
Chapter 4

Jumping with a leap of faith, Alexander adjusted his body, which was rapidly descending to the ground. It only took him a moment to reach the ground, wrapping his legs in chakra and kicking the building behind him, relieving all the inertia of the fall.

After reaching the ground, he shot into a ninja running position, forming a blur and passing people at high speed. Just a few seconds were enough to arrive in front of the jewelry store that was on fire.

"Holy shit, the guys are really crazy to rob with several Supers and an evil Superman around town! " thought Alexandre as he watched the hooded robbers throw the countless jewels into the truck.

There were seven hooded robbers, all carrying machine guns and pistols in their waists. As well as a reinforced truck and a wooden case that Alexandre didn't know what it was.

The place was being torn apart, several hostages were around the store, kneeling with their hands on their heads. Their expressions were full of terror and fear, because next to them there were three dead in a pool of blood that ran down the knees of the remaining hostages.

He knew he would gain nothing by avoiding the scene and would even miss the opportunity to kill a Super who had come to the rescue. His mind was conflicted between good and evil, but he knew he couldn't weaken, because in the future he would have to kill innocent people and Supers in order to evolve...

"Come on Alexandre, come on... You have to stand firm, following the hero route would only expose you to the enemy Gladiator. You need to kill everyone who sees you."

The next mission was to wait for a Super to appear in order to gain media attention, so Alexandre lurked in the shadows. His figure completely covered by darkness, even his breathing was hidden.

"Come on, get everything quickly before one of those little shits comes here! " Said the hooded man in the elephant mask, his voice stronger and more dominating than the others, Alexander soon realized that he was the leader.

"Quick, quick, quick. Let's go! "

"Boss, what about the hostages? " asked the bandit in the monkey mask.

"Kill them all, they've heard our voices. I don't want to take any chances, kill them all now! " said the leader of the bandits, unlocking his pistol and taking aim at the young attendant on the floor.



The sound of bullets coming out of the gun was audible to everyone, the remaining hostages closed their eyes unable to watch the young mother being killed. Even the bandits were a little saddened by the death, but they soon organized themselves and began to draw their weapons.

But before they could even fire, they noticed that the young woman their leader had shot had now disappeared, only the bullet marks were on the ground.

" ??? Where the hell did she go? " asked the leader of the bandits, his mind scrambled by the strange scene.


"What a shame... I wish I could wait to put my plan into action. But I guess I'm still too human, I can't watch an innocent girl die without doing anything..."

The voice was followed by a man with a robust appearance and body, his face strong and masculine.

"Damn you, who the hell are you? A Super? Kill this asshole! "

Listening to the leader's order, the remaining bandits removed the locks from their weapons, aiming and firing at the man who appeared out of nowhere.



In an instant, dozens of guns fired at Alexander, but his figure began to shake rapidly as he dodged the bullets, stunning the bandits.

Jutsu : Instant Displacement Technique

Using Instant Displacement, Alexandre appeared next to the bandits, using his rusty kunai to aim at the enemies' vital points, cutting an enemy's throat.

"Son of a bitch! DEAAADDD!"

Hearing the bandit's war cry, Alexandre dodged a knife aimed at his back. His speed, even at Chunin level, was enough to see everything in slow motion.

Instantaneous displacement

Taking advantage of the gap, Alexandre threw an elbow towards the bandit's windpipe, hitting him full on and sinking his windpipe and making him vomit balls of blood. But before the bandit could even kneel on the ground, Alexander launched a powerful chakra kick at his legs, blowing everything between the bandit's legs, killing him in the process.

"Move it, you bastards! We're all going to die here if you don't move ! "

The others, watching the brutal scene, were frozen in place, but the leader's shout seemed to take the stun out of his henchmen, causing them to draw their weapons and fire.


" DIE TO ME!!!!! "


Jutsu : Substitution jutsu

Forming quick seals on his hands, Alexander finished only to be hit by bullets, going up in smoke after being riddled with holes.

" Where did he go? "

" Shit ! Did we kill him? "

The bandits were stunned, staring into the rapidly dissipating smoke. Then their eyes widened when they noticed a bullet-riddled chair in the place of their enemy.

"Ond---" The horse-masked bandit only had time to start his sentence, his throat gushing blood before he felt the pain of the blow. His death was sad when he didn't even know how he died, only horror in his eyes as he realized the presence of the

the man at his side.

"Holy shit, this kunai is garbage! " Looking at the torn throat, Alexandre was irritated by the quality of the equipment. Instead of making a clean cut, the weapon was just messing everything up with its dull blade, but enough to kill humans.

"Stop running, you little shit!" Shouted the rabbit-masked bandit, but before he could finish his speech. Alexandre moved to his side instantly, killing the bandit with his rusty kunai.

"Come on, you sons of bitches, use your heavy weapons!" Shouted the leader of the bandits, making his minions open the wooden case. Pulling out a huge RPG.


The remaining two used their machine guns to suppress Alexander, leaving him unable to withdraw his attention and disarm the Bazooka. Soon he saw a beautiful RPG flying towards him, its tail on fire as its speed accelerated.

"Fuck me! "

Fire style : Fireball jutsu

With his cheeks swollen to the max, Alexander gathered a large amount of chakra and tilted his head back, then opened his mouth towards the RPG, launching a powerful fireball wave that traveled quickly.


The expression after the encounter destroyed the entire store, killing almost all the bandits nearby. Alexander, who had used Instant Displacement to escape the blast radius, returned to the scene, inspecting the survivors.

"Damn... what the hell are you... a Super?" exclaimed the elephant-masked leader, his body now totally burnt by the explosion, lucky to still be alive and kicking.

"It doesn't matter who you die for. " said Alexandre.

"Fuck me, just kill me... At least I won't die at the hands of that bastard.... HOMELANDER???? "

"Idiot. Do you really think I'm going to turn around and watch you run away, I'm not a child..."

Listening to the villain's words, I thought his speech was normal, it seemed as if I would turn and look in the direction he pointed. I knew it was a trap to get my attention, so I did the most rational thing possible. I turned to look.

Turning my head like a mannequin in slow motion, I broke out in a cold sweat at the sight of a man in an American costume descending from the sky towards the ground.

Looking down at the fake Superman, Alexandre ended up shivering to the hairs on his anus, because his eyes weren't on the leader of the bandits, but on him, his expression sinister and heroic.

"I'm fucked, I'm fucked, I'm fucked too much, I'm fucking fucked! "

"System do

something ! "

[You're in a cold sweat and your expression is wide open with fear! You're the bad guy here? ]

" Easy to say, Homelander has no sense of justice in its heart, just the fact that I stole its spotlight would put me with my dead great-grandmother! Damn Vought, why not send the fake Aquaman? " I thought, my vision and mind drawing up grand escape plans that would have a 0.000005% chance of escaping. My current chakra was only 70% and even if it was 100% I doubted I'd be able to scratch the man in front of me.

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