
In The Mid-Summers Bloom

Rose_gold_garden · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Poppy did not look back, she kept running. As she ran in her heals through the cold claims rain, she had shivers all over her body. Her wet hair hitting her face, and her wet clothes sticking to her body. She could not tell what was real, or what was a dream anymore. As she ran through the quiet and dark neighborhood she looked frantically for a place to hide. She heard their voices behind her, screaming, "Find her now, or you'll be the ones in the grave!" Her shakey breath was nothing compared to her beating heart in her chest. She wished to be in her home, with her family members. She wished that she was being hugged and that she was away from this madness. As she returned back to reality, she quickly realized her greatest fear. They had found her. They had been right in front of her. They had taken her.

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