
True Love Kiss

"..." Xue Fei looked at Sora for a moment, before she shot forward, catching Sora off guard. She had used her strongest attack and was out of breath, yet she was still trying to attack him.

Moving, Sora dodged her attack, but he quickly moved to the size, as a cut appeared on his chest, and blood spilled out. Xue Fei looked at Sora with a sadistic smile, she licked the blood once more, helping herself recover some energy.

"I want to suck you dry, you wouldn't mind, right?" She asked with a smile, Sora froze for a moment at her request. but he was not a lolicon, so he had to reject her request. but did Xue Fei care?

With a step, she shot toward Sora, stabbing her sword at Sora. Sora moved once more to dodge, but upon dodging, he quickly move leaving a cut to appear on her clothing.

"Blue Sky Heavenly Sword, Cloudly Sky... you have sharp eyes, but you will soon make a mistake, and I will have you all to myself." She said with a laugh,

this sword skill was like the clouds, blocking the sky. the attack seen was just an illusion, the true attack followed after moments later. Sora had sharp senses, allowing him to react at the last moment. after all, he masters the art of hearing, touch, smell, and so on from seeing others use such senses.

"Mistakes are not in my name, Come at me." Sora laughed before stepping forward, Xue Fei shot forward to meet Sora, and the two clashed. Sora fist slammed onto the little girl, while his body was filled with cuts.

Xue Fei had a fast recovery capability, she could use her lifespan to recover. She could also take Sora's blood to recover, so this was a losing battle on Sora's end. yet Sora didn't care, he just wanted to fight and overcome this.

Sora's reaction capabilities were sharp, allowing him to react at the last moment to dodge her attacks. Xue Fei on the other hand was coughing up some with each impact from Sora, her recovery speed couldn't keep up with the rate she was taking in injuries,

Soon, Sora managed to land a shattering blow against Xue Fei's stomach, while at the same time, Xue Fei stabbed Sora in the stomach, leading to Sora coughing up some blood. Xue Fei fell backward and fainted from the blow, meanwhile, Sora struggled to remain standing, he had lost a lot of blood, so his head was light.

"Move Out Of The Way!" A yell sounded as a middle-aged man forced his way through the crowd, his face was twisted in rage. Who allowed these to fight? for a spar to take place, there needed to be a teacher watching over the battle,

Sora looked at the middle-aged man for a moment, before he fainted, unable to remain standing...

Sora's eyes slowly twitched as he felt something touching his lips. slowly opening his eyes, Sora's eyes landed on what he was feeling. Xue Fei sat on top of him, She was covered in bandages from her injuries, which had yet to recover. she had suffered many broken bones which would take some time to heal from.

She had just kissed Sora and was currently in deep thought about the kiss. that was her first kiss, and it was amazing. She looked at Sora once more and her eyes widen, to think a true love kiss was what would wake Sora up.

"Oh my, it seems it's meant to be. I know what I felt during combat was true love. I fought many people, but only you have ever made me feel such a way." She said while holding her cheeks, blushing slightly.

{Lusted, Gained 1 SP.

Lusted, Gained 1 SP

Lusted, Gained 1 Sp

Lusted, Gained 1 SP...} A roll of notifications appeared before Sora, going as far as 10 minutes ago, Sora felt a chill running down his spine.

"H-how long have I been out?" Sora asked softly, Xue Fei thought for a moment before shrugging. the moment she recovered, she tracked Sora down, so she had no idea, and she didn't care.

"It's a shame... with this young body of mine, we can't start having babies. don't worry, I will go and use up a lot of life forces so we can start." She said as she lined forward, placing her hands on Sora's chest, while she used her lower body to rub Sora's lower body

'I'm Not A Lolicon, I'm Not A Lolicon...' Sora quickly tried to distract his mind, which worked as nothing woke up. but seeing this, Xue Fei got worried, Sora was not too low on blood to do anything right? Or he didn't have a super small this right? well, if it was small, then they could do it on the spot.

Sora's attention quickly flew over to the motivation of Lusted, which suddenly kept popping up none stop. Looking At Xue Fei, he saw the look of loss which filled her eyes, as she slowly began removing her clothing.

"Wait, I haven't recovered... plus, shouldn't her first time be when we are both fully recovered?" Sora asked quickly, shocking Xue Fei whose eyes widened in shock. She was foolish, Sora was right, she needed to let him rest and wait for herself to rest. once they were ready, she can go at it for days none stopping,

"You're right... I will let you rest." She said softly before she kissed Sora's cheek, before jumping off him and running off, leaving Sora sighing softly. He indeed have yet to fully recover, he was low on blood, something which would only take a few days to fully recover from.

"Why Am I Wet?" Sora said seeing the spot Xue Fei was sitting was wet, did she pee on him? no, it didn't smell like pee... Sora couldn't put a name to the smile, so he threw it to the back of his head and went on to dry himself off,

Looking around, he seemed to be in the school doctor's office, this is where all who are sick or injured come to recover. the fact Sora was healed up without even a scar remaining showed that whoever looked after him was skilled,

'Oh? I broke through to level 1 Qi refinement.' Sora's eyes widened in shock. The Golden Monkey Cutlivaiton art reached level 1 Qi refinement, while the other 2 cultivation arts, The All Seeing Eyes of God, and the Sage of Six Paths Cultivation art reached level 10 Body tempering,

Sora found that his eyes were sharper, and Sora found that he could perfectly recall anything he have seen. but this seemed to be all.

Since he had reached level 1 Qi refinement, that meant he could now open up the second Gate, known as The Gate of Healing, which was located in the brain's right hemisphere, when removed, it increased the user's physical strength. This has the added effect of re-energizing the body, enabling it to rapidly recover from exhaustion.

When this gate is open, one is unable to tell when they are tired, and easily burn through their energy. it also allows you to tap into your body's full capability, giving one a boost of 5 times.

Sora didn't try and open the Gate on the spot, the aura he would give off would alert many people, something he didn't want. So, he left and went for a walk outside. but just as he left the room, he bumped into a middle-aged man,

"you're awake, you are called to the main office. you got balls to go around breaks the rules so easy upon entering the academy." The middle-aged man said calmly, walking around Sora and entering the doctor's office. Sora sighed softly hearing his words, before he walked off, heading to the main office.

there he announce why he was there, and moments later he was summoned to an office where the vice sect leader sat behind his table, looking at him seriously.

"Knowing the type of person Xue Fei is, I will not put much blame on you. you're new and don't understand the rules here just yet, but it doesn't mean I will ignore this. in a month, the entrance exam would be taking part, I will make you take part in being the referee for the battle which takes place." He said calmly, stunning Sora slightly, so simple?

No, that was perfect. with him reaching Qi refinement, the range he could now pick up Sp has reached 10 miles. that was huge, and with an arena filled with people, Sora just needed to do something which stand out to get the crowd's attention. if just 100 people were hating him, loving him, or whatever, that would be 100 SP, if it goes on long enough, Sora might get enough SP to summon someone or something

"That's all?" Sora asked with a weird look, this was too good to be true. but the vice sect leader nodded slightly, Sora had just shown off his talent with one of the sect's most talented disciples, and he was only at level 10 Body refinement, how could they punish him harshly?

Such a talent rarely comes around in history, and for their sect to be such someone so talented, was a blessing. In those high-grade sects, some outstanding sect disciples were nearing the ability to skip 10 levels, and he had heard there was some freak who was capable of doing that. Sora gave them the chance to do such a thing,

He has done his background check on Sora and found that the kid was a cripple not too long ago, but faced a unique tribulation which allowed him to begin cultivation. Such things were not heard off, the heavens can be jealous of others at times. So, he was looking forward to seeing what Sora can do in the future

as for him being referee, it was mostly because this was a potion no one wanted normally they had to force a disciple who was acting out of hand, or an elder of the sect would have to step up. a person's strength was important as well, and Sora was more than strong enough to look after this

Sora nodded accepting his punishment and went on to head towards the class that should have been at the moment. he was out for only a day, so nothing huge had happened, although the fight that took place was spread out and everyone pretty much knew about it.

many recorded the battle and went on to sell it to make a quick profit, and many people were not interested in Sora, leading Sora to gain a lot of attention from everyone he went...

a week passed by this, and Sora haven't seen Xue Fei since the last time he saw her, and it was not like he was searching for her. He was looking over his shoulder, fearing she was following behind him.

Sora had gained 4,193 Sp over the past few weeks. it was all thanks to that 10 miles range. even when Sora was not there in the room, So long as people were thinking of Sora and feeling some type of emotions, Sora had SP.

today Sora was skipping classes to head down to the city to look at the shop which was picked, at the same time he was planning on having the others learn to open the second gate as well.

So, sitting within the carriage, Sora looked at the SP he had for some time before he went on to use all of the SP on the slot. he was more than Sora he could collect enough SP once the entrance exam begins, for now, what matters was his gaining more power.

{Congratulations host, you have gained...

1. Body Replacement Jutsu

2. Creation Rebirth

3. The Celetisal Cultivation art

4. Armorment Haki

5. Observation Haki

6. The Spirit Spear Chastiefol

7. Incursio

8. Ultimate Eye

9. Emperor Eyes

10. Dragon Fist

11. Failed Draw Try Again 30x}

Sora's eyebrows twitched slightly seeing this, out of everything he had gotten, he only got one cultivation art. shaking his head, he went on to accept the eye abilities, leaving his eyes fill a slight burning feeling which made him uneasy

The Ultimate eyes were the eyes from Full Metal Alchemist. the Ultimate Eye allows him to predict his opponent's movements and also tells him the perfect defense and offense strategy.

The Emperor Eye enables its user to see another person's body with extreme detail, such as breathing, muscle movements or muscle contractions, body tension, rhythm, sweat, etc. allowing the user to predict future movements.

with these eyes coming together, they fused to form evens stronger eyes, which allowed Sora to do far more with his eyes. breathing slightly, Sora looked at his other gains.

Creation Rebirth was from the world of anime. By releasing a large amount of chakra at once, the body's cell division is forcibly stimulated. Whenever the body's tissues are damaged or an organ is destroyed, the injury will instantly heal regardless of the severity. So long as Creation Rebirth remains active, the user cannot die, earning it recognition as the "pinnacle of medical ninjutsu" and the "ultimate regeneration technique".

The celestial Cultivation art would give Sora the Hyuga bloodline, but a much purer bloodline, than what could be found on Earth.

Armorment Haki allows Sora to take his energy and form a layer of invisible armor around himself, and Observation Haki grants Sora a 6th sense, similar to how those in Nascent Soul realm gain a 6th sense.

The Spirit Spear Chastiefol is a weapon that could take on many forms. As for Incursio, it was an armor that could evolve and fuse with its owner, bringing them a huge power up.

Dragon Fist was similar to Dragon Head, but Dragon Fist was from the world of Dragon Ball. Punching forward, Sora could send a huge dragon forward, which would attack his enemy or even though them, leaving a massive hole. Sora planned to fuse this technique with Dragon Fist.

Sora mastered all of the techniques and abilities in an instant and went on to take out the Incursio, which was in the shape of a sword. to call out the armor, Sora needed to stop the sword into the ground, and the armor would appear on him.

Sora put the sword into his spirit ring, those with sharp senses might be able to tell the sword was not normal. Sora closed his eyes for some time, falling into deep thought about his next move.

'I should focus on the battle... the more injuries I suffer, the more I could get stronger. now that I have this Creation Rebirth, I can suffer all types of injuries and quickly recover.' Sora thought while touching his forhead, which had a diamond ship mark on it, it was purple,

Once Sora acts the Creation Rebirth technique, his body would be covered by his face. One should know that using this technique would shorten one lifespan, Creation Rebirth does not repair the old cells, instead hastening the creation of new ones through division. Because a body's cells can only split a certain number of times, the user shortens their natural lifespan whenever this technique is used.

Of course, Sora had a huge amount of life force, and The Sage of Six Paths forced him on strengthening his body. although not tempering it to the point it was like steel, Sora's body was filled with lifeforce, Sora guessed could live up to 500 years currently, which was huge seeing his cultivation

So, Sora could shorten his lifespan, Sora didn't just master the technique, he mastered it by 120%. the Creation Rebirth was not able to help someone regrow lost body parts or anything of it, but Sora was capable of doing that.

of course, if his head is cut off, or his heart is destroyed, there was a high chance he could die without any outside help. but if an arm is cut off, Sora can put it back together, and grow a new one, at the cost of his lifespan dropping by a few years.

The Saiyan Cultivation art allows one to increase their strength the more damage they suffer from and recover. self-harm would not help, Sora was also not a fan of pointlessly harming himself, so he was planning on challenging those stronger than himself.

"My lord we are here," Cherry said softly, in the past few days she had been taking classes as Sora asked her to. Since she was Sora's servant, she was allowed to listen to classes.

When Sora was injured, she was listening to an elder of the sect talking about his cultivation journey, followed by her taking time to try and comprehend the elder teaching. this took a few days, so when she found out that Sora was injured, it was already old news.

"Good, now it's time to show you all my marketing skills," Sora said while taking out his fan, it was time for him to draw a crowd towards him.