
In the city of blood [BL]

In the city of blood, where shadows dance among the flickering lights and whispers echo through the labyrinthine streets, there exists a darkness that seeps into the very soul of the metropolis. It is a darkness born of forgotten dreams and shattered hopes, a palpable presence that hangs heavy in the air like a suffocating fog. In this city of blood, where the heartbeat of the urban sprawl pulses with a relentless rhythm, there are tales untold and secrets buried deep beneath the asphalt and concrete. It is a place where the sins of the past stain the present, where the lines between right and wrong blur in the dim glow of neon signs. Amidst the chaos and corruption, there are those who navigate the shadows with a grace born of necessity—a ragtag assembly of survivors and sinners, each with their own demons to wrestle and their own battles to fight. They move through the city like ghosts, slipping between the cracks of society, their footsteps muffled by the din of the streets. And yet, amidst the darkness, there are glimpses of light—a flicker of hope in the eyes of the downtrodden, a spark of defiance in the hearts of the oppressed. For even in the city of blood, where despair hangs heavy like a shroud, there are those who refuse to surrender to the darkness, who dare to dream of a better tomorrow. In the city of blood, where the sins of the past cast long shadows over the present, there are whispers of redemption—a chance for the lost and the broken to find their way home. It is a city of contradictions, where beauty and brutality collide in a symphony of chaos and despair. But amidst the darkness, there is always hope—a glimmer of light in the heart of the night, a beacon of promise amidst the ruins. For even in the city of blood, where shadows reign supreme, there are those who dare to defy the darkness and forge their own path to salvation.

Pharm_Neptune · LGBT+
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32 Chs

Stars and Secrets

Inside the car, with Nib firmly at the wheel, his eyes briefly glanced over at Win, and a warm smile tugged at his lips."Win," he said, his voice filled with genuine admiration, "I didn't notice earlier, but you look exceptionally charming today... I mean, truly adorable."A faint, contemplative murmur escaped Win's lips as he replied, "Ummm..."Nib's concern grew palpable as he continued, "What's the matter, Win? You've been unusually quiet ever since you visited Shine. Now, I'm starting to think maybe I shouldn't have let you meet him."Win shook his head gently, his thoughts heavy with the burden he carried. "No, it's not that," he finally admitted, his voice tinged with sadness. "There's something on my mind..."Nib's curiosity piqued, and he pressed, "What is it?"Win hesitated for a moment, his gaze fixed on the road ahead as if seeking solace in the distant horizon. "On the 18th of February 2018," he began, his voice quivering with the weight of memory, "my brother had a catastrophic accident... a truly life-altering one.In the quiet confines of the car, the weight of Win's revelation hung heavily in the air. He continued, his voice carrying the sorrow of that fateful day, "He was with his boyfriend, Khunpol. Khunpol perished instantly, but my brother, he slipped into a coma. After half a month, he, too, left us."Nib reached out and gently took Win's hand into his, offering silent reassurance as he said, "So, you're afraid that Shine might..."Win's eyes met Nib's, conveying a silent plea for understanding. "No, no," he mouthed without words.Nib squeezed Win's hand affectionately, offering unwavering support. "Don't worry," he whispered tenderly, "he will be alright. We won't let him leave us, and...""And what?" Win inquired, a touch of curiosity in his voice.Nib's smile held a hint of mischief as he playfully teased, "He has to be the witness to our wedding."Win's response was firm, his tone laced with resolve, "Nib, shut up."Suddenly, the car came to an abrupt stop. Win inquired, "Why did you stop the car?"Nib replied, "We've reached our destination for the day.""Oh," Win sighed in relief, "I thought...""You thought what?" Nib prodded, his curiosity piqued."Um... nothing," Win mumbled.As Win reached for the car door, Nib gently held his hand and asked, "Can I open this door for you?"With an eye-roll and a hint of amusement, Win acquiesced, "Hmm."Nib stepped out of the car and opened the door for Win, a warm smile gracing his lips.Turning to Nib, Win pondered their next move, "Now, we must find a piece of proper evidence."Nib sounded skeptical, "I don't think we'll be able to find anything here. Your Thai and his accomplices have likely covered their tracks."As Inspector Thai's name was mentioned, Win couldn't help but remember the events of the day. He expressed his feelings, "Why do you mention my Thai? In this paradise, you're mine, and I am yours."Nib, realizing the levity of his comment, quickly backtracked, "I'm sorry; it was just a joke. Don't take it to heart. I won't let you go so easily."In the midst of their conversation, the distant howls of jackals reached their ears, causing Win to jump in fear. Without hesitation, he clung tightly to Nib, seeking solace and protection in his embrace.The night unfolded around them, a breathtaking spectacle of stars and moonlight. The gentle breeze caressed their bodies as they stood in the middle of the empty road, a world away from anyone else. In that serene moment, it was just Nib, Win, and the haunting calls of a few distant jackals. Nib closed his eyes, savoring the fragrance and warmth of Win's presence. Win, too, relished the sensation, his ear pressed to Nib's chest, where the steady rhythm of his heartbeat played like a melodious piano composition, reminiscent of Sir Elton John's most soulful tunes. But this feeling was not for so long. A sudden rustling in the stillness of the night jolted Win's senses. His voice trembled as he urgently whispered, "Nib... Nib... let go of me. We need to hide. Someone's approaching."Nib, lost in their shared moment of intimacy, seemed oblivious to Win's plea. Frustration gripped Win, and he gently nudged Nib, trying to pull him back to reality."Whatttt?" Nib finally registered Win's concern, his eyes meeting Win's in puzzlement.Without a word, Win took Nib's hand and guided him silently to the shelter of the car. Nib attempted to speak, but Win placed a finger gently over his lips, urging him to remain quiet. Their eyes locked, the depth of their connection undisturbed by the sudden intrusion.Meanwhile, an enigmatic lady walked down the moonlit road with an air of determination, her presence casting a mystique over the night.Win's eyes narrowed as he observed the mysterious figure, his voice laced with intrigue. "Nib, look at how she's wandering about on this desolate road."Nib nodded, his determination hardening. "Yeah, let's apprehend her."Win, however, urged caution, recognizing the potential danger that lurked in their pursuit. "But we must be careful."As the stranger approached the car parked in the middle of the road, Nib and Win held their breath, fearing that she might spot them before they had a chance to act. Nib's hand hovered dangerously close to her, ready to strike, but upon finding the car empty, she continued her eerie stroll.Once she had passed the car and moved a safe distance away, Win seized the moment to convey their intent. "Nib, let's capture this serial killer tonight."As Nib and Win emerged from their hiding place, determination etched on their faces, Nib raised his voice, directing it firmly at the enigmatic lady."Oooo... Lady, stop! I won't spare you today!" Nib declared, his tone laced with unwavering resolve.Win joined the fray, echoing Nib's words with equal fervor. "Not just me, we won't spare her!"Nib, resolute and eager to take action, repeated his intent, "Whatever it takes, let's grab her before she gets away."Win affirmed the plan with a firm nod, "Right!"Their pursuit began, and as the lady realized they were closing in on her, she broke into a sprint. Her footsteps echoed in the night, accompanied by Nib and Win's urgent cries, "Stop! Stop, you... you, you bloody!"However, the lady's determination matched their own, and she sprinted faster. Nib increased his pace, eventually catching her arm. Win soon joined them, his voice filled with unwavering determination."What do you think? You can't escape today. You're mistaken," Win asserted firmly.The lady, panting but defiant, protested, "Let me go! What on earth have I done to both of you?"They remained steadfast, unwilling to release her. Suddenly, a beam of light pierced the darkness, revealing Inspector Thai's jeep. Seeing Nib, Win, and the lady, Inspector Thai stepped out of the vehicle and demanded an explanation for their actions.The lady, seizing the opportunity for safety, quickly shifted behind Inspector Thai and pleaded, "Thank God, sir, you've arrived! These two crazy boys were about to kill me!"Nib, however, was not about to be swayed, retorting, "You liar! We were going to bring you to justice for the 31 lives you've taken!"The lady appeared genuinely bewildered by their accusations, defending herself with conviction, "Are you boys out of your minds? I haven't harmed a single mosquito in my entire life, and you accuse me of murdering 31 people? You should both be in a mental asylum!"Win stepped in, his tone stern but fair, "Mind your language. If you're innocent, why were you running and watching us? Do you have an explanation?"The lady fell silent, unable to provide an adequate response.Nib couldn't help but seize the opportunity, emphasizing, "See, she's speechless because she's got no response."The lady remained quiet, her defense crumbling. And said, "Nope, the way you both came after me... not only me, anyone would be afraid. I used to work in a nightclub. But after those dreadful incidents, men stopped coming to me. So, I decided to find my customers on my own."Inspector Thai, finally addressing Win, sternly stated, "I told you not to interfere with my duty."Win defended their actions, "Sir, we're not trying to interfere with your duty; we're simply trying to help you save our friend."Inspector Thai, clearly frustrated, retorted, "By harassing innocent people?"Nib corrected him, "Nope, and..." He then turned to the lady, offering a sincere apology, "Miss, we apologize. Please forgive us. It was a misunderstanding. But, indeed, you should not be wandering like this. It can be dangerous."Win nodded in agreement, "Next time, be more cautious."Nib, with a note of pity, added, "And, sir, what we're doing should be your responsibility. Unfortunately, we had to step in."One constable piped up, attempting to shed light on the situation, "Hey, young man, watch your words. You've only been here tonight, but our sir has been working on this case for a month, and..."Inspector Thai quickly silenced him with a firm gesture, communicating a clear "no."Win, ever watchful, noticed the lady eyeing Nib with a hint of lust in her gaze. Suddenly, she stepped forward, touched Nib's chest, and propositioned him, "Would you like to spend the night with me? For you, I can even offer an 80% discount."Win, not one to tolerate such advances, reacted immediately, forcefully removing her hand from Nib's chest and admonishing her, "How dare you touch my man! Stay away!"Nib, finding amusement in Win's protective display, wore a soft smile. Meanwhile, Inspector Thai's disapproval was palpable, and he was none too pleased by the turn of events. The tension from their encounter with the mysterious lady gradually ebbed away, and she conceded with a sigh, "Okay, fine, don't be angry."With an air of audacity, she strolled toward Inspector Thai, her curiosity piqued as she challenged him, "I hope you're not that type..."However, the fiery intensity in Inspector Thai's eyes gave her second thoughts. She abruptly pivoted on her heels and fled into the obscurity of the night.Now left standing were Win, Nib, Inspector Thai, and his two constables. Win initiated an apology, attempting to make amends, "Sorry, sir, we shouldn't have used those words."Inspector Thai, still lost in thought, remained silent.Nib quickly followed suit with an apology of his own, saying, "Sorry... now we should be on our way."He took Win's hand, leading him towards their car. Before leaving, Nib flashed a reassuring smile at Inspector Thai. Once seated in the car, they departed, leaving Inspector Thai deep in contemplation, still watching their retreating figures.One of the constables couldn't help but speak up, "Sir, what's happening to you? Every time you encounter that boy named Win, it's as if you're changing."Inspector Thai didn't respond, opting instead to vanish into the darkness of the jungle.Back in Win's penthouse, Nib broke the silence, declaring, "It's time to go."Win, still absorbed in his thoughts, replied with a contemplative "Hmm."As Win moved to open the door, he discovered it was locked from the inside.Nib inquired, "Don't you have a duplicate key?"Win admitted, "Yes, but I forgot to take it. What should I do now? I can't even wake Kimsy up."Nib, ever resourceful, suggested, "I have an idea."Win inquired, "What?"Nib detailed his plan, "I'll carry you on my shoulders, and you'll reach out and grab onto the balcony's railing."Win hesitated, revealing his fear of heights.Nib insisted, "If you want to get into your room without waking up Kimsy, you'll have to trust me."Win grappled with his dilemma, contemplating his choices in this tricky situation.