
A Way To A Man Heart

"..." Sora slowly opened his eyes, and found himself lying on a soft bed, he wanted to get up, but felt pain all over his body. His body had yet to recover from pushing himself so hard, which was troublesome... ignoring the pain, he quickly checked his body and sighed after seeing he was still pure.

"don't worry, I wouldn't want to lose our first time in such a way." Xai Fei said as she walked over to Sora's side, instantly making Sora go on guard, but he froze seeing she was carrying over a tray of food, which she took some chopsticks, and tried to feed Sora,

"eating would help restore your energy... so you know, eat up." She said with a sweet smile, which made Sora uneasy. the reason this girl scared him was simply because he couldn't read her, she was a wild card.

One moment she was a crazy mad woman and the next moment she was this. was the food poisoned? was the food filled with a drug or something? he didn't know, as he couldn't get much information from her,

"Now say aww." She said with a sweet smile as she brought the food closer to Sora's mouth, but Sora didn't open his mouth. who knew what she put in that food, sure it looked nice and even smelled nice... but it was normal for people to fear the unknown,

"I said open your fucking mouth." She said coldly, making Sora speechless. Did she think he would do as she asked of him? yet suddenly Sora felt something overwhelming him, as if his bloodline was fearing for something. Sensing this, Sora frowned as he looked at himself.

"My physique evolved, and now I gained a new ability. I can suppress the bloodline of those I absorbed, we are such a perfect fit." She said making Sora's eyes twitch, one moment he was looking down upon her, and the next moment she come out of nowhere with this BS.

"the elephant blood has some unique power connected to heaven and earth, I almost died a few times absorbing it. but my love for you froze me to push through, so we can be together, our love can overcome all things." She said with a blushful look, leaving Sora speechless.

"You so bad, you didn't even tell me that the cultivation system was messed up. if I didn't see how Madara broke through to the revolving core realm, I could have made a mistake... but I'm sure you only forgot right?" She asked with narrowed eyes, Sora tried to resist the bloodline suppression, but in his weakened state he couldn't do much, he of course copied her physique, but he was too weak to do much at the moment.

"I thought I told you...." Sora said focusing a smile, seeing this Xai Fei sighed softly

"It's alright, I forgive you. you have so much to deal with, it's only natural you forget some things. but this is your time to relax. Now eat up, I worked hard on making this for you." She said as she brought the chopsticks towards Sora, Sora hesitated for a moment, before scanning the food with his Haki, seeing nothing off about it, he took a bite, and instantly his eyes widened in shock.

"It's amazing," Sora said in shock, he never eats anything so good, he thought his cooking was something, but this was on a whole new level.

"What did you put in this? it looks like normal egg fried rice, but it's so good." Sora asked in shock while looking at the egg-fried rice. Xai Fei's face was bright red seeing Sora enjoying the food,

"I-I used to love as the secret ingredient." She said weakly, her legs getting restless as they rubbed against each other none stop.

Sora didn't ask any more questions, since she didn't want to tell him, then he wouldn't ask, but this food make his favorability towards her increase by 10 points, the quickest way to a man's heart was through their stomach,

"That was the best food I have ever had, my body is already slightly better," Sora said softly, did she only want to knock him out to help him? this would be the second time she saved him. Xai Fei's smile grew upon hearing Sora's words,

"That's great, I will cook for you every day. No, make sure you make a quick recovery, I will sleep with you as well..." She said lustfully, making that uneasy feeling return to Sora

"no, I should get going. I have things to do, more of that elephant guy people might be returning. I need to get ready." Sora said calmly, but Xai Fei didn't allow him to get off the bed, her lustful look nowhere to be found.

"you can't. after your battle, more powerful experts came from the upper region, they seemed to be after the elephant and you. but they were humans, I hide you away here so they couldn't find you. you can't go outside until you have made a full recovery. I told Madara about this, although I don't know what they are doing, I told them to stay low." She said seriously, stunning Sora for a moment, but he nodded and went on to use this time to rest.

although he had 1 more Senzu Beam, he didn't want to use it. by the looks of things, he had been asleep for 3 days, he would need only 1 week to make a full recovery. Seeing Sora listening to him, Xai Fei almost fainted from pure bliss, how lucky was she to have such an understanding lover? they can both have an honest talk, they never fight, and always got along well. this was true love.

"My love, I have been meaning to ask you. Are you by chance a half-beast man?" Xai Fei asked softly, as she got into bed alongside Sora, and hugged him. She of course didn't care if Sora was a beast or not, their love overcame all thing.

"I was born human, but that tribulation changed my Physique or something," Sora said frowning slightly with how close she was. stunning her for a moment, before she nodded slightly. She heard about Sora's tribulation which turned him from a none cripple into a supreme talent.

"I don't think you understand the power of that tribulation, when I absorb your lifeforce, a hint of your bloodline is mixed in with mine. and you have a lot of it, so much so that it's scary that one person can have so many bloodlines, and the most normal out of all your bloodline is that Lightning Bloodline." She said softly, making Sora frown slightly, he didn't have any lightning-related bloodline, the closest to such a bloodline was the Sage Of Six Paths bloodline,

"I don't have such a bloodline," Sora said calmly, stunning Xai Fei for a moment, but she sat up and channeled that bloodline, she showed Sora lightning which dance along her palm. Xai Fei's confusion grew seeing how Sora was confused,

"let me check again," She said softly before she bit Sora's neck, making Sora speechless, but she was not shocking his blood and was simply sensing her lifeforce in to scan his body, Sora followed her in the scanning, and he soon did find a bloodline which was sealed away within his body,

"it's sealed away, no wonder you had no clue of it. but who could have sealed it away? is this how you gain a new bloodline, and you have to break the seal?" She said with a confused look, Sora ignored her as he checked the bloodline, and quickly made a guess.

"Maybe it has something to do with my mother... but she passed away years ago," Sora said softly, he didn't expect his mother to have a huge background, by the look of this bloodline, she was indeed from some powerful background,

"alright, forget I asked you anything. go to sleep." She said as she jumped on top of Sora, using herself as a blanket. Sora's face turned his head to the side, allowing his mind to wander and ignore that a woman was on top of him...

"What an interesting human." The beast god said softly while looking at the image in the air of the battle between Sora and the elephant. slowly, she looked at the soul which was shaking in fear. after all, it was told not to return without Sora, yet it had returned defeated.

"so, what should I do with you? I gave you one order, and you have gone on to return without what I asked you for, and even came back defeated." She said coldly, making the elephant's soul shake in fear.

"M-My lord, I believed that returning with such huge pieces of information would have been useful." The elephant said, to which the beast god nodded slightly.

"Indeed, this is important information, a Qi refiner with the strength to match a half-step demi-god has never been heard of before. to think his body could even withstand such power... but don't say such thing as if you indeed do it to bring back the information." She said coldly, making the Elephant's soul which had just relaxed shake once more in fear.

"You ran away because you were scared. you ran away and didn't even notice that the human was lashing out with power his body couldn't withstand. why didn't he follow you? most likely because he had reached his limits, instead of rushing back here, you could have tried back and made sure if he could go on with the battle or not. you could have brought back even a drop of blood from him, and I would have considered all of this forgiven, but you were a coward and ran away." She said coldly, making the Elephant's soul shake in horror

"Now you have given this talented human time to rest and recover from everything he has gone through, and might even grow stronger from this. You have made the wild beast's victory so much harder with your cowardly actions, tell me, how do you wish to be punished for your sins." She asked, the elephant's soul lowered its head, if it could cry, tears would be running down its eyes at this moment.

"I the elephant king have seen my sins, I deserve death." He said to which She snorted and simply waved him away, sending his soul slamming into a wall, and almost having it disappear.

"you shall be stepping down as the elephant king, a new beast shall be taking your pace. As for the rest of you, if you can't keep a cool head when you're losing a battle, just go on and kill yourself now, so I can pick others to replace you all." She said with a chill gaze as she looked at the rest of the beast king, which said nothing at all and simply lowered their head before her.

"Snake King, Hawk King, Lizard King, Heavily Wolf King, Ant King, and Spider King head off towards the lower region. there are a few humans who have set off seeking the Elephant king, they should have arrived a few days ago in the lower region, go and kill them and lessen the power of the humans." She said while standing up, those called up got up and paid their respect before setting off,

'Sora? I will pick a time to come to see you personally, you will not become a second human god.' She thought with killing intent filling her eyes...

In the middle of the endless sea, a group of humans passed through a barrier. there were 5 humans at this party. they were carrying the body of an elephant, heading back toward the holy church,

they had spent a few days within the lower region seeking Sora, yet after using all types of techniques to find Sora, they found it hard to find him. it was as if Sora had died, which left them disappointed, but Sora seemed to have killed the elephant, making them sigh in pity for losing such a talented human.

after passing through the barrier blocking them from the up region, they returned to their peak cultivation state and were about to blast off, but they froze when they found themselves surrounded by 6 wild beasts. all being the beast kings,

At their level of power, they could fight to a standstill one on one. but against two, they would die. since there were 6 wild beasts, one of them was going to be fighting 2 at a time, while the other fought 1...

The group of humans looked at each other before they threw the elephant down and rushed towards the weakest wild beast, but the other wild beast moved at the same time, and a battle quickly broke out...

that day, 3 of the human's top experts died in battle, and although 2 managed to flee, they suffered massive injuries and would soon die. meanwhile, the wild beast suffered injuries, but nothing as huge as those of humans who managed to run away,

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know he would be strong enough to fight the wild beast. you made the journey all for nothing and returned with such heavy injuries." the Holy priest bowed before the two humans who managed to flee back to the church, but the two ignored their injuries and tried to calm her down,

"no one would have expected a Qi refine could fight someone with combat strength around the level of the Demi-God Realm, it was a pity. such a talented human could have done great things, 4 whole realms skipped." One of them said in pitty,

"... no, he hasn't died. The Human God told me he was fated for great things, his fate couldn't have ended like that. he should have found a way to hide from you... I want to go and find him and bring him to the church," She said seriously, shocking everyone who heard this

"You can't, you have to stay within the church, it's the safest place." An old man said seriously, but she shook her head.

"the end game is near, and soon I might have to die. If I just stay here without giving it my all, am I not taking the easy route? you all surfaced so much, and all I can do is stand here doing nothing. I'm so useless." She said as she began crying, making a few people begin crying at her words

"Priest... you are not useless. we humans made it as far as we did thanks to you. trust us to find Sora, and bring him back here. But I will not allow you to leave, it's too dangerous. please give me" A knight in silver armor said seriously while walking into the room, before falling to one knee.

this knight was currently the strongest expert of the human race, a man who was said to have gained a hint of the Human God inheritances, allowing him to quickly become the strongest human alive.

"No... I can do so much more, I want to do so much more. billions of humans are dying by the day, and all I can do is nothing. I don't want this, I hate being so useless." She said unwilling to accept this, everyone in the church was quiet, she could feel this young lady's heart, and found it hard for them to bring her down.

"Fine, You may come to the lower realm under 3 conditions." He said seriously to which she nodded while listening closely, and in the end, nodded accepting the 3 conditions although she was slightly unwilling.