

Five Friends, one male and four females, who had been together since diapers to College gets a new friend, Hans, A wealthy Prince, whoose life they believe is an engima, and only accept him because Blake thinks he needs a male friend. When he invites them for a picnic at a lonely forest, only Emma thinks it's a bad idea, She was the youngest and weakest, had poor eyesight and cannot express herself. Into the heart of The Fauri Forest lies a danger they would never expect and even more betrayal. They must fight together, with all the strength they could muster, if they want to leave the forest alive, even if to the last drop of their bloods, and if they survive, their lives would never be normal again. A Story of Friendship, Love, Betrayal, Power, Magic, Dark powers, Adventure, Crime, Thriller, Fantasy and Mysteries ready to be unravelled by whoever can.

Princess_Omenachi · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Deja Vu

Anne felt someone tap Her, She opened Her eyes to see someone walking away from the room, She sat up and realized She was dreaming. It was 5am in the morning and She was tired from the Tour to Fauri Mountains, She was asked to take enough rest. She had Yoga and Sword practice with Hans by 8am that day, She sighed and went back to sleep.

Anne felt someone shaking her rigourously an She struggled to wake up,

"Is she still alive?" She heard Hans ask,

"You are the dead one, You are the one to die" Anne shot back at him, sitting up from the bed, She was feeling a bit woozy and struggling to maintain her balance,

"Are you sure you are alright" Dara's concerned voice asked,

"Sure, I am good" She replied,

Everyone breathed a sign of relief, Anne scanned the room for a moment and noticed Emma was absent,

"What of Emma" She asked,

"We have looked for her everywhere" Lana replied in a sad voice, the security Camera did not show anything about Her, or where she would have gone"

Anne felt a sense of Alarm, "She is here right, you are all playing a game right" She slurred and tried to stand, Her feet gave way and she fell to the floor,

Blake was alarmed, Anne was the strongest among them, She had never been weak, She had never been sick for a day, She rarely slept till 8am in the morning not to mention 4pm in the evening, it was strange,

"How long have I been sleeping" Anne asked, "What time is it"

"It's 4:30 pm" Lana replied,

"She came here, She was here" Anne said suddenly,

"Who was here" Hans asked,

"Emma, She came to wake me up" Anne told them,

"You have been dreaming" Hans told her, "You even locked your door, we had to force it open"

"It's just 30 mins, She would soon come back" Anne told them and laid down,

"You have been sleeping for 12hours, 30 minutes, are you not sure you are okay" Lana asked with deep concern,

Anne was shocked, "12 hours? Like it's the next day now, it's 14th?" She asked,

"Yes and Emma is missing" Dara sobbed, We have searched everywhere, nobody saw her, not even the CCTV cameras"

Anne made to stand again but soon lost her balance and sprawled on the floor, She could not lift a finger, She burst out laughing, "What did you guys do to me",

"We promise we did nothing", Blake replied, "We are surprised you are still in bed and more surprised you are feeling dizzy",

Anne laughed hard again, The rest became concerned for her mental health,

"Are you okay" Lana asked, holding her face,

"Find Emma, worry about me later", She replied and slowly got to her feet with Blake's help, "I will freshen up, but if this is a game, it is not funny",

Dara began to whimper and went out, The rest followed,

"It's all my fault", Lana cried, "I forced her",

"We will find her" Hans assured and went to talk with one of the Security official,

Emma rarely leaves the group, so it was unusual to look for her even for 30 minutes and not find her, She stays close, even in her woodwork practice, She cannot live without all of you, as She would always say.


Emma was still missing, Anne was sitting down trying to munch on her cornflakes, She had been too dull since she came out of the room and rarely understory what they were saying to her and keeps going in and out of consciousness.

Hand had suggested taking Her to a Hospital buy Anne had declined immediate because of Emma, She was insisting She won't leave without Emma.

The Doctor that came to check her said She was perfectly fine and needed rest to regain herself.

Lana and Dara sat together, Hand in Hand, Crying, Lana was wishing She did not force Emma to come even though The security officers had assured She would be found. Lana was having a feeling something bad would happen, She'll had always choosed to ignore Her feelings and hope for better things instead, after asking Lord Buddha for help, Dara was rubbing her bracelet, and mutterings some prayers.

Blake paced about the room, while Hans was making sure to ask the Security officials every minute, Emma's room was locked but empty.


Anne felt someone tap Her, She had passed out after the Cornflakes, She opened Her eyes to see someone walking away, She say up immediately and called the person back, The person kept mute and went away, Anne's eyes darted frantically around the room, Lana was the only one missing,

She tried to sit up, but was soon stopped by a voice,

"She went to the restroom" Hans voice told her,

Anne nodded and soon lost consciousness.


Anne woke up to the smell of seaweed soup, The Nurse was trying to feed her, She quickly snatched it from her and began to glup it down, She soon noticed She was alone, " what of my friends",

"They are looking for Lana and Emma" the Nurse replied,

Anne was alarmed, "No it's only Emma that is missing"

"It appears that Lana is no where to be found too", The nurse replied and made to leave,

"It's not true" Anne slurred and lost consciousness.


"Hans had told me she went to the restroom", Anne told the rest, when they glumly walked in, "I had seen her leaving the house",

"You just woke up Anne, you are overthinking, Hans wasn't even with us in the sitting room last night" Blake replied with an irritated face,

"He was, I saw him", Anne insisted, "I saw Lana too, please believe me",

Blake sighed and walked out of the house, Dara was already red faced with puffed eyes, Hans looked lost like He would soon disappear, Anne was scared, She felt something bad was going on, She had felt that way the day she was on the race, even though she took part in the race to Shame Rodney, She had this feeling, when Her father was nearly assassinated, She had the same feeling and cried all through the day, deterring her Father from going to work and saving him from death. The convoy that would have conveyed her Father was ambushed and everyone killed, She knew it had something to do with Emma's nightmare, She prayed silently before slipping out of consciousness.