
In the Field of War

The year is 107 of the First Age. A great peace reigned over the lands of Pangea. But in peace, war is bound. Great evil have risen, sent to destroy the world and it's inhabitants. Now, the leaders of the 9 kingdoms must join forces to stop this dwelling threat. Join now as one of the most gruesome war will ensue on the lands of Pangea. Massive armies from all kingdoms. Witness bold tactics, hard-fought battles, brave soldiers who will fight for their lands, for their freedom and the cost of it all.

useless_1469 · War
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17 Chs

In the Lion's Den

Just after the fight at Dundee

Envy crawled back up the ground, grunting and huffing. He was annoyed, frustrated, and angry at Wrath. Bossing him around and telling him what to do. He was sick of it. This place is not the old place where they were. His body was almost out of the hole made by Jboluick but then he heard rumbling. From the sky, Wrath dropped down about 6 ft away from him. The place grumbled and shook rapidly. Envy growled frustratingly as he finally crawled out of the hole.

"Envy…do not speak of this to him." Wrath said to him, looking up at the sky.

"No." Envy growled. "I am not your servant."

Wrath slowly looked at him, giving him a menacing stare. "…"

"You reap what you sow. You've always been arrogant. You've always been stubborn. Times changed brother. You aren't the most powerful anymore. And clearly, you are not the leader anymore." Envy informed him, out of nowhere Wrath disappeared and clutched Envy's neck firmly. He was suddenly the same height as Envy, fire raged all over his body. Envy knew what was happening. A tantrum.

"Do. Not. Speak of this. Or else." Wrath threatened him.

"Or what! Finish the sentence!" Envy gasped, he did not try to remove the hand that was clutching his neck.

"Or I'll kill you!" Wrath growled, and fire burst in his body.

"You can't. If Musifne finds out about this you'll be in big trouble. If you kill me, he'll still find out" Envy smiled and laughed.

Wrath growled and removed his clutch on Envy's neck. He then returned to his original size and quickly left by jumping out of the place. Envy merely laughed at him.

-------------------------(February 8, 108 F.A.) (At the Volcano)

The gate was surrounded by a large orc camp. Millions upon millions of orcs stayed there. Orcs were seen exiting the gate. Many orcs were building tents and wooden palisades to protect the camp. Smoke spewed as other orcs forged armor and weapons. Some were also seen going into the forest to cut the trees down. There was also a river where the orcs got their water supply. It had a gloomy atmosphere as some were being overworked. There were two layers in the camp. The outside layer was filled with tons of tents and buildings such as pens, smithies, and bakeries. The inner layer was more spaced out. Tents were also much finer than the ragged tents of the outer layer. There were also stone buildings. One of them was at the side of the volcano which was Musifne's place.

Wrath walked inside of the camp. Musifne has called upon him for something that was to be discussed privately. He saw some orcs flinch in fear of him. Many backed away slowly, some were frozen in fear. The orcs were skinny and looked malnourished. Wrath merely huffed.

'Weaklings.' He said in his head. As he reached the second layer he saw that there were lesser inside of there compared to the outer layer. He saw orcs look at him not in fear, but in annoyance and anger. He then walked towards Musifne's place at the side of the volcano.


He fastened his pace. The looks the orcs gave him were annoying and frustrating. It made him angry. It made him think that they were better than him. Stronger than him. He hated that. He hated Musifne the most though. His instructions made him standby as a battle commenced and not fight in it. He hated him. He scolded him when he heard that he went to Alcan and fought with Jboluick. He hated that. But what he hated the most from him was that he was ordering him around. He is the strongest Sin in the world. He should be fighting, not leading nor being ordered around. He was better than anyone. Jboluick was an exception. If he had his true form, he would be more powerful than all of them. He would destroy this world in the blink of an eye.


As he was about to reach Musifne's place, someone interrupted him. An orc, about 5'6 and lean. He had no ears, though he had a small nose, and was bald. He was wearing black studded armor. His helmet was nowhere to be seen. It was the one Wrath hated the most, or rather the one he hated the second. Ollgarg, the Field Marshal of the whole army. Top 1 out of the 500. The most loyal of orcs. He had many nicknames, 'The Predator,' 'Death's hand,' and so on.


"Hello, Wrath." Ollgarg said with a guttural voice and no fear whatsoever. "How have you been?"

"…" Wrath did not answer and just merely walked away from him. Ollgarg grinned.


"Oh, you're going to Lord Musifne's quarters?" Ollgarg said with venom in his voice. Wrath hated him so much. When he said Lord, it angered him. He should have been the one he should call Lord. "I don't think he would be happy with what you've done…"


Wrath stopped walking, he merely turned his head to him and replied. "It was you…"

"Yes. It was me…" Ollgarg then proceeded to laugh. "And the fun part is, you can't do anything!"

Wrath tightened his fist out of spite. Ollgarg's laugh was annoying. Wrath was shaking with anger as he started to walk away from the conversation.


As he reached Musifne's place, he knocked lightly on the wooden door. One knock was able to dent the door. He then knocked three times before he heard someone opening the door. The door opened only a small bit before someone peeked out. It was a small stubby orc. A servant orc. The servant then opened the door and left to call Musifne. He bent down a bit as he entered the place. The inside looked like a normal household, but it was filled with many things. From bottles and scrolls to milk and blankets. He ignored them and sat down a nearby wooden chair. The chair was rather too small for Wrath but rather than it breaking, it transformed into a metal chair to counter Wrath's weight. The room was big, with many hallways and doors. As well as chairs and storage. He then heard a click, he turned to the source of the sound to see Musifne in his human form. He felt that he was not in a pleasant mood today.

And alas, he was indeed not in a good mood today.

"Wrath…" Musifne began, standing right in front of him. "You are nothing but a disappointment."

Wrath merely growled in reply. Musifne snickered.


"You are an ignorant, arrogant person" Musifne insulted him.


"You are insolent."


Wrath shook with anger and ferocity.



Wrath grunted.

"And the most useless person I know."

Wrath furrowed his eyebrows in anger.


"Even an orc is more useful than you."


Wrath quickly stood up and attacked Musifne with a right punch. Musifne knew this would happen so he transferred the two of them somewhere and quickly transformed back into his other form. He then caught the punch. A giant shockwave ensued as it happened. The place was wide with seemingly no end to its wideness. The floor was clear white. The place looked like an inside of a white box.

Wrath was bursting with flames, he was at least 8 ft tall. But Musifne was not scared, not one bit.

"You are hot-headed!" Musifne shouted, punching Wrath in return. Wrath skidded a few feet before stopping and crashing. Musifne then shot a beam of black mist from his hand. It hit Wrath, making him fly a few more feet. Musifne disappeared from his position and then appeared above Wrath who was on the ground.

"You are a child." Wrath stood up and jumped to where Musifne was and flung his flail at him. The flail only met air as Musifne disappeared again before appearing behind Wrath and punching him down to the ground.

"Your anger and pride are making you weak!" Wrath tried to move but couldn't. Musifne then appeared right in front of him. "Your tantrums are making you weak. You, yourself make you weak. You are nothing more than an ant to me. Hell! Even an ant can be more useful than you! The strongest sin, my ass. You are the strongest, not the best. Don't let it get to your fucking head. Things change, I'm the leader here now and what I say, you will do. You have no right in questioning my authority. Your time as the most powerful has come to an end. It's time for you to learn! Learn that you are powerless against me! Learn to follow orders!"

Musifne then let him out of the freeze as he backed away from him. As Wrath got up, he sighed, accepting defeat and the lecture.

"You do all of this for what you want…" Wrath muttered. Musifne sighed.

"You have a narrow mind..." He replied. "Do you think that having to lecture you, to learn to follow orders, is advantageous for my objective?"


"While the answer is yes, you also gain something...learn something from it. For you to be the very best. To become better than your adversaries. To be the best, you must look at the mistakes of others. You must also learn to change, to adapt to be the best. Ollgarg did that, that's why he is Field Marshal of the whole Army. He learned and worked hard. He can be smart and strong at the same time. Lastly, his pride, anger, and ego never became a problem. Your pride and anger are only holding you down. Many kingdoms fell because of prideful kings. You have much to learn." With that, Musifne changed the two were back at Musifne's place. "If you ever consider, your army is in the northeast. Prove yourself. Prove that you are worthy of being the best. Now go along. I have much to do."

Wrath then left the building, back to his original form. As he went out, he suddenly stopped midway. He then turned towards the northeast. He readied for the jump.

"I will" Wrath mumbled before jumping into the sky.