
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

The New Application Seems A Bit Powerful!

See the feature update notes for version 1.9.

Countless cultivators sighed, somewhat disappointed.

The new application is actually a map application.

Although the map application launched by Tianyan Holy Land will definitely be more comprehensive than ordinary maps, with a wider coverage and more accurate.

But after all, it's just a map application.

There is a huge gap with the previous applications that brought countless people a shocking experience once they were released.

But because of the application of the Xianwang Mission Hall.

Many immortals have already guessed that the new application may be a map application. .

I think that even if Tianyan Shengzhu is extremely talented, it is impossible to keep creating high-quality applications.

So I still understand.

After a brief disappointment, he continued to look at the content below the version update instructions.

"Xianwang short video, Xianwang Weibo has added the function of adding locations. When posting short videos and posting Weibo updates, users can add locations.

"Cultivators click on the location, and they can jump directly to the map of Xianwang, and see the specific location marked."

Seeing this, all the cultivators nodded one after another.

This function is extremely convenient for all cultivators.

For example, on the Weibo of Immortal Network, a cultivator broke the news that there were ruins in a certain mountain range.

It attracted the heart of the immortal cultivators not far away, and wanted to go to explore.

But the mountain range is so huge that it is difficult to find the specific location just by pictures and descriptions.

Sometimes, even the crashes are closed.

Some cultivators have just found a place.

Another example is that a cultivator asked about the places where some kind of monsters appeared on the Weibo of Xianwang.

If a cultivator knew about it, he would answer it casually.

But it is difficult to be particularly precise about the location.

Even if a cultivator knows the location, it will be difficult to find the monster he wants to hunt.

There are many such situations on Xianwang.

But if you have the function of sharing location.

Immortal cultivators directly confirm a certain location on the map and post it on the immortal network.

Immortal cultivators of the Immortal Net can know the specific location with a single click.

Wouldn't that be very convenient?

This function made all the cultivators very satisfied.

Many cultivators think so.

Although the fairy net map itself is not brilliant.

But with other applications, it can create a different spark.

A group of cultivators then looked down.

"Xianwang Zangjing Pavilion, task assembly point and execution location, a new map display function.

"Employers can pinpoint standard task assembly points and task execution locations on the map."

this function.

It also made all the cultivators nod.

This is also a good thing.

After all, if a cultivator goes to an unfamiliar place to do tasks.

No matter how accurate the employer's description is, the location may not be found.

In the end, time was wasted and disputes occurred.

But with accurate labeling.

It can be accurately marked to a certain street or a certain store.

This situation of finding no place will inevitably be greatly reduced.

And then look down.

"New users of Xianwang Express can accurately specify the receiving location on the map, and can directly view the express delivery range to confirm their location and whether they belong to the delivery range!"

"Fairy Net..."

The next few items introduce features.

It is all a combination of maps and previous old applications.

become more convenient.

All the cultivators nodded when they saw this.

Don't say it.

The emergence of map applications has indeed made many previous applications more convenient.

If nothing else, just rely on this.

Just let the role of the map application become a little bigger.

This issue of version 1.9 update instructions is not long.

Basically, they are instructions for adding map function support to old applications.

Wait for the cultivators to finish reading.

They all closed the version update instructions without hesitation.

Opened the PHS homepage with ease.

Go to the app bar.

In the application bar, an application called Xianwang Map has now been added.

The icon of the application is a comprehensive map of Yanzhou, like an eagle.

Many cultivators, though somewhat disappointed with the new application.

But still clicked into it.

I plan to see if the map in the new application is detailed enough and accurate.

If it is easy to use, then you can see the map of the entire world of cultivating immortals.

It's also very good.

And when the Xianwang map was opened.

The homepage of Xianwang Map instantly came into view.

On the homepage of Xianwang Map, there is a map.

And it is a map of the entire world of cultivating immortals.

Mingwangzhou and Dayanzhou are clearly visible.

It even marked the big islands such as Penglai Island in the endless sea.

And further outside, it is a fog.

It was the first time for countless cultivators to see a map of the entire world of cultivating immortals, and they were amazed at the shapes of the two states.

The area of ​​Mingwang State is indeed ten times larger than that of Sky State.

And with the thought of the immortal cultivator.

They were surprised to find that they could easily zoom in and zoom out the map of any area through divine thoughts.

Those who cultivate immortals will directly choose to live in a certain immortal city.

The next moment, the eyes of countless immortal cultivators lit up, and they all exclaimed involuntarily.

Because the map data in this fairy net map is really outrageous.

Everything in the entire fairy city came into view clearly.

Even a certain map of Xiancheng was enlarged.

You can even see what shops are on the street.

It's outrageous.

Not just Xiancheng.

There are some well-known mountains in the city of the entire world of cultivating immortals.

Even the shops that purchase materials outside the mountains are clearly visible.

You can even see the name of the store by clicking on the store lightly.

This was beyond the expectations of all cultivators.

Although they guessed the map application launched by Tianyan Holy Land, most of them will be extremely accurate.

But it is so accurate that even the names of shops in a certain street or alley can be seen, it is beyond everyone's expectations!

"It's kind of amazing!"

"Yeah, I actually saw my family's cave on the map, it's outrageous!"

"Not only accurate, but extremely accurate. The map I saw is exactly the same as what I know, and there seems to be no slightest error."

"Indeed, the quality of Xianwang's map is beyond imagination. Not to mention, I feel extraordinary based on the accurate map information. Compared with those maps in my jade slips, they are simply broken versions. What kind of information? nothing."

"The gap is indeed huge. Although there is nothing unexpected about the function of this new application produced by the Lord, the accuracy alone is amazing enough!"

Countless cultivators are discussing on Xianwang Weibo.

They were all shocked by the high-precision information of Xianwang map.

For the application of Xianwang map, I can't help but change it and pay more attention to it.

After all, an exceptionally accurate application has a greater effect on cultivators than imagined.

For example, during a war, you can use the fairy net map to find a way to escape in advance.

For another example, if you want to find a certain store, you don't need to search hard in the whole fairy city.

Instead, you can first look for it on the Xianwang map.

After you find it, you can go directly to it if you know the specific location, saving time and effort!

Such an application is undoubtedly of great importance to immortal cultivators.


The shock brought by the new application to the cultivators is still to come.