
In The Dark:The struggles of love

My eyes was heavy with tears,I walked down the street with no direction in mind like an arrow shot into the air just to test how strong the hands of a warrior is. My parents would be so disappointed especially if they found out the guy who impregnated had denied and rejected the pregnancy. I'm a fool for believing Kelvin really loves me. That bastard. Amelia is in her last year in the University and is getting ready for her internship in her boyfriend, Kelvin's place of work. She found out she is pregnant and Informed Kelvin about it in which he rejected vehemently. Will Amelia birth the child? Will Kelvin come back? Will she go for her internship in the company? Will she find love again? Read IN THE DARK to find out how Amelia journey ended.

Babatunde_Aminat · Urban
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7 Chs


Kelvin, Kelvin, Kelvin. His name kept ringing in my head the moment I had a pregnancy test and found out I was pregnant with his child.

 Who do I tell? I can't even tell my mom, she will have my head. How do I tell Kelvin I'm pregnant?

I keep thinking about what his reaction would be.

"I can't handle this alone, I whisper to myself and pick up the test again for confirmation.

The red lines are very clear, I am pregnant.

I hesitantly picked up my phone and dialed his contact. I watched it ring for minutes before he finally picked it up.

I could hear muffling in the background before I finally heard him speak.

" Amelia, What's good? He asked and sighed in the background.

Immediately I heard his voice, I just couldn't speak out, my eyes were becoming filled with tears.


He called, annoyance already evident in his voice.

How do I tell him? I'm sure he will be so angry, I thought, my lips slightly quivering in fear.

Then an idea came to my mind.

" Kelvin let's meet up. I have something to tell you.

He works as an administrative assistant at Acme Corporation, a company that deals in Virtual Reality Gaming Studio.

He closes at six pm, so meeting him later in the night shouldn't be a problem, I thought.

"Okay, come over to the house.

With that, he hung up and I was left with my thoughts.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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