
In The Depth Of It All

Pain and anger buried deep can turn even the most innocent of creatures to monsters scouring the earth. Numbing so deep that emotions once easy to cling to the heart rarely exist anymore. Humanity they say, is not taught but is inbuilt. What if you've lost your humane side, gone so deep that you feel it never really existed? Leaving you with nothing but emptiness and despair burned into your soul? Lucien Eldeari Carmichael, a man with looks that could make even the earth itself swoon over him. A recluse, forbidden himself from interacting with neither his clan nor the humans. After years of abiding by his self-imposed rule, a night enjoying a walk alone changes everything. When two worlds collide, there is bound to be collateral damage. Especially when it's a tiny human wrecking every principle of his.

Jessy_francis · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter Six: Hello to the truth.

Grudging steps came into the kitchen and Giselle immediately turned, strands of her ombre locks falling into her parted lips. She tucked her loose, wild strands behind her ear with a smile, "good morning, had a nice night?" She wiped her hands on a napkin and turned to the fridge, she fixed herself in front of it and began searching for heaven knows what.

He sighed and averted his eyes from her slender figure. "Ahh, here we are," he heard her say as she retracted her head with a triumphant smile, "Thought we forgot to restock on this," she waved the pack of jalapenos at him.

He kissed his teeth dryly and darted to the seats lined in front of the kitchen counter and sat down. "You did…" he rose his heavy eyes to stare at her, "It was a last minute pop-in."

She approached him and roughened his hair, "what will I do without you?"

"Oh, spare me this morning Giselle." His voice was heavy and extremely hoarse.

"Rough night?" She asked while dicing the jalapenos into tiny rings.

"Hm. More like sleep eluded me. As always." He muttered the last part, looking up to meet her scolding gaze. "What?"

She sighed, not ready to indulge his grumpy nature so early. "You're nocturnal, it's bound to happen most times."

"Correction, all the time." He nodded at her as she moved aside for his figure to visit the coffee machine and make himself his daily fix.

"Why do you drink it when you complain of lack of sleep?" Giselle paused her dicing and looked up to him, "I expected you to be in your room trying to cure your insomnia, not awaken it even more."

"Hm, just because you catch your daily rest from the early hours of the morning, doesn't mean everyone is that lucky." His retort and the cool expression carved onto his face made her roll her eyes.

"I'm making jalapeno poppers with bacon for breakfast, are you interested?" She stirred the sizzling delight, erupting a tempting scent to flood the kitchen, which he caught a whiff of and his stomach appreciated, "I'm taking that as a yes." She smiled at him.

"I'm bringing the girl today." He took a sip from the steaming hot mug and lazily lowered the mug onto the polished brown countertop. He tapped a finger on the brim of the mug, slowly beginning to trace the round entrance. He took a deep inhale and gently lowered his arms to place them on the table and hang his head low.

Giselle could not believe her ears. She had expected more fussing from him but him coming to this conclusion himself and in such short notice was outstanding. "Praise the heavens. What changed your mind?" She propped her hands on her waist with an impressed smile.

"Simple…" he lazily turned to face her, "the sooner I bring her in the know of the turn of events, the sooner she's free." He returned to his coffee but paused midway lifting the cup to his lips, he could feel her unwavering gaze on him and it made him uncomfortable, "what?"

"Nothing, I'm just impressed."

"Impressed? What did you think I planned to do with her?" Irritated, that was what he was.

"Lucien I didn't…"

She barely got to finish when he drew his seat backwards and excused himself. She sighed in defeat, his mood swings were something she was yet to get used to. She bit her lip guiltily, cursing inwardly for forgetting how sensitive he was; hating the fact that she should have chosen a more appropriate set of words to use. She should have known he'd find it highly offensive. Way to go Giselle, you just had to officially start his day with getting him pissed off, her mind screamed at her. She hissed tiredly, her attention returning to the food she was cooking up. Suddenly, she wasn't feeling hungry anymore.

Lucien stood in the middle of the wide and empty room. His eyes roamed with a gentle gaze, his heart beating ever so slowly. He closed his eyes, feeling the memories he has tried so hard, over and over to forget, rush in like a wild tsunami. He swallowed, slowly opening his eyes. His soft steps gently approached forward, his eyes settling on the white sheets staring at him.

He had promised himself that he would stop doing this but old habits die hard, they say. He couldn't help it, anytime the pain overwhelmed him, threatening to break him piece by piece, he'd find himself torn and in front of what he had promised himself to let stay buried.

Gently his hands stretched forward, latching onto the white sheets and with a deep breath, he yanked the sheets off and there, right in front of him was the very reason for the pain, sorrow and misery that troubled him. He was supposed to be her protector, he had promised Kieran he would guard them with his life. But he failed him, he failed them.

Broken, he sank to his knees, his face void of emotions. Numb, yes, the numb feeling was back. He stared at the beauty that laid on a wooden coffin with a glass cover. Flowers surrounded the coffin and the white sheets that she was laid on. She looked so peaceful, almost like she was sleeping. But she is, except it's not just sleep, it's eternal slumber. The voice in his head chipped in. His gaze slowly took in her appearance, his eyes gliding down to her hands rested on her stomach with a locket placed on her criss crossed hands. Her wild locks sprawled on the pillow her head rested on, her body clad in the peach gown Kieran had gifted her the night he left. Her skin glowing a beautiful Ivory. She looked so fresh rather than dead.

His breathing became heavy as his mouth opened but no words came out. Kieran must be mad at him. He let him down, he let them down. He slowly brought his hands to her rest on her hands, "Evelyn I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I could-I couldn't be there when you needed me the most. I should have known, I should have-I should have done something sooner, if I had been there sooner, you could have still been here…" he lightly traced her hands, letting his palm rest on her stomach, "You and your baby. Kieran would have been thrilled to have his child turn six today. Unfortunately it won't happen, because I failed him, I let his family die and believe me, the agony haunts me every freaking day of my life. I'm so sorry Evelyn, please forgive me." His tone was lifeless.

"Every freaking day, I keep wishing that I could turn back the hands of time… I've been miserable and I've felt so much pain that it feels like a part of me now. No matter how hard I try to run from it, try to fight it, it defeats me and claims me a hundred times over… Please take of yourself wherever you are, and please greet Kieran on my behalf, tell him I miss him so much, I miss my brother so much." He kissed her cheeks and gently pulled away. He fetched the sheets and covered the coffin back. Placing his index and middle finger together, he kissed it and placed it on the covered coffin.

He backed away slowly and with one final glance at the coffin slipped out of the room, shut the door and locked the door. He slipped the key into his pocket and headed down the hallway, directing his steps up the stairs and into his room. He closed the door behind him and headed straight for the walk-in closet. He dug out a black dress shirt and black tailored pants. He slid the slide door shut and neatly placed his clothes on the bed. I need that human faraway from me and so be it, I'd make it happen. He didn't need any other added responsibility. Already, the guilt of many years was responsibility enough to keep his sanity running by a very, very, thin thread.

He needed to get this human girl updated on the new turn of reality and get rid of her as soon as possible. He didn't want another burden added to him. He rid himself of his sweatshirt and joggers and fit himself into his pants and next his shirt. His arms flexed as the shirt flitted his body, he stared at himself in the mirror for a brief second, eyes dark as his fingers fixed the buttons on his left wrist, then his right wrist. Done, they finally proceeded to buttoning up the shirt. He spared the first couple buttons and proceeded to tuck in his shirt. He slipped into his closet once again, looking for a befitting pair of shoes. He settled for a plain pair of black leather dress shoes and exited the closet.

He fixed himself on the edge of the bed and put his shoes on. Funny how Vampires were rumoured to have big feet. He scoffed, knowing he was a small thirty-nine. He could easily fit into any footwear of his choice. While that rumour was a fallacy, they weren't wrong about Vampires being tall. He stood in front of the mirror and rose a brow at his appearance. The symbol on his chest was halfly peeking out, but his toned chest was a little in view. He had no intentions or whatsoever in always leaving a few buttons of his shirts undone, it was just how he liked it. He opened a drawer that housed wristwatches of various designs and colours nearly arranged according to colour and design. He picked out a black Rolex and fastened it onto his left wrist.

He looked up, his naturally shaped brows furrowing slightly at the sight of his hair. He reached for his comb and carefully combed the wild waves over. He placed the comb back where he had gotten it from and reached for his cologne collection to douse himself in a dark scented one. Feeling somewhat satisfied, he departed his room.

Giselle paused, holding onto the tray in her hands firmly as soon as she saw Lucien all dressed up, heading down the stairs. His face was expressionless and his steps suddenly slowed. He eyes the woman in front of him and the tray in her hands questioningly.

She took it as her cue to explain, "I-uh, I thought I would bring breakfast to you. I'm sorry about earlier…"

"I did tell you I wasn't hungry. You didn't have to bother." He brushed past her, leaving her to catch a whiff of his strong yet intoxicating dark scent that screamed power and expense.

She turned to him, "You're leaving now?"

"Any problem?" He paused to ask.

"I just thought I'd have a chance to get changed and come with you." She sucked in her bottom lip.

"You stay home, make sure the guest room is ready and lunch is prepared for her to eat. She is human, so I advise less pepper." He turned to her and with a final glance nodded and took a key from his collection before disappearing out of the door.

He clicked the button and a black Ford Mustang convertible blinked. He darted to the car and gently let himself in. He rested his hands on the steering, knowing that finding the human wouldn't be a problem because the bind would lead him directly to her. The engine revved alive. He drove off, letting the bind lead him. The radio blasting 'God only knows by For King and country'. God only knows indeed, His mind quietly remarked.

He stared at the road, a hand of the steering and the other on his chin. While driving, he might as well start figuring out how he plans to break the news to her. Hello, I'm Lucien, a vampire who saved you? Shit, scratch that.

Good day, I am Lucien and I'm a vampire. I saved you and now you're bound to me by what in my language, is called Ornatae. Nope.

Hello, you're bound to a Vampire because he saved you. What the hell was that?

He groaned, dragging a hand roughly across his face. All of those were shit. What was he supposed to say to her? He only knew how to be straightforward and he wondered if being straight forward would help in this situation.

He found himself halting in front of a red small farmhouse. He paused, gently rolling down the window to rest his arm and peek his head out and get a clear view of the nature setting. It was a small house with a little welcoming garden.

Well, this was it. It was now or never. Putting on his shades, he opened the car door and gently exited the car. There in front of the house stood a halted girl adorned in a garden hat, gloves and boots. Her green dungarees stained with mud on the knees and front. A water can in her hands and trowel in the other. Mud was smeared on her face as her face stilled when her eyes fell on the tall man leaned on a car with arms folded, before her. He looked very familiar.

She has seen him before, curiously eyeing him, the soft breeze brushing her exposed hair beneath the straw hat, while she racked her mind for where she had seen him before. Sunny rays kissed her vision as the man looked away to his side for a minute before bringing his eyes back to her.

He leaned off the car and slowly unfolded his arms before gently approaching the confused girl who stood eyeing him with a weary expression. He paused now standing in front of the human. She was quite small standing before him, very small. He eyed her quietly but not stealthily and gently tipped his brow up slightly as he halfly stole a gaze at the glaring sun. "Now that's unacceptable, why don't we do something about it?" His silky yet hoarse voice came. Authority laced his tone and his aura screamed power.

The once clear sky suddenly had clouds coming in till the sun was blocked out. "That's better." He returned to the girl who was now wearing a confused and frightened look on her face. Oh yes, she should be afraid. It was just a natural reaction to his person. But not today, he didn't need her fear. He could smell her emotions and the questions swimming in her mind, "ask." He urged her.

Her eyes slightly squinted as her lips slightly trembled. How did he know she wanted to ask something? Perhaps her expression said it all. While she wanted to be out of his intimidating presence, her feet were rooted to the ground. Power emitted from him, dark power.

He wiggled his brow slightly, tired of the silence and her staring at him with wrinkled brows. "I'd save you the stress and answer your questions for you." He faced her, standing to his full height with his hands tucked in his pocket. It wasn't his fault that he was intimidating, it was just one of his many talents and by the way the little human was staring at him, her heart was beating frantically. "You have seen me before. Remember the supermarket?" He watched her eyes light up with recognition. "Ahh, we're getting somewhere."

Her eyes lifted to the cloudy sky and back at him. She found him staring at her.

"Yes, that. I made the sky that way." He openly admitted.

"W-what are you? How could you do that? Are you a magician? It was a trick right? What are you doing here? Who are you? Are you stalking me?" Question after question, she was throwing at him while backing away slowly. He had predicted this situation unfolding like this.

"I'm glad you asked. My name is Lucien and I'm not a magician, but a Vampire." He took off his shades, having his unnatural eyes stare down at her with a slow blink.

She stared at him in disbelief. Now she was fully convinced that she was crazy. But it was too late, she was already hyperventilating, everything becoming hazy in her eyes. Her vision couldn't concentrate on anything. She was choking, her chest feeling tight. Everything was becoming blurry as a huge wave of shock and panic hit her before it all became white.