
In The Movie Worlds With My System - Fixed Grammar Version

A regular college student accidentally obtained a fragment of a system through traffic accident! He believed he was dead, but when he opened his eyes, he found himself in a movies with a mission to collect system fragments that exist in different worlds. first world = The Mummy second world = Resident Evil third+ world = read to find out I do not own any of the characters except for the original character (OC) in the novel. This is a grammar rewrite/translation atp, with hopefully readable grammar. lmk if you find anything wrong by commenting and I will fix it.

cmluis · Movies
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63 Chs

Chapter 3: Start of the Plot

Upon awakening in the morning, Alex took a bath and enjoyed breakfast before hailing a taxi to the library. Upon arrival, he leisurely wandered through the library in search of Evelyn. Eventually, he spotted a captivating young woman with round spectacles, meticulously arranging books.

Approaching her, Alex decided to ask about books concerning Hamunaptra.

"Hello, could you kindly direct me to the section where I can find books about Hamunaptra?"

Upon hearing the question, Evelyn turned around and beheld a 21-year-old young man with red eyes, black hair, fair skin, and a striking countenance. Evelyn found herself momentarily entranced, rendering her speechless. Observing her silence, Alex prompted,

Once again, Alex spoke to Evelyn, concerned for her well-being.

"Miss, are you alright?"

Upon hearing his voice, Evelyn snapped out of her daze and replied,

"A…Apologies. My mind was elsewhere. Could you please repeat that, sir?"

"Books about Hamunaptra," he repeated.

Upon hearing the name "Hamunaptra," Evelyn's eyes lit up like a bulb.

"Sir, there are numerous books about Hamunaptra. Please follow me, and I will show you the collection."

With those words, Evelyn guided Alex to a section dedicated to pyramids and other ancient sites. Alex surveyed the array of books before him before turning to Evelyn.

"Miss, may I know your name?"

Upon hearing the question, Evelyn turned her head and responded,

"I am Evelyn. And may I know yours?"

"I am Alex Walker."

"So, Mr. Alex, what would you like to learn about Hamunaptra?"

Alex expressed his curiosity about the city's history and its moniker as the "city of the dead." He also asked Evelyn if there were individuals well-versed in its complete history.

Upon hearing this, Evelyn pridefully remarked,

"Mr Alex, few people possess extensive knowledge of that place. Today, you have the fortune of meeting one of them."

"So, Ms Evelyn, since you are acquainted with its history, may I ask you about it? Hearing from you would be more captivating than reading a book."

Evelyn's enthusiasm shone through as she eagerly replied,

"Well, since Mr. Alex is inquiring, I will gladly share the tale."

For the next two hours, Evelyn explained the deep history of Hamunaptra. Afterwards, Alex praised her extensive knowledge and proficiency in ancient languages.

"Evelyn, you possess such extensive knowledge of Hamunaptra. Having such an impressive command of ancient languages at such a youthful age. You are truly brilliant."

"I have spent many years working in this library and familiarizing myself with its contents," she modestly replied.

"Evelyn, your willingness to spend time with me is much appreciated. May I have the pleasure of treating you to lunch?"

"That's unnecessary, Mr. Alex. I have fulfilled my duty."

"Please, call me Alex. Not everyone carries out their responsibilities with the same dedication as you do. Allow me to show my appreciation."

"Very well then, thank you, Alex, for your kind invitation," she gratefully accepted.

While enjoying their meal, Evelyn inquired about Alex's occupation.

"Alex, what do you do for a living?"

"Evelyn, I am an explorer of various ancient sites, and my next destination is Hamunaptra."

Upon hearing this, Evelyn burst with excitement.

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Evelyn, it is indeed true. I have come to Egypt for that very purpose—to search for individuals knowledgeable about that place, form a team, and embark on an exploration."

"Are there any clues?"

"Well, I am aware of a key that contains the map."

"Really? Can you allow me to see it?" Evelyn asked eagerly, attracting stares from other patrons before composing herself.

"Evelyn, your enthusiasm is admirable, but unfortunately, I do not possess that key."

Upon hearing this, Evelyn felt a sense of disappointment. Observing her reaction, Alex consoled her by saying,

"Evelyn, fret not. I know where the key will become available, and it's within a month."


"Yes, Evelyn. Would you be interested in studying it?"

"Yes, I would be delighted to."

"Now, miss, I must attend to my work. I shall see you tomorrow."

Thus, Alex and Evelyn met at the library every day. , gradually forging a friendship as time passed.

One month later, Alex arrived at the library and spotted Evelyn engaged in conversation with an oval-faced skinny man holding a black box. Seeing this, Alex realized the plot had begun.

"Hello, Evelyn. It appears you have found the key."

Upon hearing his voice, Evelyn turned towards Alex and exclaimed, "Alex, I have discovered the map to Hamunaptra."

Hearing this, Jonathan interjected, "What? Did you find it? I found it too."

"Well, it seems it will make no difference," Evelyn shrugged nonchalantly.

"Evelyn, who is this?"

"He is my brother, Jonathan."

Alex shifted his attention to Jonathan, extending his hand, and said,

"Greetings, Jonathan. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Alex Walker."

Jonathan reciprocated the gesture, shaking Alex's hand, and replied, "Likewise, Alex."

After the introductions concluded, Alex turned to Evelyn and inquired,

"How is the map? Have you managed to decipher it?"

"I understand this map very well. It reveals the precise location of Hamunaptra."

As the conversation continued, the three of them proceeded to the library manager's office. They handed over the map and requested assistance in locating the designated place. However, the manager delivered a discouraging response, stating,

"No, it is not feasible. All those who ventured in search of it never returned."

Upon hearing this, Evelyn declared, "They don't know what we have. We possess a map! And it depicts the exact location."

During the conversation, Evelyn mentioned its alternative name, the City of Gold. Upon hearing the word "gold," Jonathan's interest was piqued, and he bombarded Evelyn with various questions.

In a lapse of concentration, the map slipped from Evelyn's hand and landed too close to a candle, catching fire. Swiftly, she extinguished the flames, but it was too late—the fire had partially consumed the map. Observing this, Jonathan cried,

"It's incomprehensible! We had the complete map, but now it lies half-burned. How can we find our way and attain riches?!"

Upon seeing the damaged map, the manager interjected, "Maybe it was for the best… Hopefully, you won't perish in pursuit of that cursed place anymore."

After concluding the discussion, they exited the room, and Evelyn interrogated Jonathan about where he had discovered the box.