
In the Name of Bob

Truck-kun claims another victim. This time, Ross, a thief that gets hit by a white Ford pickup truck while trying to run away from the cops. After death, much to his confusion, he doesn't go to hell or heaven. He ends up in a bright white room, face to face with a faceless man named Bob. Bob hates evil. But he grants Ross another chance at life, in another world, to eliminate evil in his name. A good bargain. But how would Ross, a lifelong deviant, fare as a righteous fighter of justice?

mightypebble · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Goblins are Good for Greenhorns

A long yawn took hold of my jaw. I was a little airheaded from a lack of sleep.

Last night's arrangements were not the most comfortable. I was by no means, well-off back on earth, but never in my life did I have to sleep on hay and in utter darkness. There weren't bugs, but the atmosphere of the place, had me suspecting crawlies every time my exposed skin slightly itches.

While I was under the weather, Charlie was the opposite. He was as lively as he was yesterday, it was easy to tell he was used to sleeping like that. Which was odd, since if he had been doing it a long time, he must have some money to spare for a bed.

Fortunately, he had spared me of his blubbering while we stood in front of the merchant hall, waiting for the others, for the captain to begin his announcements. Seemed like he too was not immune to the daze brought by just waking up.

Nevertheless, I had not spent a single silver coin. Although I doubt sacrificing a good night's sleep was worth it.

It was early morning, and there were few townspeople on the street. So we easily heard the approach of the latecomers, coming from across the street. I remembered them to be Karach, Jason, and Dorfin, the same ones I saw head for the tavern yesterday.

Judging by their disheveled appearances, they had too much fun last night.

They joined our little crowd, huffing and puffing. I had expected a sermon, but Osman just shook his head at them and then began to speak.

"No deliveries today. The fishermen are late. The merchants said it might take a day or two before there'll be enough dried fish to transport." the captain announced. Expectedly the guards were more happy than disappointed.

"So we wait and you'll have more free time for yourselves. But please do not cause trouble until then. The merchants will be sure to hear it." at the last sentence, he gave the three latecomers a hard look.


The band members chattered, quite happily, to themselves, talking about how to spend their time.

I felt out of place, but I was not alone. For some reason, Charlie stuck to me and did not join their circles. His fantastic and ceaseless storytelling might have something to do with it.

"Charlie." I did not see the captain, walk towards us. "You can go to Pinecreek, if you want, you'll have enough time."

"Thank you, captain. But I will see if there's work for me in the castle." he replied.

"Just be careful then." Osman said as he made for the streets "Don't drag the newbie to any trouble."

We watched the captain, disappear into a corner. I could not help but admire him. He didn't seem stern, and yet he commands respect from the members.

"He has friends in Whitefield. That's where he goes for a drink." Charlie's commentary reliably came. "Well, he has friends everywhere he goes. He's a good man."

"I can see that." I replied. Charlie's eyes stayed on the road even when the Captain was out of sight. I wasn't surprised to see admiration, but there was something else... envy perhaps?

I don't know. I wasn't good at judging people's faces and Charlie was not interesting enough.

"Hey, boys! Wanna become men?" it was Karach now, half-shouting from five yards away. "The red house has another girl. It's on us."

Boys. I realized that we were the youngest in the band. Charlie looked like he was about my age, early twenties.

"No, thank you Karach." Charlie replied.

Karach and his squad said something about us being scared of women and went their way. Inaccurate, of course. Women were scared of me, rather than the other way around.

Soon we were the only ones in front of the merchant hall. I did not know the first about what to do next. I thought the band had a busier schedule or a stricter regimen.

"Do you have anything else to do?" Charlie asked.

"No. I am a stranger to this place."

"Yes, you are very odd. The way you speak, it's uhmm... strange." he said. "Where did you come from again?"


"Urth? Haven't heard of it."

"It's a very, very faraway place. A land where air conditioning and burgers exist."

"Erco-, bruger? What's that?"

"You'd never understand, NPC. Now, I heard you saying about work in the castle?" I asked. Having no other options, I think my only choice would be to follow Charlie around.

At least until I become more comfortable with the place.

"In piss- ... Yeah. Sometimes the lord of the town gives out work to mercenaries." Charlie replied, visibly more confused about my identity and I had no intention of clearing out for him. "Are you interested?"

We made our way east of the town, past the marketplace and a small chapel that I swear I saw a cross inside. Does Christianity exist in this world as well? I did not know if that should concern me. I didn't know if Bob was a god, an angel, or a saint, or if he was even a part of the biblical universe.

The whole way Charlie was talking about the time the mayor handed out work for everyone who could carry a sword to kill greenskins... whatever that is. He said he was able to kill ten all by himself, because of how easy it was to kill them.

We reached the said castle. It was the easternmost building in the town and it wasn't that much of a castle. The outer walls were wooden and the rectangular keep inside was only a few stories high.

Just right beside the gate, was a large announcement board, flanked by the lone town guard in the vicinity.

There were only two pieces of paper on it, which was not good. In Isekai animes, these were always full, with a variety of quests, with varying levels of difficulty. But that world I had been isekai'd in, had been a little too realistic to be fun.

No guild halls for adventurers. No magic, it would seem even.

One of the pieces of paper had a sketch of a face on it and the bounty below. The round-faced bald man, as drawn in charcoal, was said to be a notorious horse humper, and he had amassed a ten silver bounty.

With how small that town was, it would be hard to hide in it, and thus he must not be around anymore. If one was to search him, I don't think two days would be enough, nor the ten silver bounty.

The other piece of paper, on the other hand, had a familiar task on it.

"Lord Bertran, promises a silver coin for every two greenskins killed. Noses must be brought to verify the deed." I read aloud, thankfully, that world also uses the English language, which was odd but convenient.

"Well, here we go. Finally an interesting task." I said to Charlie.

"Are you sure about this one? Greenskins are not that easy... there's just two of us." he replied.

"You did say how easy it was to kill them. You said you killed ten that one time." he predictably grew nervous by what I said, hiding it behind a chuckle.

"Not one time-"

"Huh! Charlie. Killing ten greenskins!" laughed the town guard, who suddenly interrupted "If that was true, then I killed a dragon, with a fart!"

Now, that was funny. I laughed with the old fart, who was barely dressed for his job. Were it not for his old helmet, and the spear he was carrying, he'd look like a civilian.

"Is this hard, sir?" I asked, wiping a tear from my eye.

"Sir? That's the first time I'd been addressed that. Since you're so polite, I will answer you pretty boy." he said, and I did not like him calling me pretty boy, but understandable since I was the only one clean-shaven around and I guess I was somewhat handsome... I think.

"It is not hard if you know what you are doing. Your average greenskin is just as tall as your arms and with a frame of a twig. You could kick it and you could break their spine."

Tall as my arms? Frame of a twig? So greenskins must be another term for goblins.

"But they come in numbers, and they carry with them swords and spears." Charlie said.

"That's true, Charlie Chicken." he said and I held off a chuckle "But they're all show. If you don't get scared, and act brave, their morale easily collapses."

"Then they run, and that would make them just sitting ducks. That's where you get most of your skills." he continued.

I was bought in. What he said sounded like a legit veteran advice and I was eager to finally try out my upgraded stats. Furthermore, goblins are the weakest of the mobs, every video game tells of this.

This was confirmed by the blue screen.

[Quest: Greenskin Hunt

Difficulty: Easy

Description: The Lord of Whitefield offers half a silver for every greenskin dead. Bring back noses to verify your kill.

Greenskin Nose: 0]

"Greenskin" sounds a lot cooler than "goblin"... change my mind.

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