

Lauren who was staring out her bedroom window, felt a shadow creep behind her and she was right. She was fast on her feet and quickly spun throwing fists at random, her eyes closed shut, hoping to hit something or get enough crucial damage.

Someone delicately held her right wrist causing her to open her eyes to see who she tried attacking. She took a sigh of relief, staring at the familiar male figure she'd been seeing for over two months.

"Oh it's you. You scared the shit out of me." Lauren clenched her chest trying to get her heart rate to normal. "How did you get in?"

"You shouldn't be scared love—" he planted a kiss on her palm.

Lauren quickly cut him off. "I told you to stop calling me that, you know I'm carrying Peter's baby; I already feel guilty—"

"—You should be petrified."

"Excuse me?" Lauren pulled her wrist out of his grasp. "I didn't quite get what you said."

"You don't have to. Everything will be over soon." He leaned and kissed her. His kisses soft and gentle almost as if to say goodbye. Trailing his kisses to her cheek to her earlobe. And in a whisper he said: "I will be quick I promise." He pulled out the pocketknife, raising it up to her neck and slowly slitting her throat while she took pleasure in his kisses.

Lauren took a stumble back tripping on her own feet and falling to the ground. "The fuck?!" She shrieked, scrambling to get to the door handle only to find it locked. Her ankle got sprained in the process.

"No one can hear you," he closed the only open window having put on a pair of leather gloves. "I told you getting soundproof windows was a great idea."

"What's gotten into you?!"

"Save your breath, it might help prevent the excessive loss of blood before help comes." He got out her phone from his back pocket. "I'm already calling an ambulance."

It took a while before it picked up at the other end. *"Hello what's your emergency."*

Lauren still trying to stop her lungs from exploding from the tension and fear alone shouted back, "help, I'm bleeding—"

The man quickly hung up, "That's enough information for them, isn't it?" He tossed her phone on her bed moving in closer before finally squatting into position.

"Stay away from me." She fumed searching for something she could throw at him. He got a needle with a potent liquid and jabbed it into her exposed thigh. She groaned, but seemed to calm down soon after. You would be surprised what an adequate amount of sedatives could do.

"Did it hurt?" He planted one more kiss on her neck moving along her collarbone and over her shoulders.

"I'm sorry," she sobbed. "I know I cheated on you, but I loved you I swear it."

"Loved?" He chuckled. "How about now, do you still love me now?" His eyes meeting with hers as she quickly looked away. A quick sigh escaped his lips, the hot breath on her skin "You can still escape. There's a window in your bathroom, you might make it alive."

Lauren not giving it a second thought crawled as fast as she could. Her bathtub was being filled with warm water. She struggled to her feet not minding the pain, placing them firmly on the toilet seat trying to get the window open. 'Almost to freedom' she thought, but joy soon shortened when she realized she was in a duplex, crawling out from this height would be a fall to her doom, exactly what he wanted.

There was a large outburst of laughter. "Either the sedatives are making you forget things or the rapid loss of blood." He pointed as her eyes stared at her own trail of blood. Lauren's eyes soon became filled with tears. "You were under medication when you said you loved me, those words were empty just like the love you claimed for the past two months."


He completely ignored her and glanced at the tub of water. "You liked warm bath before bed. I guess I can grant you this last one." He grabbed her by her hair and dunked her face into the water, pushing hard before finally pulling it back up.

"I already apologized." She gasped for air, "What more?"

His face still unfazed. "You still don't get it, it took time for me to realize it too, but this isn't about you or us or what we had. There are greater things."

He dunked her back in, this time he waited till she stopped struggling, till she was dead and he made sure of it.

Once he was done he had a great sense of joy. Forget about redemption and being reborn, sometimes the past is all you need to make a man.


He was in a car right outside a hospital at exactly 10:34pm. The view was breathtaking, although others might have found it traumatizing or frightening. The view of an ambulance, a news crew and paramedics carrying an almost lifeless body. He took a deep breath admiring the dark sky , nothing but streetlights and flashing red lights to illuminate the scene as he hid in a dark ally. The dark silhouette climbed into the Ford Expedition, smiling to himself; admiring his well thought plan unfold. He had scores to settle with his step-siblings and their father.

It wouldn't take long, he thought, before everything goes crumbling down. And he'll be the game master of it all. His vengeance, complete.

     .... In the Office....