

As for whether Tony will become Iron Man in the future, it's none of his concern.

Once he gets his hands on the Endosymbiotic Battle Armor, Tony won't even think about becoming Iron Man.

Even if he were to abandon science for magic, compete with Doctor Strange for the position of Supreme Sorcerer, Russell wouldn't bother with him.

After preparing to go to Afghanistan, Russell didn't forget to have the Continental Hotel investigate Tony's information.

Continental Hotel.

Charon, impeccably dressed in a suit, stood at the front desk, frowning as he listened to Russell's phone call.

"Mr. Bradley, may I ask, what do you need his information for?"

"For personal reasons, it's not convenient."

Russell certainly wouldn't reveal his true intentions to Charon.

"Mr. Bradley, this is not a trivial matter. I hope you can consider it seriously."

"How about you contact Mr. Winston?"

When Russell had him contact the Afghanistan Continental Hotel before, Charon didn't see any issues.

Afghanistan's ordinary people might be a bit poor, but there were plenty of wealthy individuals there, and Russell receiving a commission from Afghanistan was normal.

However, when he called a second time, and still wanted Tony Stark's latest information, Charon realized something was amiss.

Afghanistan... Stark...

Charon immediately thought of the news that Stark Industries was selling Jericho missiles to the Afghan U.S. military base.

As a behemoth that integrated the assassin world, the Continental Hotel had dealings with Stark Industries on occasion.

Although the hotel didn't need Stark Industries' large-scale weapons like the Jericho missile.

But the individual weapons produced by Stark Industries were very popular among many assassins.

Aside from being a bit expensive, they were basically flawless.

Under normal circumstances, killer groups like the Continental Hotel couldn't purchase weapons produced by Stark Industries.

But where there's demand, there's a market.

It wasn't difficult to acquire Stark Industries' weapons on the black market.

Russell asking him to contact the hotel manager Winston wasn't due to his lack of authority to obtain Tony's information, but rather Tony's identity being a bit troublesome.

Although Tony hadn't become Iron Man yet, he was the military's largest weapon supplier and one of the most renowned arms dealers and weapon inventors in the world.

Among the various capital powers in the United States, arms dealers always ranked highly.

And Tony Stark was one of the top-tier arms dealers.

Charon wasn't sure whether the consequences of Russell killing Tony Stark would be bearable for the high table, but he could be certain that the Continental Hotel in New York definitely couldn't handle it.

Even though Russell wasn't just an independent assassin – he was an official hitman of the Continental Hotel.

"I'm not going to kill Tony Stark, don't worry about me causing trouble for the hotel."

Though he said it that way, Charon still didn't believe him.

"If you don't want to do it, that's fine. I'll find someone else."

After saying that, Russell hung up the phone.

Asking Charon for Tony Stark's information was just for convenience, it didn't mean he had no other channels besides the Continental Hotel.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket!

After all, he had been an assassin for quite a few years, and he had several private channels as well.

After ending the call, Russell opened up the old computer that had changed hands countless times and logged into a forum on the dark web.

From there, he found an information broker he had collaborated with several times in the past and sent over his requirements and down payment.

Stark Industries had released news about selling Jericho missiles to the Afghan U.S. military base, but there were no specific delivery dates mentioned.

Considering that the activation conditions for the reward had already been triggered, the delivery should be taking place soon.

Although he had already booked a flight to Afghanistan for tomorrow, it was just a precaution.

If Tony didn't go over there so quickly, Russell had no intention of going early either.

Whether it was kidnapping Tony or rescuing him from the Ten Rings, it wouldn't require too much time.

A day or two in advance would be enough.

Just as he transferred the deposit to the information broker, his phone rang.

It was Winston calling.

"I've said it before, I'm not going to kill Tony Stark!"

After pressing the answer button, Russell directly stated.

"I believe you're not going to kill Tony Stark. I'm calling because a client has specifically requested your services."

Winston spoke slowly.

"What's the assignment?"

Russell didn't ask who the client was.

Those who commissioned through the hotel were mostly those who didn't want to reveal their identities.

Otherwise, private commissions would be cheaper compared to going through the hotel, at least not requiring extra fees.

Although going through the hotel was a bit pricier, the advantage was not having to interact with the assassin and not revealing one's true identity.

"Kill Daredevil, and you'll be rewarded with twenty million US dollars."

"Not interested, not taking it!"

A reward of twenty million US dollars wasn't low, and Daredevil wasn't an especially challenging target.

Under normal circumstances, Russell might have some interest.

But now, with the reward of the Endosymbiotic Battle Armor in front of him, he wasn't even slightly interested, even if it were two billion US dollars.

After Russell refused, Winston didn't immediately hang up the phone, but continued, "The client can raise the price. What do you say?"

"It's not a matter of the reward. I'm not in the mood lately. Find someone else."

Russell didn't give Winston a chance to negotiate, and directly hung up the phone.

Although he hadn't asked who Winston's client was, hearing the target was Daredevil, he had a general idea who the client was.

Able to make Winston personally call and report this matter, the client definitely wasn't an ordinary person.

Holding a grudge against Daredevil and earning Winston's serious treatment, it was no surprise that the generous client was the infamous Kingpin of the underworld, Wilson Fisk.

After ending Winston's call, Russell picked up the stack of Maxim magazines on the table and began to enjoy the photo shoots of the female models inside.

This one with a good figure, she's a woman who's hard to control!

This set of lingerie is quite interesting; it's purchased through...


Time passed gradually.

Over two hours later, the information broker from the dark web sent a message.

What Russell had the information broker investigate wasn't something particularly classified; it was simply whether Tony Stark was still in Los Angeles.

If he was, then they needed to monitor until Tony Stark left Los Angeles.

Opening the private message on the forum and glancing at it, Russell couldn't help but curse.

Damn it!

Tony Stark wasn't in Los Angeles at the moment.

To be precise, three days ago, Tony had left Los Angeles on his private plane.

Tony had left Los Angeles three days ago, which meant that his plans to kidnap Tony in advance or prevent the Ten Rings from kidnapping him had come to an end before they even started.

To stop Tony from becoming Iron Man due to the kidnapping incident, there were now only two choices left.

Rescue him and Yinsen together before Tony finishes constructing the Mark 1 suit.

Or just outright kill Tony!




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Let's start this week ambitiously, with a mission target of 500 Power Stones. If the target is achieved before the end of this week, I will provide a bonus chapter.

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