
In the Naruto World With Godly Powers

A boy named alex reawakens in the naruto world. on break because I don't have the energy for it.

AETWriter · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Assassination Part 1

It was dark at night when a knock came at Alex's door.

When he stood to answer all he heard was a scream, rushing to open the door he sees his advisor, Yuu's body laying on the floor, and 3 masked shinobi, who he recognized as Anbu Black Ops member's of the hidden leaf.

"What business do you have here, Anbu?!" Alex asked in a commanding voice, "Why have you done this?!"

They were silent, leaping into the office in which Alex was stood and leaping at him to attack.

"Okay, if that's what you want..." Alex sighs, grabbing 2 of the Anbu as they jump at him by the hands, slamming them into the floor, knocking them out. The third member, seeing this display of strength tries to run, but Alex weaves some hand signs, casting a genjutsu of the shinobi, causing them into a deep sleep.

"Man, I wish they were at least able to make me sweat..." Alex sighs, before picking them up and carrying them all outside and then into the make-shift prison they had made, before casting a barrier jutsu around it to avoid them escaping before going back to check on Yuu.

Entering back into his office building, a small but sturdy concrete structure infused with Alex's chakra to strengthen it, he sees Yuu still laying there, unmoving. Checking his pulse, Alex realizes, Yuu is dead.

Despite having not been in this village for that long, Alex had started caring for the people immensely. They were people he wanted to protect, but seeing his failure made him furious. He was going to destroy those who killed Yuu and the one who gave the order.

First thing was first though, he picked up Yuu's body in both arms, and walked to the small graveyard they had set up just out of the village walls, before burying Yuu with his own hands.

"I know we weren't that close, Yuu, but you still died because of me, so I will avenge you. I promise."

A few days later, after Alex took time to calm himself and figure out what his next plan was, he decided that he wanted to declare war on the leaf.

Alex decided to go and ask the Anbu a few questions.

"What was your mission?" he asked calmly from outside the barrier, "And are you the Anbu, or in that Danzo's root?"

They were silent and unmoving, not at all scared of Alex's presence.

Alex took the barrier down, but the Anbu remained still.

"ANSWER ME!" Alex shouted, remembering what these ninjas did to Yuu, he took out a kunai, and sliced the head off one of the shinobi, before taking off their mask.

Alex looked down at the severed head of the Anbu shinobi, and picked it up, and beat it into a pulp with his other hand until one of the others spoke.

"P- please stop," one of them said, it was a man's voice. "I'll tell you anything you want."

"Finally, only took me killing one of you." Alex sighed, dropping the head to the floor. "Tell me, What was your mission here, and who gave you the order?"

"W- we work directly under Lord Hokage, sir." He stutters as he speaks, "Our mission was to assassinate the leader of this village, which we quickly found was you."

"I see, thank you." Alex answers, "And which of you three killed the purple-haired boy?" Alex asks, gritting his teeth.

"That was her, the one you killed, Luna." He says, seeming to be telling the truth.

"Okay then, you two can live for now," he says, throwing a few apples to the floor before leaving and replacing the barrier, Anbu mask in hand."

A day later, Alex appoints a new advisor, who happened to be Yuu's older brother, Yusuke, who he asked for advice on how to get revenge.

"Y- you mean you want to kill the Hokage?" Yusuke asked worriedly, "Not that I doubt your ability, it's just... For Yuu?"

"Of course, I care deeply about all in our village, no matter what." Alex says, a grin on his face, "And I want to take that village down a peg or two anyways."

"Ahh, I see," Yusuke replies, "Well if you really want to kill him without commotion, you would need to sneak in using some sort of transformation or genjutsu."

"And if I don't care about the commotion?" Alex asks, a sadistic giggle escaping his lips.

"Then you could storm in, but I don't know if even you can take on the entire leaf village alone..."

"I can." Alex says, the smile disappearing from his face, "especially if it's for a member of our village's avenging."

And so Alex decided, he wasn't going to destroy the leaf village, but he would attack with the sole purpose of killing the Hokage, and anyone else who gets in his way.

A few weeks pass as Alex had been preparing for the assault. He wasn't really preparing himself though, he was training the 3 genin under his protection to better defend the village whilst he was away.

Alex left the village, heading due south as he started his journey to Konoha.

The journey only took him a day, he had no need to rest, which he realized after his first long-distance trip. When he arrived at the large gates of the village, he attempts to walk on through, which is obviously futile, with the ninja guarding the gate stopping him.

"What are you doing here, outsider?!" he shouted at Alex.

"I'm here to get revenge for a poor kid who entrusted me to protect him," Alex said, a grin growing rapidly on his face as a single tear drips down his cheek, a raging inferno of flames appearing around him, scorching the ground and instantly killing the gate guards.

Alex walks through the street with little interruption from citizens, who all hid after seeing the inferno. But then the cavalry came...

"You, I can't accept this!" A voice shouted, one Alex recognized vaguely, turning to see a man with longish white hair, he realized who it was, Konoha's white fang, Sakumo Hatake.

"Oh, what are you going to do about it, Sakumo Hatake?" Alex said smugly, "I already know you can't defeat me, I am the leader of the village of secrets!"

Wrote whilst very tired, may clean it up when I'm not but unlikely. Once again, I don't care about punctuation correctness, grammar, or spelling, I'm doing this out of boredom. Also, please do more paragraph comments, I like reading them lol. Oh, and I may dump a character in the fic named after one of the readers, ig whoever has voted for the fic the most. Also, add it to your library, it makes me happy seeing that number tick upwards

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