
In The Naruto World As An Assassin

Alex, our protagonist, finds himself awoken abruptly. His last memory was being hit by a truck as he was walking home from school. Disclaimer: I'm writing this for fun, if I make a mistake, i.e using a character that's canonically dead at the time, don't be too harsh on me haha.

AETWriter · Anime & Comics
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Alex wakes up with a gasp, his breathing heavy as he frantically gazes at his surroundings.

He is in a large, cylindrical glass chamber filled with a mostly translucent blue liquid, his arms and legs have tubes running out of them, seemingly transporting an assortment of fluids into his body.

"Where am I!?" He thinks out loud, before realizing he can breathe despite being completely submerged in the liquid.

Startled, Alex starts flailing around, bashing his fists against the glass as he shakes his body uncontrollably in the large tank, "Let me out!!" He shouts, "Help me!!"

As Alex continues to shout and flail his body around, a person walks into the room, their face emotionless as they walk towards the tank Alex is submerged in, their shoulder-length hair swaying from side to side slightly as they approach.

"So, you finally woke up, Alex?" The person says as they reach the tank, their pale hand reaching out onto a keyboard beside the glass chamber, "I'm going to retract the tubes, try to hold still."

Alex calms slightly, knowing the tubes were to be retracted, "Who are you? Where am I?"

"You're in my lab, under the village of Konoha, you know it well, I understand?" The person says, a slight smirk appearing on his face as he clicks a large yellow button on the keyboard.

"Konoha?!" Alex says, surprise evident in his voice, "As in from Naruto?!"

"Yes, you died in your world, so I decided to bring you here." The person says.

As they speak the tubes detach from Alex's body and the liquid from the tank drains out.

"So, feel free to ask any questions now before I let you out."

"Who are you?!" Alex asks, the shock yet to leave his voice, "What do you mean I'm in the Naruto world?"

"I don't have a name, I never needed one," The person continues, "but you can call me what I do have, a number, Five."

"And about the world we are in?!" Alex asks again, his voice calming slightly, slowly being replaced with annoyance at the person's inability to answer his questions.

"As I said, I have brought you here to the world of the franchise, 'Naruto'," Five continues, "I decided it would be best to bring you to a world you know of so you don't die too fast soon after reincarnating."

"So many people get reincarnated here?" Alex continues, "How many people are there like me?"

"You're the only one I've ever reincarnated here, but there may be more," Five answers, the slight grin still plastered onto their otherwise emotionless face as he stares towards Alex. "Sadly enough for you, I don't really have time to answer any more questions, you have been given basic skills like chakra control and such and the innate ability to use your chakra, but I haven't granted you anything too powerful, so try to be careful and don't die instantly."

Alex nods, still confused but at least with some amount of knowledge of his situation, he felt confident in his ability to survive.

"Oh, and I can't have this place discovered, so I'm going to teleport you outside the village, about a 20-minute walk through the woods should get you back to the village's gate." The person continues, "Stick to the paths if you don't want to die, there are some scary animals and such in the forests."

Short Intro Chapter, Will get the first MAIN chapter out soon, stay tuned :)

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