
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

Excitement! The Holy Lord Of Tianyan Is Coming!

Tianyan Holy Land.

Ye Chen looked at the voice message sent by Queen Da Zhou, with a particularly wonderful expression.

Empress of the Great Zhou.....

No matter how she is a woman, she wants to have a baby with herself.

Ye Chen shook his head, he didn't want to talk anymore.

Exiting from the PHS interface, Ye Chen looked at the foreign affairs elder: "Is there anything else to report?"

"If nothing happens, I will head to Mingwang Prefecture now.

For Ye Chen, the sooner he goes, the better.

Solved the ~chaos caused by Champion Hou earlier.

The most important thing is to let Ming Wangzhou calm down as soon as possible and restore business.

The foreign affairs elder immediately shook his head.

But right now.

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked outside the Holy Land.

Seeing the reaction of his Holy Master, the foreign affairs elder was taken aback for a moment.

But soon, his expression changed, and he looked out of the holy land: "What a powerful aura? This aura, at least, is from a strong person in the Void Refinement Stage."

Hearing this, Ye Chen nodded: "Late stage of refining virtual reality."

Hearing this, the Foreign Affairs Elder looked a little excited.

Today's world of cultivating immortals.

There were three late-stage Void Refinement before.

However, Taoist Styx was destroyed by his own Holy Lord.

And that Fang Bai Yu also fell after breaking through the late stage of Void Refining.

There is only one Tuboye left.

But Tuboye's breath, the foreign affairs elders have felt it before.

Not the one who came from outside the Holy Land.

That is to say, the one outside the Holy Land is one of the two left and right generals brought by Champion Hou.

At this moment, a voice sounded from outside the Holy Land: "I am the right general under the command of the champion of the Du family!"

"Under the order of Champion Hou, come to Tianyan Holy Land to pay homage to Tianyan Holy Land, and invite Holy Master to come out and see!"

Ye Chen frowned.

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive.

The champion Hou's people are here.

Is it coveting PHS, or coveting the huge wealth brought by PHS?

But these are not important.

Because either way, the ending is not any different.

"You stay in the Holy Land, prepare the regulations, and resume business in various places as quickly as possible after the incident in the Ming Dynasty is over.

Ye Chen warned.

Just go leisurely.

The foreign affairs elder stood where he was and nodded immediately.

Looking at the back of Ye Chen's departure, the foreign affairs elder felt emotional.

The champion is going to be unlucky.

Outside the mountain gate of Tianyan Holy Land.

The general on the right was dressed in golden armor, he was very heroic, and he stood there a little cautiously.

these days.

By using Tianyan PHS.

He also saw many deeds about the Lord Tianyan.

Even in the short video on Xianwang, I saw many battle videos of the Lord Tianyan.

to be honest.

Although both are in the late stage of Void Refining.

But General You felt that if he fought against the Lord Tianyan.

I'm afraid he will be killed with one move.

The stage of refining the void kills the stage of integration.

This kind of existence is really a monster in the monster wild.

Not to mention that the Holy Master Tianyan is only a hundred years old.

This talent is probably even more terrifying than his own emperor.

But it's a pity.

There are only two paths before the Holy Master Tianyan.

Either surrender, be imprinted with the brand of the Du family, and be controlled by the Du family for the rest of their lives.

Either resist.

Naturally, there will be annihilation.

After all, with the character of the Du family, they would never allow any uncertain factors to exist.

What a pity for such an evildoer as Holy Master Tianyan.

When the right general was thinking.

A figure stepped out leisurely from the mountain gate of Tianyan Holy Land.

"I have seen the Holy Lord!"

The deacons at the mountain gate, who were facing an enemy, immediately lowered their heads, showing a relaxed look.

The champion Hou disturbed Ming Wangzhou, and his power was unparalleled.

They were a little confused just now.

But the Lord came out.

They are naturally relieved.

Ye Chen nodded and looked at the general on the right.

This general on the right is not weak.

It is slightly worse than Tuo Boye of Yuhuamen.

It seems that the Du family has really recruited many talents in Xiyuanzhou, and even gathered the resources of Xiyuanzhou to cultivate many national masterpieces.

The right general was sized up by Ye Chen.

I just feel cold all over.

The Tianyan Holy Master in the video is already invincible and full of vigor.

But seeing real people.

General You was even more shocked.

The Holy Lord Tianyan in front of him, although his face is calm.

But there is an indescribable domineering air.

Looking at him, he actually gave him a sense of surrender from the bottom of his heart.

This domineering.

Even more domineering than the Du family emperor.

the most important is.

Between the brows of the Lord Tianyan, the sun was flawless.

The whole person exudes a perfect breath.

How can this be?

The right general was shocked immediately.

You must know that the strong ones in the Void Refinement Stage have the imprints of heaven and earth on their brows.

And the strong in the fusion period.

The body is flawless, and the connection with the heaven and the earth is closer.

Doesn't the performance of the Holy Lord Tianyan at this moment mean that the Holy Lord Tianyan has achieved the integration stage.

But how is this possible?

You know, there are records on the fairy net.

When the Lord Tianyan killed Fang Bai Yu, who was in the fusion stage, he had just broken through the late stage of Void Refining.

It's less than a year away now.

The Lord Tianyan actually broke through to the combined stage?

This is really incredible.

Although I have seen a lot of news about the breakthrough speed of the Lord Tianyan from the fairy net before.

But seeing it with your own eyes at this moment, you can understand how outrageous it is.

Breaking through the integration period in less than a year?

Where is this cultivation?

I'm afraid that if you eat spirit stones directly to upgrade, you won't be able to eat them so fast!

Ye Chen looked at the shocked general on the right, and said lightly: "What did the champion want you to say?"

General You just recovered from the shock at this moment, and hurriedly bowed his head: "I have seen the current generation of Tianyan Sheng!

"My Lord Hou invites you to visit Ming Wang Prefecture!"

Before General You came, he planned to ask for more.

But at this moment, I feel Ye Chen's cultivation.

General You chose Congxin without hesitation.

The Heavenly Yan Holy Lord, whose combat power is against the sky, is already in the fusion stage.

This means that the combat power of the Lord Tianyan is even more astonishing.

General You was even a little skeptical.

Can his own champion, Hou, be able to stabilize Tianyan Shengsheng's head.

So it's always right to be a little cowardly.

Ye Chen smiled lightly upon hearing this.

Please see yourself?

Then as he wished, go and meet him.

"Let's go!"

Ye Chen nodded lightly.

The right general hurriedly led the way in fear.

And at the same time.

The elders of foreign affairs also replied to the major holy places that have been looking forward to and waiting for news.

Tell them that the Lord Tianyan accepted their crowdfunding.

Will take action to resolve the matter of the Du family.

Hearing this, the faces of the holy masters of the major holy places all showed joy.

Lord Tianyan agreed.

With the combat strength of the Tianyan Holy Lord, it is very likely that the champion will be held back.

And Champion Hou will definitely see the Lord Tianyan as a thorn in his side when he is provoked.

In this way, the pressure on the major holy places will be greatly reduced.

If Holy Master Tianyan can continue to break through at the same speed in the future, maybe he can solve the threat of Emperor Du's family.

In short.

This news is a great thing for the major holy places.

And as expected.

On Xianwang Weibo, several photos were posted.

Go directly to the hot search!

The Lord Tianyan, who hadn't appeared for a long time, appeared in Ming Wangzhou and headed towards the residence where Champion Hou is!.