

My mom told me that I could bring Riley on the trip if I wanted. Riley is my best friend in the whole world. But she can be a little rude sometimes. Once she told me to donate some of my shoes to an orphanage because I had 10000 and I could spare some! Can you believe it! But I always forgive her. I'm that kind. After I found out that I had to camp in the wild I pestered my mom until she let me bring my glamper. So I went upstairs and started packing my bag. I filled it with swimsuits, pajamas,dresses,socks, and lots of bug spray. As I packed my suitcase in the back or the glamper I saw Riley walking up to me. "Hey,"I said. "Hey,Ann," Riley replied. Then she saw how big my suitcase is and said "You know we're not going to visit the queen of England, right?" I ignored her and rolled my eyes as she threw her light duffel bag into the glamper. I asked her what we were going to once we got there. She told me that she always enjoyed fishing with her father. I asked her if that was the cleanest thing to do in the jungle and she said probably. I wanted her to say yes but at least it wasn't a no. So Riley ran to a nearby store and came out with two long poles and a box that said bait. She threw it in with the bags and got into the drivers seat. Let's go!