
In the cursed man’s embrace

Aveline, an ordinary college student and a successful business woman wakes up as the princess of a small kingdom after a death caused by her most trusted person. The body in which she reincarnated in seemed to have some familial issues as well; but what? Will Aveline find out what happened to the one who was inside her body before her? She gets a handsome ready-made fiancee the day she opened her eyes to the new world. She didn't even get the time to adjust to the new environment! The king in question appears to be her childhood friend and loyal to the owner of that body. What will happen when he notices her changed behaviour and personality? Mostly when he seems to be having super anger issues with his subordinates? She has to be careful to not get caught and be executed by her ‘husband’ for taking over his beloved’s body! Everything gets worse when she finds out the king had been cursed by a witch. Will she be able to find a way to break his curse? Join this journey with Aveline to find out more about this world! “I never asked to be a princess! I just wanted to live my life again and get revenge. Why did I end up in this world just for my head to be cut off anytime?!” - Aveline {The cover isn’t mine. Credit to artist. I modified some things but if you are the artist and don’t like it, I’ll take it down.}

Moonyani · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

War and Witches

Jack and Aveline walked towards the king's palace.

The palace was a big white castle with a golden colour at someplace. There a huge golden round with som thin lines looking likes a sun. The gate was made with strong iron.

The guards opened the door as they bowed them.

"Welcome back, your majesty. Welcome back, your highness." They spoke together, greeting the royal family.

The young couple entered the beautiful castle that belonged to every king Seldor.

Aveline looked at the white walls of the entry that were filled with portraits of men and women and some family pictures. The hall resembled like a living room in the modern time. It had a table where tea could be served or other snacks. The sofas looked comfy, with red coloured fabrics. The wood parts were in golden colour.

Aveline guessed that gold colour was part of the royal family and it symbolized them somehow. She hated that colour but she couldn't complain.

Aveline slowly pulled her hand back from Jack's grip. The man looked back at her.

"What's wrong?" He asked raising one of his eyebrows.

"Nothing. It's just awkward..." She spoke with a soft and faint voice.

"What? Awkward?" Jack asked not understanding her word.

"I mean... it's sort of... embarrassing. We have been away for two months, now we are acting like lovers. It's weird..." Ave mumbled as she looked down, not sure if she was speaking correctly. Or if Jack might just turn back to the blood thirsty man and execute her.

Aveline flinched as she heard Jack laughing. She looked up to make sure everything was ok.

"Since when did you care? Who was the one that kissed me earlier?" Jack took on step closer, leaving only a few inches of gap between they're lips.

Jack's gaze fell on her rosy and soft looking lips. He sneered and slowly peeked her lips quickly.

The queen was caught by surprise. Her eyes widen in shock as her cheeks flushed pink.

"Jack!" She pouted as she didn't expect it.

The man chuckled and he slowly wrapped his strong and muscular arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

"Avi... I'm preparing a war." He mumbled with a hesitant voice.

"I know. The maids told me." She replied with a bright smile.

"No... I mean it's against Helzon."

Ave took a step back in shock.

'Wait, why is my body moving on it's own?? Is it because this is how the owner of this body would react? Well gotta play along.'

"W-why?" She acted surprised and scared.

"Well... your brother. The emperor, he killed some of my men and he refuses to negotiate with us." Jack sighed.

"Negotiate for what?" Ave asked with a soft front of her face.

'Ah, this stupid emperor. He actually dragged a war to Helzon now. All the population will perish at this point.'

"Well we discussed that the territory of the south east shall me divided into two equal parts but he refuses to do so. He took the 3/4 parts. When my men tried to stop him, he killed some of them and injured the others." Jack sat on the chair took catch someone breath since he was talking a lot. "I'm sorry Avi, I couldn't ignore my men getting hurt. I don't care about the territory although we somewhat needed it."

"It's ok. I don't mind. He wanted to kill me anyways." Ave spoke with a firm tone although she was feeling weird inside.

' 'Aveline' you are so stupid.' She thought speaking to her body that wouldn't hear her no matter how much she tried to calm down.

Jack smiled as he looked up at her.

"Thank you so much. I thought you would be upset. Again." The man's happy face turned sad once again.

"Jack... I'm sorry. It's just that... I didn't like how you treated me." She explained.

Jack looked up at her in shock.


"The way you were pulling me, I kept saying it hurts but you didn't listen. I don't like it." She sighed.

"I-I'm sorry I have a hard time controlling my anger sometimes..." He ruffled his head softly as he took a deep breath.

Aveline stepped towards him as she watched her husband being desperate.

"Jack, how is your eyes?" She slowly brushed her warm fingers on his cold face.

The man looked away for a second then glanced at her.

"The same. It's ok in the days but the nights..." His voice lowered as he spoke.

Aveline sat beside him and dropped her head on his shoulder.

"I found a way to cure you." She spoke.

"H-huh? Really?!" Jack couldn't control his happy emotion. If he gets cured meant Avi wouldn't have any reason to leave him, which made him happier than being healthy.

Ave nodded with a grin on her lips.

"We need to find a witch." She spoke.

"B-but Avi... they were all exterminated by my ancestors. This is also why I'm cursed." He explained to her.

"But we can still search. There might be at least one survivor. We shouldn't lose hopes." She said with a determined look on her face.

Jack couldn't confront her so he gave in.

"Alright, as you wish, my queen." He kisses her forehead tenderly.

The young woman chuckled.

"When should we start our research?" She asked the black-haired man.

"I'll asked Zain, Sherrkan and Keiji to search." He caressed her blond hair with the palm on his hand.

"Oh alright then." She smiled softly.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Someone knocked at the door and Aveline quickly pulled away from Jack.

"Come in." Jack spoke with a cold voice.

Pollo entered the room and stopped as his gaze fell on the queen.

"T-this is..." The man fixed his glasses and bowed quickly.

"Greetings to his majesty, the king of the—"

"Enough. Just talk." Jack ordered.

"Well... I found a cure for the queen but..." he mumbled.

"What is it?"

"Well... it is that..." The man started trembling. He couldn't speak a word.

"Come with me." Aveline stood up and walked towards the exit of the palace.

"Avi! Where are you going?" Jack asked with a sad expression.

"I'll come back soon. I need to talk to him because it's my health. You stay out of it, Jack." She smiled brightly as she stepped away outside.

Jack sighed and dropped his head on sofa. "I hope it's nothing severe..." he mumbled.


The rain was pouring outside. Aveline looked up at the bright sky that had turned dark so quickly. She sighed and glanced towards a guards.

"Bring an umbrella." She ordered.

The guard bowed and quickly rushed to get an umbrella.

After a few minutes, the man came back with two umbrellas in his hands.

He gave on to the Queen and on to the royal doctor.

"Let's get going." She spoke as she put the umbrella above her head and starting walking towards her own palace.

The man obeyed as he followed her. "Alright, your highness."


After five minutes of walk, they have reached Aveline's palace.

"Welcome back, your highness." The guards dressed in blue bowed. They each had sword to make sure to protect the palace in case any suspicious person tried to enter.

"Your highness!" Her lady in waiting, Hana, ran in the rain to come and bring her inside the palace.

"Where have you been?! I was so worried! I was thinking weird things, you know! Such as maybe someone attacked you while you were at the garden. Maybe some weird lady came and insulted you-" She whined talking non sense quickly at once.

"Shh" Ave did as she pressed my finger against her lips.

'She shut her mouth, finally.' Ave thought as she scratched the back of her neck a little.

"Well, I met Jack and we talked." She spoke.

"Your highnessss! You can't call the king by his name!" The young servant whispered with a scared expression on her face.

"Heh. Why not?" Ave chuckled amused at her reaction. She found it stupid how every servant said the same thing to her.

"B-because! He might kill you." She whispered against Ave's ear.

Ave laughed loudly.

Apollo and Hana stood there awkwardly wondering what the maid said.

"He loves me too much for that." She confidently stated.

The two person beside her awkwardly glanced at each other.

"Y-your majesty, let's get going. I need to inform you of your circumstance..." The doctor mumbled with a low voice but loud enough to be heard.

Aveline hummed as she stepped inside her palace.