
For survival The weather was rather unpleasant

I'll soon get there, Amy thought to herself as she treaded the streets that led to her workplace, it had been raining heavily since she got out of bed, she had waited for the rain to subside after getting ready for work, but it clearly didn't have any plans to do so, her boss will have her head on a platter should she hear that the boutique is still close at this hour rain or no rain.

Hey Amy you're late today, everything ok, it was Sebastian the security guard who always had a way of getting on Amy's nerve, just like he was doing now, she manages a smile at him, she starts feeling uneasy all drenched up and shivering so she rushes into the boutique , signs in, put on the power and put up the open sign, she glances at her wristwatch and heaves a sigh of relief, it read quarter past 8, so she was just 15 minutes late, not so bad, I have to get out of these wet clothes, before they start trooping in, customers were very rude at times,yet we always need them around, she barges into the restroom with those thoughts in her mind.

That's right ma'am, and you also get a discount of about 15%, if you pay fully for the gown, "really" the woman could hardly hold her excitement, Amy saw the glow in her eyes, this was one part of her job she genuinely enjoyed, she liked the fact that she could talk people into getting a gown or a shoe, and actually convince them to get one, it made her feel powerful, like her opinions mattered, like she mattered, a feeling she wasn't so accustomed to, at least not at home. she felt a shiver go through her, at the taught of home, if work was hell, then home is a lake of fire, the woman's voice snatched her out of her thought, I like the dress, ill take it and pay the full amount, she was saying, Amy nods in satisfaction, as she leads the woman to the counter, she wraps up the piece and watch as the woman walks out of the shop, twas a nice dress, she herself had fantasized on getting some of the stuffs here, after all they were all good stuffs, but she knew that wasn't going to happen, not as long as she keep receiving a monthly pay, that is half the price of the cheapest gown here, she sighs, just then Sebastian walks in, seeing him she took the cue and immediately grabbed her bag and cellphone. Anybody trouble you today ?, Sebastian was saying in his usual boastful tune, Amy always wondered why being a security officer will give someone so much delight, to the extent of being boastful, maybe twas the uniform getting into his head. No, it's all good, Amy replied, I'll head out now. with that she walked briskly out of the building, intentionally to avoid any sort of discussion.

She decided to visit Eno's place that evening, Eno was her best, if not only friends, she didn't have much friends maybe because she prefers keeping to herself, and the few friends she had, well maybe she couldn't keep them or they left her behind, Eno was young and vibrant, an 18 year old, studying psychology in school, perhaps the reason why she understood her , people hardly understood her, anyhow there was this chemistry between them that made them friends, Amy sometimes saw herself in Eno, it felt good to know that she wasn't so weird after all, however sometimes it scared her...

At Eno's place, Eno prepared a special meal of jollof spaghetti with plantain, after eating, Amy watched as Eno put some starch of paper away, because she was tired and would work on it tomorrow. Amy looked at her and the words poured out '' I just hope you don't make the same mistake I make", you're always saying that you mind telling me what mistake you made, let's talk about it. Amy couldn't tell why, but looking into Eno's eyes at that moment she knew she could trust her with just about any thing, she could feel the bile gathering on her throat, but she knew she needed to talk with someone and who better than her friend. I'll tell you she started and the water started gathering on her eyes.