

story of a lady that her destiny connect with her vampire boss. Her boss was dangerous in the night , when ever he was hunting to kill or do anything dangerous or in a distress all black hair in his body change to white and his voice change she caught her boss in his dangerous look at night when he was drug by one of his business partner, so his going to be able to sleep with his daughter but unfortunately his secretary fall victim meet , that night change her story and her boss was a single father. let see how her boss dealt with her, how did their destiny connect and how did they fall in love. "Serena has always been devoted to her vampire boss, but her feelings for him are just platonic. When she discovers that his daughter has been taken by a dark force, Serena embarks on a dangerous journey to rescue her. As she risks everything to save the girl, Serena must face her feelings for her boss, even as she discovers that the kidnapper's motives are more sinister than she could have ever imagined." patiently read it calmly , don't forget to like , review and follow.

kaysweeties · Fantasy
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14 Chs




Alice and Jenny sat on the chair inside the school compound with a warm smell from the garden behind them making the air blown freashness with a good smell.

They were waiting for their driver before Alice think of explaining what she was thinking of doing with her friend Jenny.

"Jenny you Know all this while my dad didn't always appears in school for any school event and especially parents with their child event and I can't leave my life like this anymore again" she said sadly. Jenny hold her friend hand squeezing it slowly , giving her assurance feeling.

Both of them looking at the people inside the school and they were all doing different things after school closed some her waiting for their driver , some her walking to the school gate while some her playing not ready to go home yet .

After some time Alice broke the silence again and turn a little to look at her friend's face .

"I don't know what to do," Alice said, as she started licking her ice cream that was already melting when she was not licking it earlier, her friend was with her own ice cream too. "My dad has been single for so long, and I really want him to find someone. But he's not very good at meeting new people."

Jenny nodded sympathetically. "I understand," she said. "It can be really tough to watch a loved one struggle to find love. But I think we can come up with some ideas to help him out."

"That's what I was hoping you would say," Alice said with a smile. "I know you're great at this sort of thing. What do you think we should do" Alice asked her friend expectantly .

"I think the first step is to figure out what type of person your dad is looking for," Jenny said, as they strolled through the school's quiet hallways. "What are his interests? What is he looking for in a partner?"

Alice thought for a moment. "Well, my dad is a very practical person. He's not the type to go for looks or flashy things. He values honesty and loyalty above all else. And he's always been a hard worker, so I think he would appreciate someone who shares that same work ethic."

"That's a great start," Jenny said.

"I think the best place to start would be to look for women who have things in common with your dad," Jenny suggested. "If they have similar interests or values, they're more likely to hit it off. Do you know any women in your dad's life who fit that description?"

Alice thought for a moment. "Well, there's Mrs. Harris, who lives next door," she said. "She's always been really kind to my dad, and they have a lot of the same interests. She loves to garden, just like he does. And she's always been very supportive of his hobbies "Alice explained

"I think you might be onto something with Mrs. Harris," Jenny said, nodding thoughtfully. "But what if we introduced your dad to someone a bit closer to his own age? Like Serena, for example. She's such a sweet person, and I know your dad would appreciate her kind heart and gentle spirit. And they already have a connection through you."

Alice's eyes lit up. "Serena is a wonderful idea!" she exclaimed. "I know they would hit it off. She's such a caring person, and she always goes out of her way to help others ,

"I actually met Serena once," Alice said. "She's the secretary at my dad's office, and she's always been really kind to me. I think she would be a great match for him. Plus, they already have a professional connection, so it wouldn't be too much of a stretch for them to get to know each other better."

"I completely agree," Jenny said, smiling. "I think it's a great idea. Now we just need to figure out how to get them together without making it too obvious that we're matchmaking. Do you have any ideas?"

"What if we organized a company picnic?" Alice suggested. "It could be a casual event, where everyone could bring their families and enjoy some outdoor activities. Then we could encourage Serena and my dad to hang out during the picnic. I think it would be the perfect opportunity for them to get to know each other without any pressure."

Jenny nodded enthusiastically. "That's a fantastic idea! I think they would both really enjoy something like that. And it would be a fun way for everyone at the office to get to know each other better. Do you think your dad would be open to the idea?"

"I'm not sure ". Alice answered with a doubting expression.

"I think it's a great idea to invite my dad to the student picnic," Alice said after a little deliberation . "But I'm not sure if he'll be able to go, since he's so busy with work. And I don't want to make it too obvious that we're trying to set him up with Serena. What if we just focus on getting him to the picnic, and then let things unfold naturally?"

Jenny nodded thoughtfully. "That's a great point. The last thing we want is for him to feel like we're interfering in his personal life. We should definitely let him come to the picnic on his own.

After discussing the idea further, they decided to invite Alice's dad to the picnic, without any mention of Serena. They would simply tell him that it would be a great opportunity to get to know his daughter's classmates and the other parents at the school. They hoped that if he attended the picnic, he and Serena would hit it off naturally. But even if they didn't, it would still be a fun event for everyone involved.

As they waited for the car to arrive, Alice and Jenny chatted about the plans for the picnic. They talked about the location, the food, and the activities that would be available for the students and their families. They were both getting more and more excited about the event.

Finally, the car pulled up to the school. Alice and Jenny said goodbye and climbed into the back seat. As the car pulled away, they both hoped that their plan would work and that Alice's dad and Serena would hit it off at the picnic. But even if they didn't, it would still be a fun event for everyone involved.

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