
In the multiverse with a Magitech system

A young soldier dies and is reincarnated with a system that can create any machine he wants..... Read as he goes on his journey through the unknown with tools of his own creation. I do not own the cover image Changed title for clarity since it is a somewhat magic and technology theme....( ̄▽ ̄)" New cover image.....hope you like it...( ̄▽ ̄)"

Loxy_Matx · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

chapter 12:New members

I woke up after who knows how long,I had surgicaly implanted a metal spine above my real one which was connected to all my nerves and could provide analysis of my body and muscles and change them accordingly.

It felt cold when I used my fingers to feel it but if I did not know about it I would not realize I had something embeded there.

The spine was made from Letrite since it had the best magnetic manipulation abilities,the spine was named Metal Nerve System or MTS for short.It did more than control my nanites since it could also boost my strength and defences so much so that I could punch a dent into steel but my arm would not comeout any better since it would brake.

I had recreated the entire nervous system of my arms in and conected them all to my MTS to boost my overall speed and accuracy when using any type of weapon either gun or sword.

It was a risky surgery but now that it is complete I was fine in fact I felt more that fine since my cells were being enhanced by a formular which I had named Black blood,it was administard through my MTS giving a boost to my human body,it was not as fast as seals or my calculation of magical enhancements but it was slowly giving me strength to slap a tailed beast bomb aside but my ability to handle its destrctiveness had to be high or I would just be destroyed.

Luckily the serum did all this and more since it icreases my regenaration.

Me:''Haaaa...I guess tech is supirior to chakra if one has the ability to bring out its full capacity.''I spoke to noone in particular as I woke up from the cold bed going into one of the rooms which had a much more comfortble bed with soft blankets and slept taking advantage of the medicines effect.

After waking up I went to a nearby mirror to look at my current appearence.

I was still tall and had a lean figure with soft and pale looking skin although my legs and arms were made of fake skin but I still looked handsome and feminine with my red eyes.

I left for my lab while testing out my new nanites by commanding them to form shapes and colours with different textures.I could command the nanites to do almost anything and now it was time to test them.

I went to a room created to create holograms that could be programed for different situations and my data collected on ninja.

I got in and the door closed producing a white mist while making a hissing sound.I went to the terminal and selected Jounin rank since it was my highest currently albiet the weakest of jounin.

A hologram formed before me and the entire room flashed red before turning green signifying thebegining of the match.

I did not waste time as I ordered my nanites to form a cannon which fired of a thin but deadly laser that cut the hologram in half.

Other holograms replaced it but I kept my distance as I used repulsor blasts from the muon particles which were toned down while slowly increasing poweroutput.I stopped at 15% as anymore and I would start dameging the room.

There were now hundreds of holagram ninja around me which shows how much I had increased in power but honestly I still fact it was the fact that these were just programs without creativity and were only limited to the jutsu I theorized and added to the codex while it used one fighting style so it did not actually give me an accurate reading.

I decided to turn off the hologram and headed to the platform which led to the exit tube.I left the platform using moun particles to blast myself up and maintining output.

It felt amazing to fly around freely and unrestrained so I decided to enjoy the feeling even more before continuing my experiment.

I fly to the same island as before and landing and starting my experiments.I commanded the nanobots to form something like a thruster system on my back and use the most effective design.

The reactor glowed brightly for a second before two projection came out in the area of both my shoulder blades forming two metal wings that were spread out from my body.

I took a deep breath as I ordered the nanobots to explode muon particles which boosted me into the air again.

I flew around while performing various stunts like high loops and high speed evasive manuvers.It worked wonders since I could fly much better and freely than using my arms and legs to fly.

My last experiment was injecting plasma with muon particles to go supernova and flew at break-neck speeds.This would peel off my suit's nanites or just have me spin out of control IF I used too much power which is why I had created a chip and installed it in my MTS.It would calculate all the needed formulars for me and make sure that the suit is kept together.

I gulped loudly and I injected the particles with the plasma,I felt a strong jolt as the water split out of my way and I broke the sound barrie a few dozen times I orederd the plasma injection to stop as I found myself crashing into water at extreme speeds with a loud bang.

I was scared shitless but at the same time I wished I could do it again but the feeling of experiencing the crash again forced me to refrain from it until I created eyes that could keep up with those kinds of speeds.

Deciding to fly home since I think it was time I put my plans into motion and I already had tow pieces on my board I just have to bring out the best of them while finding a suitable village to takeover without anyone's knowlege.

I had a huge smile under my mask as I stepped on the platform and went back inside to advance my plans.