
In the Light of Destiny

Three friends on different paths in life to make their dreams come true.

Aluna_Bloom · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter 15

"I haven't had my period this month." she says nervously

"I will have them pack up the food and we will buy a test on the way to my place."

Emma nods in agreement. Lia walks out of the bathroom to get the food wrapped up. Emma is waiting for her at the booth. When they reach Lia's place she goes straight for the bathroom to take the test. Five minutes later she emerges, and heads to the living room with a pale look.

"So how was it?" Lia asks her when she sits down.

"I am going to be a mother." She says in a state of shock.

"OMG, can I be a godmother?" She say excitedly

"Yes I wouldn't want anyone else." She smiles at her excited friend.

"What will Kylen say?" she asked

"Oh my, oh my. What if he doesn't want kids? We haven't talked about it?" she pales again.

"Don't worry he will, if he doesn't we can run away together and raise the baby." she laughs hoping that makes her feel better. They both start to laugh. Instead of eating the food from the restaurant Emma just settles for a grilled cheese sandwich and pickles.

Later that evening at the condo she shares with Kylen. Daivd walks in with a gentleman behind him. She gets up from the chair, walks over to him and kisses him on the cheek like she does everyday.

"I will never get tired of coming home to you." he smirks at her. He then looks behind him "This Mr. Kyle." He smiles "Mr. Kyle, this is my wife to be Emma."

"Nice to finally meet ma'am. You will never know how much this man loves you." He says

"Thank you Mr. Kyle, but if I may ask, what are you doing here?" She asks

Kylen then speaks. "I heard that you went to the Brassica Agency today." He says with a frown.

"Mr. Kyle came across your audition from last year. The auditions for upcoming actors and actresses that my company didn't use, we passed them on to my brother's company. Mr. Kyle here is the recruiter for my brother's branch."

"Oh that is great, well thank you for the interest in me, but after talking to my friend Lia I have changed my mind about being an actress. I will just work a regular job. I have an accounting degree I have never used, so it is time to use that." She chuckles

Mr. Kyle's face turns red with anger. He just wasted time for nobody as a favor to his boss's brother when he could have been home with his wife and children. Emma notices his anger.

"How about you stay for dinner so your time is not completely wasted, I made a chicken casserole." She smiles

"My wife hasn't made home cooked meals in a month. She is pregnant again with our fourth, the brat in her belly drains all her energy throughout the day. So I say yes." He replies happily.

"If that is the case how about I pack some food for you and you can take it home with you to feed the kids too."

"Really that will be great. I am sure the kids are tired of pizza and burgers." He says.

"I will go get that ready, if you have anything to talk about go ahead I will be right back." She says she disappears into the kitchen. She hears the men talking.