
In The Depth Of It All

Pain and anger buried deep can turn even the most innocent of creatures to monsters scouring the earth. Numbing so deep that emotions once easy to cling to the heart rarely exist anymore. Humanity they say, is not taught but is inbuilt. What if you've lost your humane side, gone so deep that you feel it never really existed? Leaving you with nothing but emptiness and despair burned into your soul? Lucien Eldeari Carmichael, a man with looks that could make even the earth itself swoon over him. A recluse, forbidden himself from interacting with neither his clan nor the humans. After years of abiding by his self-imposed rule, a night enjoying a walk alone changes everything. When two worlds collide, there is bound to be collateral damage. Especially when it's a tiny human wrecking every principle of his.

Jessy_francis · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter One: Strange encounters.

The darkened sky was illuminated by a lightning bolt which struck across the sky. The wind blew carelessly, with a raging howl. Trees danced, celebrating the storm coming. The full moon hidden behind the angry clouds.

It was a dark night indeed. Streets were deserted, no doubt because of the wild strom fast approaching. His eyes scanned around, noting the empty outside. The wind puffing and howling wasn't a bother to him, nor the cold which was chilling to the bone.

His face held no expression, his cold eyes hollow and without a single emotion engraved in them. His black leather coat grazed his plain pants, offering him some warmth which he sincerely didn't care about. The streets echoing the sound of his leather boots coming in contact with the cold ground.

His hands were delved into the depths of his coat's pockets. Taking long strides, he walked down the streets, letting the wind ruffle his hair. Housing uncertainty within him about continuing his journey, his steps became hesitant. It was as far as he ever went.

The junction up ahead was staring at him, waiting for him to choose his next path, but alas, he never went past the junction, it was his boundary. His eyes glanced around, scanning the environment. He could see people blending into alleys and moving themselves to hide from the angry storm. He let out a gruff breath, certain that thus, his walk has come to an end.

Roaming his eyes around one last time at the few people scattered around, he sneered, feeling nothing. A cold liquid fell on his hair, followed by another and another. He rose his eyes up to see the angry droplets of rain pelting him. He heard people's scream of anger and frustration as they tried to stay out of the rain. He knew the reason for their frustration, after all, if they had a roof over their head, they would have not been left outside to suffer the dreaded rain.

The droplets soon became an aggressive downpour. He wanted to feel something, anything but alas, even the sight of homeless people being pelted by the raindrops did nothing. Sighing he turned away from the junction and slowly had his back on them. They were pathetic. Slowly, he began his retreat, keeping to his solemn promise of never being seen.

His drenched face and body didn't affect him. With hands still tucked in the pockets of his coat, he walked with the same silent aura. He didn't bother to wipe the water from his face, he didn't feel like it. Leaving the proximity of the junction, where the human race's residence began, he was now back to the empty street he was used to. Sniffing the air, he felt a tinge of peace. At least he was feeling something even though it was just a tiny little bit. Petichor always brought him a slight comfort.

Night walks were his way of searching for peace, his futile attempts to feel anything. Sometimes the feeling did come, but they were emotions like disgust, anger, displeasure, hatred. All were dark emotions he was used to, emotions he wanted to get rid of completely, even if it was for a brief moment deep down. The rain was one of the few things that brought him a change of emotions. He didn't mind getting drenched in it.

Slipping further into the darkness, he roamed the road, attempting to head out of the human residence and into the lone areas. He found himself alone on the deserted road that led to God knows where. He never changed his routes, but tonight, he decided to make an exception. It was raining after all, so why not bask in it?

He slowed his long strides, relaxing at the thought of being alone with only the shadows of the night as his company. He graced himself a crooked smile; pausing he looked into the dark, rumbling sky and began laughing. His crazy laugh of loathe came to an abrupt end by the pained female cry that pierced his ear drums and threatened to turn him deaf. It was moments like this that made him dread his inhuman hearing.

He held onto both sides of his ears in pain. It was moments like this that made him despise his hearing even more. His ear twitched when another cry followed, even more piercing than the last one. Whoever responsible for the cries definitely was a threat to his hearing. Suddenly quietness returned. Feeling weary to let go of his ears, he carefully dropped his hands and scanned around for the source of the shriek.

Taking careful steps, he listened for any giveaway on the exact location the source was. He heard faint sobbing in the distance, it sounded far but for a person like him, far was never far enough. He could hear anything if he wanted to. Gritting his teeth, he felt rage grow.

He was having his alone time, a quiet moment to reminisce and it was ruined. Now, he definitely wanted to meet the reason behind his anger.

He found himself in front of a bridge. It didn't take him time to trace her location and like the wind, he moved. Halting, he searched around for the source of the cries. His hearing never failed him, he was certain that a female was around. He could sense her, he could smell her and not only by her scent, but by the emotions running through her.

Anger, hate, Self-loathe, despair, sadness and the least on the list, fear. He took careful steps forward and finally, his astute eyes spotted her by the edge of the bridge. His brows furrowed, eyes carefully watching the little human stare into the dark waters. She definitely didn't look so tall from his angle. He scrutinised her from afar, watching her intensely. Her every move went noticed by him.

She stared into the river, wondering if it was a good idea, what she was about to do. Her breathing was rapid, she could hear it in her ears, till the only thing she could hear was the fast hammering in her chest. The rain drops drenched her from her hair to her vans. She was tired of it all, tired of humanity, tired of trying. She wanted peace and if the dark, scary looking waters would give her that, then so be it. She wasn't going to back out now, it was too late for that.

Looking up into the sky, she let her lips carve a mental smile. "You always were a bitch to me. Now you rain on the day of my departure? You're washing the world of me already and I'm not even gone yet. Well, fuck you," she spat out in a voice void of emotions, "I'm going to get my peace now." Throwing a salute, she turned to waters, climbing onto the sly barrier.

He watched her, his brows knitted together in scrutiny. She was going to commit suicide. The waters were at it's raging peak, if she jumps in, there was no going back because she was going to drown in an instant. He has watched others jump off a bridge before, it certainly wasn't his first time, but something about tonight felt different. He didn't mean to eavesdrop on her silent conversation with the world but it wouldn't be called eavesdropping if he could hear even the smallest whisper.

Her mind was bleak with only heartbreak coursing through it. She failed them and they failed her. It was mutual. Before he could think further, he saw her leap and a splash followed. He moved to the spot the girl was standing previously and peered into the water. Usually, people who killed themselves, had a little bit of bad deeds done. Their reason for their death being regret but this girl's reason was different. Without a further thought to it, he jumped after her.

The sound of the water raging against each other was overpowering. He was submerged into the water, his head struggling to escape the raging mini waves of water that appeared to be tumbling against each other, falling against him. His lips trembled, teeth chattering against each other. For a creature like him, he was surprised as to how he was suddenly feeling the chilling jolts of cold.

He searched around for her, trying to spot anything human-like. His breathing was hard and heavy. He was trying to listen for any clue as to her exact spot but with the moving waters, he found it nearly impossible to detect her faint heartbeat. Turning, he tried to see if she was submerged and when he couldn't find her, he delved into the water and began looking under the water. He rose to the surface, trying to catch deep breaths.

Finally, further down the flowing water, he spotted a little frail hand out of the water. She was flowing further down the water, fastly and dangerously. Willing himself, he swam as fast as possible, ignoring the angry water splashing against him, with the hope of meeting up with her in time. The more she was in the water, the more her chances of dying. He should have just let her die but for some reason, he couldn't. He needed to save her for reasons he couldn't really comprehend. This was way out of the ordinary for him. She was human, a creature vulnerable to mortality. If she wanted to quicken her death rate, then why the hell was he trying to prevent it? He didn't have time to continue musing over his hideous thoughts because her hand was suddenly so close, just a couple inches away.

He grabbed her hand, gently pulling her into his embrace. Her limp body collapsed into his hold. He needed to get her out of the water immediately, which he wouldn't have had a problem doing, if only the problem wasn't him gradually being out of energy. He couldn't be as fast as he wanted to with his weak state, but it was a shot he was willing to take. He could hear the faint beats of her heart, it was barely there but at least she was still alive. He needed to act fast. He couldn't have her dying on him. He knew a hospital nearby, he could take the shot and drop her there.