
In Tensura as the Storm Dragon Veldora

A boy from our world, who knows everything about the series "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime" (Tensura), is reborn as the powerful Storm Dragon, Veldora. But unlike the Veldora from the series, this version is very evil and does whatever he wants.With his knowledge of the world, Veldora causes chaos and destruction everywhere he goes. He uses and tricks people, spreading fear and making even the strongest beings bow to him. His actions change the world, and everyone, whether good or bad, must find a way to deal with his dangerous rule. Warning:This fanfiction contains adult content, including violence and dark themes.The mc is going to do some horrible stuffs Reader discretion is advised. Don’t read this.

Dead_ghost · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Orcs (R 18)

It was a huge, fancy room with a carpet so nice it must have taken years to make. In the middle was a big round table made of fragrant wood that smelled great. Despite the room's size, there were only three luxurious chairs, the kind even top nobles would struggle to get. Four demon lords were gathered around the table.

First was Clayman, the Marionette Master. He had a knack for controlling people, and there was a sly smile on his face as he prepared to speak. His cold, calculating eyes showed how manipulative he could be.

Next was Carrion, the Beast King. He was a towering figure, full of raw power and primal energy. His muscular frame and beast-like features made him intimidating. Despite his looks, there was a thoughtful expression in his eyes, showing he wasn't one to rush into decisions.

Across from him sat Milim Nava, the Destroyer. She looked young and innocent with her playful demeanor, but she was one of the most fearsome and unpredictable demon lords. Her dragon heritage gave her immense strength and a love for chaos, making her a double-edged sword in any alliance.

Lastly, there was Frey, the Sky Queen. Elegant and composed, she radiated nobility and grace. Her sharp eyes missed nothing, and her strategic mind made her a valuable ally and a dangerous enemy. Her calm exterior hid a ruthless determination, always calculating the best moves to protect her interests.

The four demon lords were curiously watching a crystal ball. It showed a strange-looking lizardman, more evolved than usual. The lizardman was slaughtering orcs easily, moving swiftly and mercilessly. He even defeated an orc general without much effort.

"Damn these orcs! How can they be so weak?" Carrion growled in frustration, his powerful frame tense.

"Yeah," Clayman agreed, sneering. "Gelmud's grand plan, reduced to this pathetic performance. What a waste."

Everyone was disappointed, but there was still hope the orc lord would survive.

Suddenly, the crystal ball showed a tall, blonde man appearing behind the lizardman. The demon lords leaned in, eager to see what would happen next. But before they could watch, the ball stopped showing any images.

"What now?" Carrion grumbled, crossing his arms.

"Who was that?" Frey wondered, intrigued.

"A human hero, maybe?" Carrion guessed.

"No way," Frey said. "Humans wouldn't interfere with monster affairs here. He's probably a majin or a monster in disguise."

As they debated, Milim Nava, the Destroyer, sat quietly. A small, mischievous grin flickered across her face, so brief that none of the others noticed it.

"Whoever he is, he interrupted with the connection to the crystal," Carillon grumbled. 

After thinking for a moment, Milim spoke up, showing her full majesty as the only dragonoid and the most experienced demon lord at the table.

"Right!" she began, bursting with anticipation. "I'm heading out now to meet that guy, whoever he is!"

The demon lords fell silent. With the current pact covering the Forest of Jura, just marching in like Milim suggested was out of the question.

"Um, Milim… We can't do that. We have that nonaggression agreement," Frey reminded her.

"Yeah! Where'd that idea even come from?" Carrion added.

"Milim," Clayman said, "please take a moment to calm down. I'll send a full expeditionary force to handle this. We won't have to wait long."

She laughed them off. To those who knew Milim, she seemed like someone who used her muscles more than her brain. But the truth was she was very smart, and her quick temper just made people think otherwise.

"If we could rip it up that easily," Clayman said, "we wouldn't need to stay undercover. Is there a reason for this outburst? Maybe… Veldora's disappearance?"

Milim grinned and nodded. "Oh, did you notice? You're right. The pact was because the territory belonged to that big, mean dragon. We all signed it when Veldora the Storm Dragon was sealed away three hundred years ago—to make sure nothing we did would undo the seal by accident."

Clayman realized she was right. Veldora was the real issue, and if he was gone, no demon lord would complain about ending the pact.

"If that's the case, then I have no objection. We should start selecting our expeditionary force right away and deploy them into the forest."


After the Orc Lord died, the lizardman chief came to greet Veldora. Now they were inside a temporary tent pitched in the central part of the marshes.

In front of Veldora, the lizardman tribe's elite members and the five surviving orc generals were groveling. The orcs were groveling because of their mistakes, begging Veldora not to annihilate them. 

The lizardmen were a weird bunch; when they entered the tent and saw the orcs groveling, they assumed it was a custom to greet Veldora, so they started groveling too.

Beside Veldora stood Shizu and Treyni. He had called Treyni and her dryad sisters to manage the orcs, knowing their ability to move instantly through the forest would be perfect for overseeing the nearly 200,000 orcs.

Veldora was having a headache from the sheer number of orcs. In the original story, Rimuru's subordinates had almost massacred 50,000 of them, and another 100,000 had spread across the Jura Forest, leaving just 50,000 under Geld's command. 

He considered killing 100,000 of them to collect their souls and evolve one of his underlings into a true demon lord but quickly dismissed the idea. He didn't want to waste such valuable manpower.

The orcs had high physical strength and endurance, making them crucial for building the foundation of his empire. The Jura Forest was as large as the continent of Australia back on Earth, and the area he was developing the city was as large as New York City, if not larger. Space wasn't an issue.

Food wasn't a problem either. The treants under Treyni could produce a special kind of fruit with enough magical energy to sustain an individual for seven days. After Veldora named them, the treants' production capacity had increased immensely.

With this in mind, Veldora decided to employ all the orcs. Managing them would be Raphael's job.

Veldora's focus shifted to the remaining orc generals, their faces etched with fear and shame. He placed his foot on the head of the largest, his weight pressing him into the dirt.

"You have committed a great crime, do you understand?" Veldora boomed, his voice resonating with power.

The orcs, still groveling, muttered, "Yes, my lord."

"And the proper punishment for your crime is death," Veldora continued, his voice cold and unforgiving.

A wave of despair swept through the orcs. They knew Veldora was right. Their reckless attack, their arrogance, deserved nothing less than swift, brutal annihilation.

But then, Veldora's voice softened. "However, since I am such a great and merciful being, I am going to give you one last chance."

A flicker of hope ignited in the eyes of the orcs. What they heard was like a bolt of lightning, shattering the darkness of their despair. Could it be? Could Veldora offer them a chance at redemption?

"What do you want us to do, my lord?"The orcs, their voices trembling with disbelief, asked.

"Nothing much," Veldora said, his voice regaining its power, "Just follow my every order."

The orcs couldn't believe their ears. After their ignominious defeat, they were ready to accept their fate. But now, they were being offered something unimaginable: a chance to serve under the Storm Dragon himself. It was an honor beyond their wildest dreams.

The orcs couldn't believe their ears. After the atrocities they had committed, they were ready to accept their fate. But Veldora, the Storm Dragon, had extended his hand, offering them redemption. It was an honor beyond anything they could have imagined.

"Our lord, thank you for granting us forgiveness with your merciful heart," the orcs spoke in unison, their voices filled with gratitude and awe. "We swear on your name, we will serve under you until our last breath."

Veldora, satisfied, ordered the orc lords to organize the orcs into lines. He also sent Treiny  assist the Orcs  in the task.

Veldora's attention shifted to the groveling Lizerdmen. "Stand up," he bellowed.

They slowly rose to their feet.

"Great lord," the Lizerdmen chief implored, "please accept us as your humble slaves." Gabiru stood beside his father, the one who had brought them to Veldora's service.

"Fine," Veldora said dismissively. "Join the orcs outside."

But the Lizerdmen didn't leave, the chief  hesitated before he spoke "My lord, we have a humble offering," the chief said.

"What is it?" Veldora grumbled, not really paying attention.

A green lizard lady with purple hair sashayed forward from the lizardman group, her tail whipping back and forth like a frantic flag. Veldora could only tell she was a woman because of the long hair, otherwise, these lizardfolk all looked the same.

And was that... a blush on her face? 'The fuck? Is that thing blushing?' Veldora thought, completely bewildered.

He didn't understand what the lizard lady was offering. Instead, he looked over at Gabiru and his dad, who was the lizardman chief. The chief seemed to grasp Veldora's confusion and cleared his throat.

"My lord," he began, "my son, Gabiru, whom you graced with his name, told us that when he visited your town, he learned you enjoy...uh...being intimate with your subordinates' mothers or wives. So, he suggested we offer his own mother to you."

Veldora's eyes darted back and forth between Gabiru and his mom. Gabiru, puffed up like a peacock, was practically bursting with pride, waiting for Veldora to shower him with praise. His mom, on the other hand, was now practically glowing, her tail wagging like a metronome on overdrive.

"The fuck?" Veldora blurted out before he could stop himself.

Shizu, who had been trying desperately to hold back laughter, let out a stifled "Pffft..." under her mask.

"Get the hell out of here and go stand in line with the orcs," Veldora snapped, already sick of the whole situation. 

Gabiru didn't understand what he did wrong but nonetheless he ran out with his fellow lizerdman from the tent. 

As soon as the lizerdmen left the tent Shizu started to laugh.

"...Pfft- AHAHAH" she began laughing so hard she almost ran out of breath. Veldora was a little annoyed.

She then looked at veldora who was annoyed at her. She knew angring veldora is no good so she tried to forcfully stop her laughter. 

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" Shizu could help but laugh looking  at veldoras face. 

"What do you find so funny?" Veldora spoke as he grabbed Shizu's wrist and pulled her on his lap. 

"This is what you get for annoying Riri san everyday", Shizu spoke with a giggle. 

"Is that so?" veldora spoke as he grabbed one of shizu's boobs with his sturdy hand and gave it a little squeeze. 

"Ahnnngg...master!!" Shizu let out a moan. 

You have been a bad girl I think you need proper punishment veldora spoke with a mischievous grin as he started to undo her clothes 


What are you doing master!!!

Veldora  didn't payed her any attention as he swiftly undid her clothes. 

And now shizu was standing in the tent buttnaked with a blush in her face as he tried to hide her private parts from the man infront of her.  

Shizu was, indeed, a beautiful girl. She had long, black hair, pretty eyes, and a beautiful Cupid 's bow mouth. Her firm, ripe breasts were a generous 36-D, with cherry-pink nipples, and she had a small waist that flared out into perfectly rounded hips and an ample bottom. her flesh was all a creamy white. She blushed in shame at being exposed to the glare of the man's eyes, and tried, unsuccessfully to cover herself.

Shizu turned to Veldora with a exasperated expression. "Master, you are a jerk you know that?" she said, her face turning red with frustration.

"Yeah I know," Veldora replied with a smirk. He pulled Shizu onto his lap, causing her to let out a little squeak of surprise. He slowly removed her hand from her chest, where she had been trying to hide her ample assets.

"Good stuffs you got there," Veldora said, eyeing Shizu's chest with appreciation. He leaned in and nibbled on her earlobe, causing her to shiver with pleasure. He moved his hand down from her shoulder to her left breast, cupping it and teasing her nipple.

Shizu leaned her head back onto Veldora's shoulder and let out a soft moan. 


She could feel his growing arousal as he pressed himself against her. She pressed her back into him, causing his dick to become even harder.

Veldora removed his hands and turned Shizu around so that she was facing him. He kissed her roughly, and she nibbled on his lower lip in response. She opened her mouth and he slipped his tongue inside, causing their tongues to dance together.

Shizu reached down and began rubbing Veldora's cock through his pants. He moaned in her mouth as she unbuckled his belt. 

Shizu deftly unbuttoned Veldora's pants, freeing his rock-hard length. She wrapped her fingers around his shaft and began to stroke him firmly, eliciting a low growl from deep within his chest. He broke their kiss, trailing his lips down her neck and across her collarbone.

Veldora's cock stood at attention, thick and throbbing in her hand. She stroked him slowly, savoring the feeling of his silky skin against her fingertips. He groaned, reaching down to grab her ass and pull her closer.

"Lets see what you got down there" He spoke as his figure moved down, his head inching closer to Shizu's crotch area as she looked nervously at him.

Veldora's fingers gently explored Shizu's most intimate area, feeling the warmth radiating from her core. He swept his thumb over her clit, causing her to gasp at the unexpected pleasure. She responded by tightening her grip on his cock and pumping him faster.

Veldora's other hand continued to knead Shizu's ass, squeezing and massaging the soft flesh. 

Veldora's fingers delved deeper inside of Shizu, feeling her slick warmth wrap around him. He curled his finger, searching for that special spot that would make her shiver with delight. As he found it, Shizu couldn't help but moan, her hips bucking against his hand.

Shizu's breathing grew ragged as Veldora continued to tease her, her grip on his cock tightening..

"Ahhhnngg..master", Shizu panted, her breath hitching as he added a second finger inside of her.

With a wicked smile, he pulled his fingers from her, bringing them to his lips and tasting her sweetness. Shizu moaned at the sight, her body trembling with need.

As Shizu came down from her high, Veldora slowly removed his fingers from her. 

He looked down at Shizu, who was still panting and trying to catch her breath. Her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were glassy with pleasure. Veldora couldn't help but lean down and kiss her, tasting the salt of her sweat on his lips.

"Did you enjoy that?" he asked, his voice low and husky.

Shizu nodded, unable to find her voice. She reached up and pulled Veldora down for another kiss, her hands tangling in his hair as she deepened the kiss. She felt him harden against her leg, and she knew that they were far from finished.

Veldora positioned himself over her, his eyes locked on hers. He entered her slowly, giving her time to adjust to his size. Shizu wrapped her legs around him, pulling him deeper.

Veldora's breath was hot and heavy against Shizu's neck as he slowly began to move within her. She could feel every inch of him, filling her up in a way that made her head spin with pleasure. His hips rocked back and forth, building a steady rhythm that had her moaning with desire.

Shizu tried to dug her fingers into the muscles of Veldora's back as she met each thrust with one of her own. But his skin was too thick to leave a scratch. She could feel herself getting closer and closer to the edge, her body tensing with pleasure as Veldora's labored breathing grew louder in her ear.

Suddenly, Veldora changed the angle of his hips, hitting a spot inside her that made her see stars. Shizu's back arched off the bed as she cried out, her legs shaking with the force of her orgasm. 

She could feel herself losing consciousness, her body overwhelmed with pleasure.

"Switch with Irys," Veldora ordered, his voice labored and strained. But he didn't stop thrusting, his hips continuing to slam into her with reckless abandon.

Shizu's body began to transform, her creamy white skin turning a rich, deep brown that contrasted sharply with her vivid, black hair streaked with fiery red-orange. Her eyes, large and red with slit pupils, glowed faintly, hinting at a demonic heritage. Two black horns curved upward from her head, framed by a golden headpiece adorned with a purple gem on her forehead. Her body became more voluptuous, her curves accentuated by the new form she had taken.

Veldora's hands gripped Irys's breasts tightly, his fingers digging into her soft flesh as he pinched her nipples between his fingers. Irys moaned loudly, her head thrown back in ecstasy as he took her body.

And then, suddenly, Irys felt a massive cock entering her pussy. She cried out, her body shaking with pleasure as Veldora filled her to the brim once again. His hips slammed into her, each thrust harder and more urgent than the last. She could feel another orgasm building within her, her body tensing with pleasure as Veldora took her once again.

As a fire spirit, Irys's pussy was very hot, burning with an inner flame that never died. But Veldora seemed to revel in the heat, his pleasure only intensifying as he felt the fire licking at his cock. With each thrust, he seemed to grow more urgent, more demanding, until it was all Irys could do to hold on and let the flames take her.

With each stroke, his hips slammed against hers, driving his cock deeper and deeper into her welcoming warmth. She could feel him inside her, filling her up in a way that made her gasp with pleasure.

Her own body was writhing beneath him, unable to remain still as he took her. Her legs were wrapped around his waist, pulling him in closer with each thrust.

With each impact, she could feel his dragon balls colliding with her ass, the sensitive skin there tingling with pleasure. The feeling of his heavy sac against her was intoxicating, and she found herself begging for more.


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