
In the Naruto world

Chris Walker was teleported to the world of Naruto. He didn't die, rather someone or something teleported him there for no apparent reason. (Or did he?) The world of Naruto doesn't follow the same script as the original Naruto series. The whole world of Naruto is so much different, even though Chris has watched the entire naruto series, it won't help him at all since everything in Naruto is different. And now Chris has to survive in this new world of Naruto I do not have any rights to the Naruto or the cover either, this is only a hobby to write fan-fiction light novels. WARNING: If you hate harem, then this novel isn't for you. There will never be any sexual content in this novel. And i'll try my best to not let the harem ruin this novel. There are potentially only 5 harem members on it, NO MORE THAN THAT AMOUNT. And yes, I am sorry for not keeping my word for this novel, and included a harem in it. I didn't want it either, because it means more work for me. But I did a poll and harem won. I am sorry for that, and please forgive me. This novel also includes OP mc, for those who don't like OP Mc's. And this also includes light Sasuke and Sakura bashing, only in the early part of the story, but then changes after. And this also includes more characters

Sevion · Anime & Comics
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Ichiraku's ramen shop

I managed to get a better grasp on my Kekkai Genkais/ I am still unable to change my entire body at will, as I was only able to transform my right arm, I still don't have a clear understanding to change my entire body.

I was okay with the fact that I can change my arm like I want it to, I can turn it into a huge knife, or a dragon claw if I wanted to.

And as for my healing Kekkai Genkai, it was a bit easier to understand than the others, I can now regenerate wounds and cuts, I think I can even regenerate an entire arm or a leg. (Depends on the situation.) But the host needs to be alive for me to perform this power, otherwise my healing abilities won't work at all.

As for manipulating time, I still don't have a clear grasp yet, I did however manage to freeze time for 2 seconds before time resumes. Which is very good in a death battle.

I practiced for hours but stopped because I was hungry, I could eat meat but Dom is probably there right now and might do something to me, so I strolled around to find something else.

But this entire time of practice was really fast, what could have taken months or even years turned into a few hours only.

And OH MY GOD NO!!! I just found ichiraku's ramen shop, i've always wanted to try this ramen shop ever since I watched the anime. (Fun fact: Ichiraku's ramen shop does exist)

I didn't have any money but I was grateful that I had the 'creation' skill now I can make a mountain of money with chakra alone.

I entered the place and surprisingly I didn't find Naruto at all, he's probably still doing the bell test with Kakashi and the others. I did however meet Teuchi. (that's the owner's name)

"Hello their young man, welcome to Ichiraku's ramen shop, please have a seat." (Teuchi)

"Hey there" I sat down on a stool "I would like some of your best ramen here" (Chris)

"Right away, Ayame! One serving of our best ramen" (Teuchi)

"Yes father right away" (Ayame) responded

A nice girl wearing white robes clothes said to her father. Her looks were ordinary, but I always liked that smile of hers.

Teuchi turned to me and said with a smile "I haven't seen you here before, are you new in Konoha" (Teuchi)

I have always respected Teuchi and Ayame since they're one of the few people who didn't treat Naruto like trash. And I like these type of people who are nice to others.

"Yes I am new, I just got here in Konoha not too long ago." (Chris)

"Ah I see, well welcome to Konoha, as this is your first time here the first serving is free." (Teuchi)

"That's very nice of you but I wouldn't feel good if I were to eat for free when you just met me." (Chris)

Didn't you eat free food with Dom yesterday, and you two just met as well?

Yes but he's so fat, i'm basically doing him a favour by eating some of his food.


"You're a very well educated kid, what's your name" (Teuchi)

"My name is Chris Walker." (Chris)

"Chris Walker, wait! are you that kid that was recommended by the Hokage himself." (Teuchi)

"Yeah that's me, how did you know that?" (Chris)

"Well rumors like that tend to spread around Konoha very fast, and I also heard it from my best customer. You should know him he in your class when you met him" (Teuchi)

"Let me guess, Naruto" (Chris)

"So you two have met before" (Teuchi)

"Well we haven't technically met, but I have heard about him" (Chris) (And watched his entire life on a screen)

"Oh really, like what" (Teuchi)

"That he is a very bad ninja and that he always does things to get attention from him. Even though I haven't met him he sounds pretty fun, is it true that he once painted the statue of the Kages faces a few days ago" (Chris)

"Ha! that sounds exactly like him, but have you heard about the opinions about other people." (Teuchi)

"You mean the terrible rumors about him" (Chris) looks like he means about him being the nine tails host

"Yes that's it, I don't really know why people talk about him that way, he is a great young lad always full of life and brings joy to us. I just don't understand what he did to deserve something like this" (Teuchi)

"..." (Chris)

Well this room just got awkward.

"Dad the food is ready." (Ayame) Thank you Ayame for breaking this akward mood.

"Oh great, here ya go Chris. Enjoy!" (Teuchi)

"Thanks." (Chris)

I ate the entire bowl and it was very good, i've always liked noodles, now that I think about it why am I still in this dream shouldn't my mom have woked me up ages ago.


I know this voice from anywhere.

(Does anyone remember what Naruto calls Teuchi, becuase I don't think he calls him Teuchi?)

"Hey Naruto welcome back, Ayame bring the usual." (Teuchi)

"Coming up father." (Ayame)

"So Naruto how was the test with Kakashi." (Teuchi)

"It was great, except for the part where Kakashi tied me to a pole and I was starving to death, luckily Kakashi had a good heart and passed us." (Naruto)

"So you're a full pledged ninja now, that's great Naruto. And to celebrate the bowl is on the house". (Teuchi)


"Father if you keep giving free food away like that we'll be closed for business" (Ayame) said jokingly

"Nonsense Ayame, we have to show our customers that we respect them and care for them. Not just their money, isn't that right Naruto and Chris." (Teuchi)

"Huh? Chris?" (Naruto)

"He's right beside you." (Teuchi) pointed at me.

"He AH!!!!!!!!! Chris where did you come from!!!" (Naruto) yelled

"I've been here the whole time actually, you didn't notice me?" (Chris) This is indeed the Naruto I know.

"Haha Naruto was probably so focused on ramen that he didn't even notice your presence." (Teuchi)

"Hehehehe sorry, I guess you would say I had ramen for a brain." (Naruto)

"I guess so, anyway's Ichiraku how much do I owe you." (Chris) (Yes I called him Ichiraku, not Teuchi)

"You don't owe me anything, I already said that this bowl is on the house." (Teuchi)

"I know but I can't just show up and eat for free, you have to let me pay or I will feel like I did a bad thing." (Chris)

" 'sigh' alright, it's 20 ryo." (Teuchi)

"here ya go" (Chris) I gave him a 20 ryo bill and left, but was stopped by a spiky blonde haired kid.

"Wait Chris, how strong are you." (Naruto)

"I guess above average, why do you ask?" (Chris)

"Because i'm gonna be the next hokage and I need to be the strongest in the leaf village to be the best Hokage." (Naruto)

"Oh so you wanna be a Hokage, well it will be very interesting to fight the future Hokage of the leaf village." (Chris)

"ALL RIGHT LET'S GO!" (Naruto)

"Food's ready" (Ayame) We were about to leave but Naruto stopped dead on his tracks after hearing Ayame's words.

"On second thought can we do it after I finish (Naruto) scratched his head and looked at me embarrased.

" 'sigh' okay finish your ramen, I guess I'll have another bowl as well Ichiraku." (Chris)

"Hahaha! you two are so alike, Ayame another bowl of our best ramen." (Teuchi)

"Yes father." (Ayame)

Soon we both finished our bowls i finished paying and we left for our battle in the same place where I fought against Dom today.

"This is gonna be so interesting, I gotta warn you Chris I am not that easy to beat." (Naruto)

"Yeah yeah, let's get on with this." (Chris) I was pretty excited to fight against the leaf village most unpredictable ninja, and the future hokage. Of course I acted as the cool and matured guy, but inside I was just a little happy boy that just recieved the best present he ever got.

"Let's start!!! Shadow clone jutsu!" (Naruto)

Naruto summoned 10 shadow clones and they charged straight at me, which is a very bad mistake since I am a master of taijutsu and Naruto isn't very known for his taijutsu.

I grabbed a kunai and slashed those shadow clones one by one, I was very careful not to hit Naruto, with my master of sensing I could feel who was a shadow clone and who's not. Then I quickly reached for the original and punched him on the stomach.

"PUUH!!!" (Naruto)

He was sent back several feet back from he was standing.

"How did you know which one was me?!" (Naruto)

"I can feel your chakra, some people can't tell but your chakra is larger compared to your shadow clones. Only someone who is very senstive to chakra can tell which one is the original." (Chris)

What I said is infact true.

"I see looks like i'm gonna have to do this. Shadow clone jutsu!" (Naruto)

He summoned about 50 more shadow clones this time, if I remember correctly he never used a ninjutsu other than shadow clones and Rasengan, he still hasn't learn the rasengan but he is very skilled when it comes with the shadow clones. Even I can't use the shadow clones as effectively as him.

Only half of them charged at me, the other half were surrounding Naruto. Just what is he planning, if I have learned one thing from watching anime is that you never underestimate the MC's.

I then jumped high to avoid the group of shadow clones then I used a jutsu "Fire style: Fire bullet jutsu" I aimed it at the ones who surrounded Naruto and used a giant rasengan on the ones that were underneath me.

I landed safely on the ground but I didn't see Naruto anywhere.

"Got ya!" (Naruto)

"What?!" (Chris) I heard a shout behind me and it was Naruto with even more shadow clones.

"UZUMAKI BARRAGE" (Naruto) He used the Uzumaki barrage on me, I was able to block his attack so he did a minimal damage to me. I remember that he doesn't learn the Uzumaki barrage until the chuunin exams, I guess this is the work of God mode.

"How did you sneak up on me like that Naruto?" (Chris)

"hehe I knew that you would use a jutsu on me, so I thought that surrounding me with a bunch of shadow clones you wouldn't be able to sense me, so I secretly dug a hole underground and sneaked up on you.

But in the end my sneak attack didn't work, but what was that air ball thing that you just used, it looked very strong and cool!" (Naruto)

Naruto's eyes were glowing like in the anime, this is the first time he has witnessed the rasengan in action.

"Oh this jutsu is called the rasengan, you want me to teach you" (Chris)

"Yeah" (Naruto) He forgot that we were fighting just now, but I guess it would be fun to teach the main character of this series the move earlier than he was supposed to learn it.

"Okay but you need to give me something in return." (Chris) knowing his personality he will tell everyone that I can teach them this jutsu, i'm gonna make him shut up about it before several high ranked ninja come and hunt me down.

"Something in return. But I don't have any money." (Naruto) said that and showed me his empty pockets.

"I'm not talking about money, just promise me that you won't tell anyone what i'm about to teach you since it is a very strong jutsu." (Chris)

Naruto is a trustworthy character, I just hope that his personality isn't different since this is God mode.

"Oh! Yeah! I can do that" (Naruto)

"Awesome. Come back tomorrow since I will also teach my teamnates something else as well" (Chris)

I thought it would be more fun if I taught everyone together, like a mini classroom.

"Yeah you're the best Chris. See ya" (Naruto) ran and dissapeared.


Naruto literally forgot the reason why we were here in the first place...

" 'sigh' I need a girlfriend." (Chris)

(That was a random thing to say but I know you will get one in the future Chris don't worry)

Ha! you sure do

At least i'm not a blue box.

By the way what about my mission rewards.

Oh god damn it I keep forgetting. Anyway's here ya go.

Mission completed: Complete Dom's task.

Mission reward: Kenjutsu mastery.

Kenjutsu? What's that?

In the Naruto world it means mastery of swords.

Oh neat!, maybe I can be a badass swordsman like that guy that uses 3 swords.

Who knows, maybe?

Well I don't see the harm in learning this new style of jutsu.

I took the book out and read the page cover to cover, if I didn't had the skill that let's me learn everything faster than anybody then this might have taken even weeks to understand it.

Once again I summoned 2000 shadow clones and continued my training.

But what I didn't notice was that there was a black crow watching my every move. It then flew off to somewhere that only god knew.