

Amidst the whole drama and

rave going on, on the internet,

Chris boarded her flight the next

day to go meet her friends and

have some peace in her life.

Before leaving the house, she

wore a skinny three-quarter Jean,

an armless white top, a face mask,

and a cap before wearing her

glasses so that she won't be

recognized by people and

journalists. Because one of the

worst things that can happen to

her right now is being recognized

at the airport or while on the flight.

Nobody with a scandal will want

that to happen to them because

they know that they will be bullied

to death by the masses and that

can create another scandal that

cannot be good for business and

career. While Chris was on her flight

to Abuja, Ima was in her Hotel suite

still throwing a fit. She had eyebags

because she hasn't slept since the

previous night and her assistant has

quit. After she beat up her assistants

the previous night, the lady decided

to quit and threatened to sue her

for that. At that time Ima did not

care what anyone wants to do

because she has had enough

already. Ima only knows how to

create scandals but does not know

how to manage them as little things

easily get to her. She couldn't believe

that her friends will abandon her at

the most critical time of her life

and she couldn't wait to see them

so that she can give them a piece

of her mind and if possible, end

the friendship immediately. But

anyone who knows Ima better

knows that she won't end any

friendship until she sees the person

and have a verbal fight with the

person. While she was wallowing

in self-pity in her Hotel suite, she

received an email stating that her

contract has been terminated. She

couldn't believe her ears as she never

thought that her contract will be

terminated because her fiance is

the new CEO of the company. She

bashed her phone on the wall and

barged out of the room in her

horrible-looking state to look for

Doja. She knew where his suite was

so she barged right there and nobody

could stop her in the hotel because

they all know who she is. They all

know that trying to stop her means

that you want to get beaten up. She

got to Doja's suite, saw a waitress

coming, and quickly ran inside

because she knows that he will

never let her in even if she asks

nicely. She barged in and saw what

she would have never imagined in

a million years. She saw Doja and

Shulamite kissing. Shulamite was

in a bathrobe which meant that she

spent the night here. All through

the night when she was trying to

reach her fiance and her friend

thinking they were busy not

knowing that they were together

doing all the stuff she would have

never imagined that they would do.

She went mad as she screamed

and launched herself at them. She

dragged Shulamite off Doja and

they started fighting. While they

were fighting, Doja picked up his

clothes and excused them. He

walked out of the suite, leaving

the two ladies behind to fight to

their heart's content since that

was the next thing they wanted to

do. Ima who went to confront Doja

about the contract forgot about

what brought her as she and

Shulamite were fighting. Shulamite

added to the marks on Ima's face

which Chris had given to her the

previous day when they had their

fight. Ima also made sure that

Shulamite will regret this day for

a long time as she yanked off the

earrings Shulamite was wearing on

her ears thereby making her have a

tear in both ears. After Ima did

that, Shulamite screamed in pain

and horror and fell on the floor.

Ima descended on her as she

rains down blows on Shulamite's

face while saying "this is how I

deal with backstabbing bitches

who pretend to be my friends but

are actually my enemies." After

Shulamite saw what has happened

to her, she knew that her life will

never remain the same so she

fought hard as she toppled Ima and

bit off a part of her ear. Their fight

became a bloody rat fight and

before security could come into

the suite to separate both ladies,

they have already inflicted injuries

on each other. While the security

man was dragging them out of the

hotel, some people saw them and

began to make videos and take

pictures again. Immediately Ima

saw that happening,  she knew that

her career was over and right there

she vowed not to let those who

have ended her career go scot-free.

Within two minutes, social media

was aflame again with a new

scandal. Netizens were shocked

to see Ima on the news again and

some of them began to wonder if

she was a model or a WWE superstar.

When they saw who she was

fighting with,  they were even

more shocked because they've

always known she and Shulamite

to be friends. While they were

discussing the new scandal, many

people started bringing up the

fight she had with Chris the previous

day and there were new speculations

again. Many people now believed

that she was the one who went

after Chris, and the fight they had

was as a result of Chris retaliating

and not the other way around as they

were made to believe the previous

day, that Chris was jealous of

Ima because she secured a spot

on the Hygra perfume

ambassadorship. Everyone was

thrown into confusion as they

couldn't come up with any logical

reason as to why these two friends

were fighting. Within five minutes,

pictures emerged of Shulamite

walking into the hotel with Doja

and pictures of Ima barging into

the hotel suite. Netizens couldn't

believe such a betrayal could come

from Shulamite who has always

appeared as an angel in their eyes

and a loyal friend to Ima. Everything

that was happening was like a

dream that many people were

thinking that they will soon wake

up from because nobody could

ever look at Shulamite and suspect

that she can be a backstabbing friend

who will even plot to take her

friend's fiance away from her.

Many netizens began to connect

the dots and it started to appear

like there is a love triangle

somewhere. According to some

netizens, it is not a love triangle

but a love rectangle because you

have four people involved here. You

have Chris, Ima, Shulamite, and

Doja. So, they began to wonder

why Doja who is already engaged

to Ima is involved with both her rival

and her friend. But some netizens

argued that it is a man's world

and a man can have as many

women as he chooses to, so Ima

should calm down and let her

fiance live his life in peace

because he wasn't created for

her alone. It has now appeared to

the netizens that Ima has been

the one going around to fight the

other women in Doja's life. While

different updates were popping up

on different sites about the series

of fights between Ima and other

girls, Ima was at the hospital with

her mother and receiving a scolding

from her father. "You silly girl,

there is nothing you can ever do

properly in your life. Obviously, you

took after your mother in that

aspect because as you can see,

your mother has never

accomplished anything in her life,

so she brought you up to be just

like her. A failure. I worked so hard

to get you engaged to Doja but

what have you done? You have

ruined it with your stupid jealousy.

I never sent you there to look for

love,  I sent you there for business.

I brought you up as a queen so

you can appear as one in the eyes

of the public but what is the world

seeing you like today? A dumb

trashy stupid girl. Other daughters

bring pride and honor to their

parents but what have you brought

to me? You have only brought

shame, disgrace, and loss. You

are a waste of resources because

all the resources I have used on

you have just gone down the drain."

Ima and her mother kept quiet

with their heads down as her father

kept scolding her. While Ima was

receiving a scolding from her

father, Shulamite was receiving

praises from Najiba. "I am glad

you did not let her batter you

without retaliating. What she has

done to you can still be corrected

with a few surgeries but what

you did to her,  girl you are savage.

Remind me not to pick up a fight

with you because I wouldn't want

to end up like Ima. Do you know

that you have scarred her for life?

But I must say that you have guts.

You went after her fiance? You know

that that is a deal-breaker. "Look

Najiba, I don't care about what

anyone has to say. It's a free world.

I saw an opportunity and I took it.

It's as simple as that. Does Ima

really consider me her friend? You

don't call people your friends and

treat them like trash because

when you do that, betrayal is the

next thing you will get from them.

At least I have succeeded in

destroying her image in the

public's eyes even though I didn't

succeed in getting Doja. Believe me,

it will take a long time before she

shows her face in public again

and by then, girl I know where I

would have gotten to with my

career. "Shulamite, you are one

bad calculating girl. Well,

congratulations dear. One

competitor has been kicked out

of the game. Not just any kind of

competitor,  a very big one at that

and you brought her down all alone.

Believe me, you deserve an

Accolade. When you leave this

hospital, I will be waiting to host

you because we need to celebrate

our Victory. I got close to Ima

because I thought that she could

be a ladder for me to climb

higher which she could have

actually been if not for the fact

that she is self-centered and

greedy. Instead of helping us,

what did she do? She turned us

into her Stooges so that everywhere

we go, people start calling us

Ima's stooge,  or haven't you

been called that before? At least

for a while, she will be out of

business." I still intended to be

friends with her and all I wanted

to do was have a good time with

Doja and get what I want to get out

of him then let her marry him but

the greedy bitch showed up and

things got out of hand. She blew

everything out of proportion and

I could sit and watch her beat me

up. What offense have I committed

that has not been committed before?

Girl, I used that opportunity to do

things that I've ever only imagined

in my mind before, to her. They

kept discussing and laughing

while Doja was with his father.

Ladan looked at his son and

threw his phone at him as he

shouted "you bastard, one

scandal wasn't enough for you.

So you went ahead to create three

in two days. Did I just say two days,

I meant less than two days. What

were you thinking? Women are for

the taking,  but not at the expense

of your business. Son, I don't

understand what you have just

done. If you wanted a woman,

there are many women out there

so why did you go for your

fiance's friend? What sense does

that make to you? I knew that

Ima is an irrational girl who is

bad for business and I also

knew that you would find a way

to get rid of her but how can you

get rid of her now? With

everything you have done, it will

be very glaring to her parents that

it has been our plan all along to

get rid of their daughter. A man

who wants to do business should

have the sense when it comes to

women else, they will wreck him

and son, I did not build this

business to this level for you to

wreck it. Be careful before the

shareholders vote you out of

your position. We will have to

schedule a meeting by tomorrow

because you have to prove to

them that you deserve the position

that you are occupying, and you

need to prove that, not just to

them alone, but also to me. I need

to be sure that I have done the

right thing by making you the new

CEO, so be prepared to defend

your title. That's all I have to say

to you.  When Chris's flight landed

at the airport, her friends were

already waiting for her outside

and they couldn't wait to get the

full gist of what has happened

from Chris. They were happy to

see her again as they had a group

hug immediately after she stepped

outside. The chauffeur carried the

bags into the car as they all got in

and drove away. They arrived at

the hotel where she would be

staying before leaving for Jade's

house. When they got to Jade's

house, she brought out the gifts

that she has bought for the

children, so everyone had gifts

except Kellan. He got upset

instantly and started crying

because his auntie, Chris bought

nothing for him. The sight of the

boy who is always aloof, crying

was a rare sight. Jade took out

her camera to capture this

memorable moment where her

son was crying because his auntie

Chris didn't buy him a gift. Chris

walked up to him, picked him up,

and ask him, "what would you like

me to buy for you? I didn't buy you

anything because I don't want to

buy something that you will reject.

So, you can see that Auntie Chris

loves you so much that's why she

wants you to choose your gift."

She showed him pictures of

some beautiful bicycles and he

got excited immediately. He

showed her the one he wanted

and they all left the house again

to go bicycle shopping at the mall.

When they got there, Chris didn't

buy just one bicycle for Kellan, but

the girls also because they all

rejected their toys after they saw

his bicycle. They all got your wish

of having bicycles then Chris

turned around and said to Jade

and Candice "do you know that I

wished for the two of you to have

twenty children? But I have just

changed my mind now because

if you both have twenty children,

aunty Chris here, will go bankrupt.

That will mean that I am taking

care of a community." They all

laughed after listening to what

Chris has just said and they couldn't

believe that she wanted them to

have twenty children.