
In the Naruto world

Chris Walker was teleported to the world of Naruto. He didn't die, rather someone or something teleported him there for no apparent reason. (Or did he?) The world of Naruto doesn't follow the same script as the original Naruto series. The whole world of Naruto is so much different, even though Chris has watched the entire naruto series, it won't help him at all since everything in Naruto is different. And now Chris has to survive in this new world of Naruto I do not have any rights to the Naruto or the cover either, this is only a hobby to write fan-fiction light novels. WARNING: If you hate harem, then this novel isn't for you. There will never be any sexual content in this novel. And i'll try my best to not let the harem ruin this novel. There are potentially only 5 harem members on it, NO MORE THAN THAT AMOUNT. And yes, I am sorry for not keeping my word for this novel, and included a harem in it. I didn't want it either, because it means more work for me. But I did a poll and harem won. I am sorry for that, and please forgive me. This novel also includes OP mc, for those who don't like OP Mc's. And this also includes light Sasuke and Sakura bashing, only in the early part of the story, but then changes after. And this also includes more characters

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Dom's message

The Hokage's place. 3rd person view.

Sarutobi was currently reading a very perverted book. Also known as the Icha Icha paradise, written by a certain long white haired sage pervert.

His face was red, and had a perverted smile on top of it.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

That was the sound of someone knocking at the door. Then Sarutobi quickly put away his book on his desk drawer, and removed his perverted smile from his face.

"Come in." (Hokage)

Then an Anbu lady, with a cat mask appeared in front of the Hokage. In her hand was a half folded piece of paper.

"Lord Hokage." (Yugao) bowed to the Hokage

"What's wrong" (Sarutobi) he doesn't mind if someone came in, but right now he was a bit angry because Yugao interrupted his from his precious reading. And he was on the last chapter of the Icha Icha paradise.

"I have a note from Dom." (Yugao) said and handed the Hokage a white paper.

After hearing her, Sarutobi's face was full of shock and quickly grabbed the note. It's been so long that he has heard anything from Dom, he was even beginning to worry if he was even alive.

He unfolded the paper, and read the following.

Hey there lord Hokage, it's me Dom.

Yeah I know that you must be wondering where the hell i've been this whole time. But you don't have to worry, because I am fine.

This is what happened to me. After the fight in the land of waves. Kisame launched me like a goddamn baseball, and I landed in the other side of the forest. I was bleeding badly, but I was able to summon my golems and they quickly found a medical ninja for me.

I will probably be healed in about a week or two, but don't worry about me because i'm fine. Infact I send this paper to you because i'm gonna be taking a LONG break.

Don't get me wrong Hokage, I am not scared of returning. I am only taking a long leave because after my fight with Kisame, I realized that my stamina is really low, and not only that but i'm the weakest of all the sages.

So i'm gonna be secretly training somewhere to get even stronger, so don't even bother to look for me.

I was able to send my golems to come and check if my students were okay, and i'm glad that somehow everyone managed to make it back alive. Tell my students that i'm sorry, and i'll invite them all to an all you can eat buffet when I come back.

I think i'm drooling from just the thought of it. Well gotta go, and see ya later.

Sincerely, Dom.

Hokage was relieved to see that Dom was fine. But at the same time he was angry. What kind of bastard ditches their students like that, now he has to think of which jonin ninja to assign to team 9.

Kakashi is only a temporary sensei for team nine, and is already a full pleged sensei to team 7. And he can't tell another jonin ninja like Asuma or Kurenai to take care of team 9, because they also have their own responsibilities to fulfill.

He'll think of one during the Chuunin exams.

"Alright thank you Yugao, you are dismissed." (Sarutobi)

"Um! lord Hokage. I have another message to deliver as well." (Yugao) said.

"Speak." (Sarutobi)

"The council has requested for you to join their meeting, they are holding it right now." (Yugao)

"Again. Aw I hate these stupid meetings, they always somehow managed to piss me off, especially when it's about Naruto" (Sarutobi) said reluctantly, and now he has to wait even more to finish the last chapter of the Icha Icha paradise book.

Yugao didn't say anything, and just waited for the Hokage's next orders.

"You can go Yugao. And tell the council that i'll be right there." (Hokage)

"Yes lord Hokage!" (Yugao) bowed and left in a blink of an eye.

He got up of his seat, and slowly headed to another direction.

Time skip a couple of minutes (lel)

Council room.

There was a bunch of people of people sitting on a circular table, they were the Konoha's council. The people sitting were Nara Shikaku, Choza Akimichi, Inoichi Yamanaka, Danzo, Koharu Utatane, Homura Mitokado, Hiashi Hyuga, Mebuki Haruno, and last but not least, the Hokage.

"So what are we discussing about, anyone want to tell me." (Hokage)

"I don't know why i'm here either Hokage. I was told to come here immediately." (Inoichi) and then several others in the council nodded their heads in agreement.

"I think I can answer your questions." (Danzo) lightly raised his unbandaged hand.

"So it was you who issued this meeting, what's so important that we had to come here at a last minutes notice." (Hokage)

"It's simple Hokage. I recieved news that we definitely want to hear. It's about a ninja who possibly posseses the Kekkai Genkai of the first Hokage. The wood style." (Danzo)

All of the council's ears perked up. They were surprised, but kept their composures. It's been so long that they had mentioned about the first's Kekkai Genkai. It was the power that created their village, and it was without a doubt one of the strongest Kekkai Genkai. (Besides the sharingan)

Although Danzo has someone under him that also posseses the wood style Kekkai Genkai, it's nowhere near as powerful as Senju Hashirama's power.

"What is it about the wood style that you want to talk about Danzo." (Shukaku)

"Allow me to explain. I have a very reliable source that told me about someone is our leaf village possesing the powerful wood style Kekkai Genkai." (Danzo)

"Well who is it. Who ever it is then me must treat her/him with the best respect, to make sure that she/he doesn't leave the village-" (Koharu)

Shukaku then interrupted her

"And let me guess, you plan to treat this person like they're a god, like the last few Uchihas. And possibly put them on the CRA program. Am I right" (Shukaku)

Shukaku already knew what these people were gonna say. Back when Itachi massacred the entire Uchiha village, the first thing the council (not including himself) thought about was signing Luna Uchiha, and Sasuke Uchiha into the CRA program. Luckily the Hokage didn't want this and dissolved the idea.

These people don't care about other's opinion, as long as it involves making the village even stronger than before. And already knowing what they were gonna say, it pissed him off a lot. He didn't like the idea of stripping some else's freedom, just for their own selfish needs.

(The CRA stands for Clan Restoration Act. It means that when there is a clan who is close to exinction, they enroll the person in that program to reproduce quickly before their bloodline goes extinct. In return they have more special rights in Konoha, and can legally marry more than one person.)

"Exactly Shukaku. Tsunade was a failed product, although she is the grandaughter of the first, and neice of the second Hokage. She wasn't born with that Kekkai Genkai. But atleast her healing abilities is somewhat as strong as the first's was." (Koharu)

"Have some more respect for your fellow citizens, Koharu." (Hokage) said in an angry tone.

"But I think we're all missing the obvious question here. Who is this person with the wood style Kekkai Genkai ability." (Mebuki)

(Mebuki Haruno is Sakura's mother.)

Then all eyes turned to Danzo's location.

"I'm afraid that I don't even know. My sources say that this person had a wood style custom, which is the reason why he wasn't able to identify the person with the wood style." (Danzo)

'Damn' everyone thought.

"But I think there might a person or two who might know about his or her identity." (Danzo) said, and stopped midway, to make him seem more cool or something.

"Can you stop doing that Danzo. Just tell us quickly like a normal person, and don't stop your sentences midway." (Koharu)

"Alright fine. The persons we're looking for is called Chris Walker, and Luna Uchiha." (Danzo)

"Who the hell is Chris Walker. I know who Luna is, but who is this Chris Walker." (Choza) said confused.

"I know him. I was the one who enrolled him at the academy, he is a 12 year old boy, who had a long term amnesia and was lost in the middle of the forest. I accepted him in the village not too long ago." (Hokage)

"I think i've heard of him. Isn't he the sensei of Hinata Hyuga, and he even did a small competition between Hinata Hyuga and Hiashi Hyuga. Am I right about this Hiashi." (Mebuki)

"Yes. what you just said is true." (Hiashi) said with a faceless expression

"Ha! The sensei of a Hyuga girl. That's the most rediculous thing that i've heard in my life. Do you expect me to believe that this 12 year old boy, made the Hyuga girl as strong as she is right now. I've indeed heard rumors about this, but to me this sounds stupid." (Homaru)

"Indeed, I agree with him. What else do we know about him." (Koharu)

"I've also done my fair share on research on the boy. At first I thought that he was a spy, but as it turns out he isn't. He has perfect control of his chakra, that he can even copy A-class jutsus at one glance. For example the rasengan." (Hokage)

"You mean THE rasengan. Are you sure you aren't puliing my leg here Hokage." (Koharu)

"Of course i'm not Koharu. He is also a nice boy and is freinds with Naruto, he even taught Naruto the rasengan in such a short amount of time. I think that this kid is a literal child prodigy. (Hokage)

The Hokage is a bit happy to have Chris in his village. He has seen himself how well he gets along with Naruto and everyone else. He can tell that Chris doesn't have any ill intentions towards the leaf village, nor anyone else.

"Hm! I think that we must do something to the demo- I mean Naruto. We must do anything to stunt his growth so the nine tailed beast inside doesn't escape. And I think that we have to do something to stunt Chris's growth as well.

I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling about him. It's possible that he might have some ill intentions to the leaf village." (Koharu)

"I don't think so." (Hiashi) spoke out.

"What do you mean Hiashi." (Hokage)

"I didn't tell anyone this because I made a promise to Chris. But seeing that someone here is planning to stunt his growth, I cannot sit here any more and watch as you do something to this boy." (Hiashi) said a bit angry

"Why do you care about this kid Hiashi. Didn't he make your Hyuga clan lose a lot of face in the competition, when you and Hinata fought?" (Koharu)

(Well they didn't really fought, it was more like Hinata ended the fight in one punch, man.) Get it

"We did lose face on that day. But what he did for me was something even more important than my clan losing face." (Hiashi)

"Something much more important. What can this kid do something so big that can't even compare to your clan Hiashi." (Shukaku) said a bit more intrigued

"All of you remember my sister Hina, right." (Hiashi)

All of the other council members lightly nodded. They knew of the Hyuga lady that was a very strong ninja, but was infected with an unknown disease of some kind. Not even Tsunade could do anything towards it, but somehow Hina was miraculously healed from her infection not too long ago.

"Okay. Well I have to start at the beginning." (Hiashi) then told everyone how Chris healed his very sick sister, and even told them about the disease called the year end life. He had promised to never tell anyone about Chris's healing Kekkai Genkai, but seeing as how they might possibly do something to stunt his growth. Then he has no choice but to step up and protect him.

And if they plan to do something because of his healing Kekkai Genkai, then he will do whatever it takes to protect Chris from anyone else. He will take full responsibility for Chris if he has to.

"Such an amazing Kekkai Genkai. I say we must definitely make him a full citizen of Konoha. It's not everyday that such a strong child with a Kekkai Genkai appears like that." (Mebuki) said.

"Why didn't you tell us anything about him Hiashi. Don't you realize how valuable this information is." (Koharu)

"I made a promise to him, because he saved my sister's life. Although I have broken that promise just now, but I find it much more important to protect this kid, than to keep his secret." (Hiashi)

"I agree with Hiashi. It was just 5 minutes ago that Koharu said to stunt this boy's growth, if that were to happen, then he might go rogue on us and we might make an enemy out of him. But now that you know how incredible this kid is, you have no choice but to treat him as he were a precious jewel." (Shukaku)

Koharu was a bit embarrased by what she said. Originally she didn't care about Chris at all, but after hearing the Hokage saying that he is a friend of the demon brat. She just wanted to make him miserable, to make Naruto miserable as well.

But after hearing him posessing an unheard healing Kekkai Genkai, how could she not be embarrased. It felt like Hiashi and Shukaku delivered her a very painful invisible slap on her face.

"I am afraid that isn't all about the boy." (Danzo) everyone looked on his direction, and he proceeded to talk about him.

"Like I said that I have a very reliable source and they told me that Chris could possibly have the chakra pool of a tailed beast, if not more." (Danzo)

Once again everyone but Danzo was shocked to hear this. Today has been nothing but full of surprises to them.

"Just how reliable is your source Danzo." (Shukaku) couldn't help but say.

"100% accurate. Not only that but he also possibly posesses two more powerful Kekkai Genkais, such as body manipulation, and possibly the ability to control time." (Danzo) said casually, and quite enjoyed the shocks of everyone's faces.

"HOLY SHIT! If what you're saying is true, then this kid is possibly a god compared to Itachi Uchiha." (Choza)

"Language please." (Hokage)

"Sorry, I guess I was a bit too excited there lord Hokage." (Choza) said apologetically.

"I don't believe this at all. You expect us to believe that this kid has the power of healing everyone by just touching them, manipulating time, manipulating the body, and has the chakra pool of a tailed beast." (Homura)

He might be a smart man, but hearing a kid who isn't even 13 years old posessing all of these powerful Kekkai Genkais, is a bit hard to believe.

"That's exactly what I thought as well Homura, even I couldn't believe what I was hearing about him. But my sources are saying that this information is 100% true." (Danzo)

"If you ask me, then we must get him here immediately, along with our wood friend, whoever that is. Including Luna Uchiha." (Koharu)

"Hmm!" (Hokage) thought that something was definitely wrong. If what Danzo said is true then why is he sharing this information with everyone. He could have kept this information a secret, and could have recruited Chris to the ROOT, it isn't like Danzo to share valuable information like this.

"Hokage. I request to bring Chris and Luna Uchiha here at once. To tell us of our wood friend, and to show us if his abilities are indeed as what Danzo says." (Koharu)

"I don't see why not." (Hokage) waved his hand to the Anbu, and they disappeared to search for Chris and Luna.

"But what if they lie, and say that they don't know anything." (Inoichi)

"That's where you come in Inoichi. If they do infact say no, then you will enter their mind and tell us wether they are lying or not." (Koharu)

"Aw! Fine." (Inoichi)

"And now we wait." (Hokage)

'Hm! Looks like you're hiding something from us Chris. I just hope that you aren't really someone with ill intentions, or i'm gonna have to really do something to you boy. Sorry kid, but as the Hokage of this village, it's my job to protect everyone in here.' Hokage thought

And soon the entire council was quiet.

CHRIS P.O.V. Outside of the Hyuga compound.

The place looks pretty cool from the outside, then again it's my second time visiting here. But I gotta give it to them, the whole place looks awesome and expensive. God how I wish I was rich… Wait a minute I AM RICH MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

I can literlly create mountains of money with chakra alone. But enough about me and let's enter the Hyuga place.

I was gonna enter but I was stopped by two guards outside of the door.

"Who are you kid." (Guard 1)

"My name is Chris Walker." (Chris)

"Chris Walker... Aren't you that kid from the tournament." (Guard 1)

"Yup! That's me." (Chris)

"Are you here to visit lady Hinata, or sir Hiashi." (Guard 1)

"Yes I am." (Chris)

"Sorry to say but they're not here right now. Lady Hinata is still doing the Chuunin exams, and Lord Hiashi is on a council meeting. So I would suggest coming back here another time." (Guard 1)

Hm! That's weird. I thought that Hinata's team would have easily found the hidden flags by now, but they still haven't. It should be easy for them because they're a sensory type group. Either they're unlucky and can't find any, or might have run with another group and fought them.

I don't know which one, but hopefully they're okay.

"That's alright. But can I see Hina please, it's urgent" (Chris)

The two guards looked at each other confused. No one has ever come to visit lady Hina before. Mostly because of the fact she was bedridden for ten months, and could have died. But somehow she was cured and her power is at least 90% to what is was before.

So they didn't want to take a chance to piss off Hina Hyuga, or they might have some serious problems with the clan. So guard 1 signalled the other guard to send a message to lady Hina.

And soon guard 1 and me were left outside of the Hyuga place.

"So, how's life Mr guard." (Chris) I said to break this awkward silence

"It's been pretty slow lately. And my name isn't mr Guard, it's josef... And can I ask you a question kid." (Josef)

"I don't see why not" (Chris)

"Were you really the one to help Lady Hinata become this strong." (Josef)

"Yes I did." (Chris)

"Wow! Just how did you do it kid." (Josef) said in astonishment.

"It's pretty easy. I just made a deal with her." (Chris)

"What kind of deal" (Josef) said out of curiosity, he has been pretty bored lately just guarding the front door all the time. So he doesn't get that much company. Although the other guard is also here, he doesn't talk that much and is pretty silent all the time.

"I cannot give you all the details, because Hinata would hate me if I told you." (Chris)

"Hmmm! Did you blackmail her, if you did then I will hunt you down forever. OH GOD!!! It's something perverted isn't it. WHAT DID YOU DO WITH OUR LITTLE HINATA." (Josef) said as the spear on his hand was now pointed at me.

Seriously, how the hell did we get from me training HInata, to something perverted. Do I really look like the kind of person who would do something perverted.

Yes you do. And did you forget that your new title in the village, is a potential rapist. Lolz! (*≧▽≦)ノシ))

Oh! shut up blue screen.

"Wait Josef. Do I really look like the kind of guy who would do something like that to Hinata." (Chris)

"I don't know, did you." (Josef) said but with his spear still pointed at me.

"No!." (Chris)

"Prove it!" (Josef)

How the hell do I prove something like that.

"Alright that's enough Josef, and let him in." (Hina)

The front door opened and I saw Hina standing in there. She looked very pretty. Too bad I don't like older women, or I would have invited her to my harem. Heheheh!

Then what about Hanabi. She's pretty cute. Loli's are pretty cute you know (^་།^)

Too young.

Dude haven't you heard!!! (ʘᗩʘ')

Heard of what?


(No truer words have been spoken. *Sniff* it's so beautifully said. Good job me for thinking of these beautiful words)

….. I'll think about it.


Oh why thank you for the compliment.

"Yes lady Hina. Sorry" (Josef) said while looking down, and stepped back slowly.

Hina then turned around to look in my direction and said.

"Please come in Chris. I'll invite you for some tea." (Hina) said with a smile.

"Thanks Hina." (Chris) I said as I entered the Hyuga compound with her.

I entered and all of the other Hyuga people looked at me indifferently. No one has ever seen a no-named person enter the Hyuua clan, and much less being accompanied by someone powerful like Hina.

The last time I was here, I entered a bit sneakily because Hiashi didn't want to attract too much attention. That's why no one but Hina and Hiashi knows that this isn't my first time coming here.

But we ignored the glares, and the comments about me. I can sense them that they were a bit confused and angry, because they are too proud to let no-named people in their place.

Hina was a bit angry at these people, because they don't know what I did for her and their entire Hyuga clan. Hina thinks that she should let these people know what I did for them, but she didn't say anything because she made a promise to me to not tell anyone about my powers.

(Too bad Hiashi didn't think the same thing.)

We both entered a room, which was pretty decent. We sat on some matts that were on the floor, and we both drank some hot tea, which was served by Hina herself. It was pretty good tea.

"What do I owe the pleasure of my contributer's visit." (Hina) said sweetly, and with a smile.

"I want to get straight to the point Hina. I need to find the spy that poisoned you, I think that this person somehow knows of my healing Kekkai Genkai, and could possibly have sold this information to someone powerful." (Chris)

I kinda told her the half truth. If I were to tell her that this person is someone from the Akatsuki, then I might expose myself to tell them about that organization, and how I even know of them.

So it's best to not tell her everything, just part of the truth.

"Oh you don't have to worry about him Chris." (Hina)

Uh! What?

"Um! What do you mean by that?" (Chris) I said a bit puzzled.

"The spy you mentioned, me and Hiashi already found him. And we killed him on the spot." (Hina)

Dammit! now there goes my only lead to finding Sasori.