
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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To Block My Way Of Making Money Is To Cut Off My Way To Immortality!

The cultivation gap between Ye Chen and the foreign affairs elders is really too big.

Just now the foreign affairs elder was in a hurry to report the drop in income, but he didn't notice it.

But at this moment Ye Chen was furious.

The foreign affairs elder felt it instantly.

An incomparable aura erupted from the body of his own Holy Master.

This momentum is terrifying to the extreme.

It is overbearing to the extreme.

Rang, who was only a foreign affairs elder in the late Yuanying period, couldn't bear it at all.

His face was pale, and his body was about to kneel down involuntarily in an instant.

Ye Chen noticed it, and immediately waved his hand, withdrawing the momentum that erupted naturally.

Only then can the foreign affairs elder stabilize his figure.

But his face was still pale, and his eyes were even more horrified.

Because my own Holy Master is really too terrifying.

If the Holy Master does not take back his momentum, he may even be crushed to death.

Even if the Lord will take it back soon.

At that moment, I also suffered serious internal injuries.

Take Ye Chen's realm.

Naturally, it was easy to see the injury of the foreign affairs elder.

Immediately raised his hand to evolve the word secret, healed the elder of the foreign affairs, and explained at the same time: "I just made a breakthrough, and the control of my own power is not perfect enough!"

The foreign affairs elder obviously didn't care about such a trivial matter.

Instead, he looked at his Holy Master in shock: "Holy Master, you...really broke through again?"

"You are now a Fit Venerable?"

Ye Chen smiled and nodded upon hearing this.

The expression on the face of the foreign affairs elder at this moment is particularly wonderful.

Although before the Holy Lord's retreat this time.

They guessed that the Holy Master might break through the integration period.

But when the Holy Lord really breaks through.

In his heart, he still couldn't help but be overwhelmed.

In less than a year, he broke through from the late stage of Void Refining to the early stage of Fusion.

This is really outrageous.

After all, this is the 3000-year period of Ming Wangzhou, when a statue appeared in the regiment.

Where is the Lord?


Let alone a hundred years old, he has not even reached fifty years old now.

The fusion period before the age of fifty.

Really amazing!

If this news spreads.

Absolutely shocked the entire world of cultivating immortals.

I'm afraid that the enthusiasm for the return of the Du family will be suppressed by the news of the Holy Master's breakthrough.

It can be seen how incredible it is.

Ye Chen gave the elder foreign affairs time to calm down.

After waiting for a while, I asked, "Why has our income been affected so hugely"?"

Ye Chen originally thought that after this breakthrough, his income would reach 100 million.

But now, it has been affected to such an extent.

This time greatly slowed down his breakthrough time.

It will take several years to break through the middle stage of integration.

And after breaking through other realms, it will be greatly affected.

Therefore, Ye Chen attaches great importance to this matter.

Hearing this, the foreign affairs elder hurriedly reported: "Holy Master, during your retreat period, the former royal family Du's family returned to Ming Wangzhou.

"The strong man who descended from the Du family is named Champion Hou."

"One body has reached the middle stage of integration, and its strength is unfathomable."

"And the methods were extraordinarily brutal, as soon as they came to Ming Wangzhou, they killed several experts in the Void Refinement Stage, and even wiped out the first-class forces in the family.

"This person demands that all the forces in Mingwang State submit to him within one month."

"Otherwise, the door will be destroyed.

Hearing this, Ye Chen frowned.

As expected, the Du family has come.

It seems that I have a good premonition.

The ancestor of the Heart Artifact Sect was exterminated by the dupes of the Du family.

In the middle of the fusion.

This cultivation level is indeed invincible in today's world of cultivating immortals.

But Ye Chen didn't speak.

Instead, he continued to listen to the foreign affairs elders.

The elder of foreign affairs continued to speak: "The horror of the Du family is more than that.

"According to what the champion Hou said, the emperor of the Du family cultivated to reach the ultimate state, and it is possible to break through the Mahayana stage.

"This news has scared the Holy Land forces in the entire Mingwang State."

"After all, the Mahayana period can control the fairy weapon and break through the defense of the Holy Land."

"Once the holy land is not protected by the immortal artifact, there is no resistance at all in the face of the existence of the Mahayana period."

"So, the major holy places have also shrunk."

"The Great Zhou Dynasty was forced to activate the immortal weapon, and has already proclaimed its own territory."

"As for the rest of the holy places, they have also shrunk their forces one after another and recalled a large number of people.

"As for other small forces, everyone is at risk."

"Commercial activities in the world of cultivating immortals have dropped by half."

"Many of our offline businesses have been hit.

"At the same time, the popularity of major applications has also dropped sharply, and the number of online users has declined."

"Only the popularity of Xianwang Weibo and Xianwang short videos has increased."

"But the problem is that the Du family is too powerful, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that the world of cultivating immortals will usher in a big change.

"So our advertisers, all have scaled back or even canceled their ad campaigns."

"These are the reasons why our revenue has plummeted this month."

In a few words, the foreign affairs elder finally explained everything clearly.

Hearing this, Ye Chen narrowed his eyes.

Emperor Du?

Existence close to the Mahayana period?

Tsk tsk, although Ye Chen had already guessed that there might be stronger people hidden in the world of cultivating immortals.

But I really didn't expect that there was an emperor who was about to be in the Mahayana period.

Not to mention that there is also a champion in the middle of the fit.

The strength of the Du family is indeed very strong.

And Ye Chen originally didn't intend to participate in the grievances and grievances in the world of cultivating immortals.

Fighting and killing is normal in the world of cultivating immortals.

Ye Chen was too lazy to participate.

But the premise of Ye Chen's non-participation is that it will not affect his own business.

And obviously.

The Du family is too strong, and at the same time the methods are too tough.

The entire Mingwang Prefecture fell into chaos, which affected economic circulation and affected their own business.

As for the Du family wanting to unify Ming Wangzhou, Ye Chen couldn't tolerate it.

Although the Du family is strong.

But want to unify the entire Ming Wangzhou.

It will take hundreds of years anyway.


If Ming Wangzhou fell into the flames of war for hundreds of years.

Then his family's business in Mingwang Prefecture will suffer a devastating blow.

Not to mention that Ye Chen also plans to open up other big states such as Xiyuanzhou.

Mingwang Prefecture is the center of the Immortal World.

It is the transportation hub of the states.

If Ming Wangzhou has been unstable and is in a state of war.

There is no way to talk about Ye Chen's development plan.

With Ye Chen's cultivation getting higher and higher.

After that, every time a small realm is broken through, the number of spirit stones needed will become more and more terrifying.

In this situation.

Ye Chen already had a headache and had to wait too long to break through.

Also thinking about how to update more new applications, increase revenue, and shorten the interval between breakthroughs.

As a result, the Du family even ran out to make trouble.

If Ming Wang (Li Haozhao) Zhou continued to be in chaos.

It is estimated that I may not be able to earn enough spirit stones to break through the middle stage of fusion in ten years.

Immediately, Ye Chen's murderous aura boiled over.

Cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents.

And Ye Chen's fortune is related to immortality.

For the Duan family to cut off their own wealth is equivalent to cutting off their own way to immortality.

For cultivators, this is already the biggest hatred in the world.

"`" I was too lazy to care about you. Since you are dying, don't blame me!"

When Ye Chen thought of the lost spirit stone, his heart ached.

In addition to being distressed, it was even more murderous.

What a fit mid-term champion Hou Yun.

What is close to the Du family emperor in the Mahayana period.

Anyone who dares to delay earning spirit stones will die!

And the foreign affairs elder looked at the murderous appearance of his own Holy Master, and his heart shrank...

Some felt sorry for the champion Hou.

My Holy Master has always been indifferent.

He only cares about Lingshi and the beauties around him.

As for the Du family, the Holy Master lost hundreds of millions of high-grade spirit stones, and there may be more in the future...

This is really killing me!.