienke

Nienke_van_Dijkcreators' thoughts