
Chapter One: TTYL, Shasha

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Dear Diary,

Hi! I'm Shasha! Shasha ______.

So aaanyway, my mom gave me this book! Well, NOTEbook specifically - to write down whateeever I want to! And for some reason, I wanna use this as a diary. Because I can?

So, since nothing much happened today, and nothing exciting to write about, I'll just introduce myself:

My name is Shasha. I'm 11 years old, my birthday is on October 27, and I LOOOVE animals! Also, just between you and me since my parents don't know... I'm bisexual. Meaning I can like-like boys AND girls! I don't think there's anythibg wrong with that, do you? Anyway, I also draw, and I like to read, I'm a bit of a bookworm you see... And I am homeschooled.

Okay okay, before you say anything like "OMG SHE'S SO LUCKY AAAAA-" please don't- I really like it and stuff since my mom teaches me and I don't have to wake up early, but I REALLY wish it wasn't so lonely... I mean, I miss my friends from third grade, those times were fun. But I won't be dwelling on it too much! There's ALWAYS a bright side! At least that's what I believe.

Oofles- I gotta go, it's WAAAY past my bed time, and I should go to sleep soon, I don't wanna get into trouble haha... So that's all for today I guess, bye!



P.S. "TTYL" means "talk to you later" just in case you didn't know hehe. Wow I'm talking to a book I'm losing my mind- Just kidding! Okay okay goodnight-