
In Tensura as the Storm Dragon Veldora

A boy from our world, who knows everything about the series "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime" (Tensura), is reborn as the powerful Storm Dragon, Veldora. But unlike the Veldora from the series, this version is very evil and does whatever he wants.With his knowledge of the world, Veldora causes chaos and destruction everywhere he goes. He uses and tricks people, spreading fear and making even the strongest beings bow to him. His actions change the world, and everyone, whether good or bad, must find a way to deal with his dangerous rule. Warning:This fanfiction contains adult content, including violence and dark themes.The mc is going to do some horrible stuffs Reader discretion is advised. Don’t read this.

Dead_ghost · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

New pet (R18)


Veldora was sitting on the couch, relaxing, while Shizu was jumping up and down on his lap in a steady rhythm. As his dick went inside her pussy, the sounds of flesh clapping and moans filled the room. She was sweating, and her black hair clung to her face.

"Anhh~ Anhh~ Anhh~ Anhh~ Master... I have a request," Shizu spoke between breaths, her voice strained but she didn't stop jumping.

"What is it?" Veldora asked, looking at her with mild curiosity.

"Master Anhhh~ about those children," she said, her eyes pleading. "Please...Anhhh~save those children... They are good kids... I think they will be useful to you if you save them. Anhhh~"

"Oh, I almost forgot about them," Veldora replied.

"Master, please," Shizu continued, her voice broken and breathless from her exertion, "please save those children... Anhhh~ They are good kids...Anhh~ Master...  They deserve a chance."

"I know, I know. You don't have to beg me," he spoke reassuringly. "Okay, go to Ingrassia and prepare the kids. When I get there, we'll take them to Ramiris's labyrinth to fix them."

Shizu's mood brightened immediately. She leaned in and kissed Veldora passionately as her gut was getting pounded by Veldora. 


After filling Shizu's pussy with his cum to the brim, he gently laid her on the couch. She was visibly exhausted, her breath steady as she rested. Veldora got up, summoned his clothes with a swift motion, and dressed himself.

As he walked out of the room, he glanced back one last time. Shizu lay there, still and serene, a trail of white semen flowing from her pussy and down her creamy ass cheek. 

The sight was so lewd, it made Veldora want to go back into the room and fuck her again. But he resisted the temptation, knowing that he couldn't afford to waste any more time here. With a lingering smile, he turned away, his mind already focused on the tasks ahead.

Souie had informed Veldora of a large number of wagons approaching Tempest, and they were quite close. Veldora told him not to stop them and let them come.

Now, he stood at the border with Benimaru and Shion beside him. Soon, a luxurious line of gilded wagons appeared, pulled by a streak of Thunder Tigers—large magical beasts crackling with lightning. These wagons, if stripped of their fancy gold embellishments, would function as formidable tanks.

"What's up with the large number of wagons?" Benimaru muttered, his eyes narrowing.

Veldora was equally curious. There were at least 50 wagons.

The procession of tiger wagons continued solemnly forward. The lead wagon was the most ostentatiously decorated, and when it came to a halt, two women emerged from the door.

The first had long, shiny white hair that was slick and straight. She was a beauty with a supple body and catlike eyes, but the aura around her was ferocious, suggesting she was a battle-hardened leader. The second woman was equally striking, with black-and-gold hair and jewel-like snake eyes. She exuded a cold-hearted gaze that seemed to freeze the air around her, repelling most who dared to approach.

"A pleasure to meet you, lord of the Great Forest of Jura. I am Albis, the Golden Serpent and one of the Three Beastketeers serving the demon lord Carrion," spoke the black-and-gold-haired woman, both of them bowing before Veldora.

"We have been sent here by the demon lord Carrion. He wants to show his respect to you and establish a friendly relationship with your Empire," Albis continued.

Eurazania is a country that embraces the ideology of "might makes right" and takes it to the extreme. They would never act like this in front of Veldora if he wasn't stronger.

'It seems this Carrion fellow got pretty scared of Charys,' Veldora thought, watching them act all submissive. An amused smile broke out on his face.

"Welcome to Tempest," Veldora said, his voice calm and authoritative. "But what are all these wagons for?"

"These are the best fruits and gems from our kingdom. It's a humble offering from our lord Carrion to the great lord of the Jura Forest," Albis spoke, trying to be as polite and submissive as possible.

It wasn't every day they had to act like this. They were the strongest individuals in their kingdom. The reason they were acting this way was because Carrion had instructed them to show the utmost respect towards the people of Tempest. Albis understood why Carrion had said that as soon as she arrived. She couldn't read the aura of the leader at all. However, the two majin beside the leader had a dreadful aura around them. She felt a tension as the lord of the Jura Forest considered the proposal.

"Okay," Veldora said after a moment, his decision made. "Benimaru, guide the wagons to the storehouses, and you two come with me."

Benimaru nodded and stepped forward to handle the logistics of the wagons, while Albis and her companion followed Veldora. They were led towards the main hall, feeling a mix of anxiety and relief.

As they walked, Albis couldn't help but marvel at the bustling activity in Tempest. The city was thriving, with various species working together in harmony. It was a stark contrast to the might-makes-right ideology of Eurazania, and she could see why Carrion was keen on forging an alliance with such a formidable and well-organized nation.

When they reached the main hall, an elf maid approached Veldora. "Veldora-sama, there are some humans here to meet you," she said with a bow.

"Send them to the meeting room," Veldora instructed. Then he resumed leading Albis and her companion. They arrived at a very luxurious room that was quite spacious, with elegant tatami mats covering the floor. 

"Make yourselves comfortable," Veldora said, gesturing to the plush cushions arranged around a low table. He took his seat at the head of the table.

Albis and Sufia settled into their seats, still slightly on edge but relieved by the warm reception. They couldn't help but admire the opulence of the room.

Veldora leaned back in his seat, his gaze steady as he addressed Albis and Sufia. "Let me cut to the chase. Why don't you two serve me instead of Carrion?" he spoke casually, his tone betraying a hint of amusement.

Albis and Sufia exchanged surprised glances, taken aback by Veldora's bold proposition. Before they could respond, an elf maid approached Veldora and bowed respectfully. "Veldora-sama, the guests from Blumand have arrived," she informed him.

Veldora nodded, instructing the elf to usher them in. Moments later, the doors opened to reveal two individuals dressed in royal attire—a short-statured man, the King of Blumand, and an elegant woman, the Queen of Blumand. 

Both the king and queen greeted Veldora with respectful bows. "Greetings, Lord Veldora. We are honored to be in your presence," the king said.


Albis and Sufia, who had overheard Veldora's name, exchanged glances once more, their surprise evident. "Veldora," Sufia murmured, her voice barely audible.

Their master, Carrion, had already suspected that there might be a chance for this person to be the Storm Dragon Veldora. But for it to be true... For a moment, Albis and Sufia silently thanked themselves for not outright rejecting his offer.

Veldora gestured for the King and Queen to take their seats, and they complied, settling into the plush cushions arranged around the low table. "Please, make yourselves comfortable," Veldora invited.

Elf and goblin maids rushed in with various luxurious foods, serving them one by one. The aroma of freshly prepared dishes filled the room as they began to eat and discuss various matters.

The King of Blumand, Drum, outright ignored Albis and Sufia's presence, assuming they were attendants of Veldora. Veldora also ignored them for the time being, giving them space to think about his offer.

As the conversation with the King continued, Veldora found himself both intrigued and slightly irritated. Just talking to Drum for ten minutes made Veldora realize how sly this man was. It also annoyed him that Drum was trying to outsmart him behind his innocent facade.

"So, Drum-san, I heard you like gambling," Veldora said, a sly smile playing on his lips.

The King's eyes widened for a moment before he masked his surprise with a chuckle. "Ah, well, one could say I enjoy the occasional wager. It's a harmless pastime, wouldn't you agree?"

Veldora leaned back, still smiling. "Indeed. But sometimes, the stakes in gambling can be quite high, don't you think?"

Drum nodded cautiously, sensing a deeper meaning behind Veldora's words. "Yes, that is true. High risks often come with high rewards, or devastating losses."

Veldora's smile widened, "In that case, how about a little wager between us?" 

"What game do you want to play, Lord Veldora?" the King asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Nothing too complicated," Veldora replied with a casual smile. "We each roll a die, and the one with the higher number wins. However, the winner can give the loser any condition, and the loser has to follow it no matter what."

The King blinked, momentarily taken aback by the bold proposition. He glanced at the Queen, who looked equally surprised but intrigued.

Durm weighed his options quickly.

The potential of this proposal was immense, and there were high risks too. He didn't know what the Storm Dragon might ask, and it's not like he could even refuse anything if Veldora asked. If Veldora asked Blumand to become part of Tempest, the king was ready to agree immediately, knowing he lacked the audacity to refuse Veldora.

The King also knew that Veldora had desired his kingdom from the beginning and was merely toying with him.

"Very well, Lord Veldora," Drum said, his voice steady. "I accept your wager."

<< Contract has been formed >>

A maid brought over a pair of dice and placed them on the table. The tension in the room was palpable as Veldora and Drum prepared to roll. Albis and Sufia watched with bated breath, their curiosity piqued by the high-stakes gamble.

"After you," Veldora gestured, allowing Durm to roll first.

The King took the die, his hand steady, and rolled it across the table. It tumbled, landing on a four. Veldora picked up his die and rolled it, watching as it landed on a five.

"It seems I win," Veldora said smoothly.

Drum's face remained composed, but there was a hint of tension in his eyes. "So it seems, Lord Veldora. What do you want from us?"

"Your wife," Veldora stated bluntly.

The room fell silent. The queen's eyes widened slightly, but she maintained her composure. Albis and Sufia exchanged shocked glances, not expecting such a bold demand. The king's face tightened, but he didn't protest. He knew the terms of the wager and the power Veldora held.

"Why do you want her?" Drum asked, his voice tinged with apprehension.

"You really gonna ask me the details of what I'm gonna do with her?" Veldora asked with a mischievous smile.

Drum froze in the place hearing veldoras words. Drum didn't answer his question.  He thought for a moment.  Drum was a smart man. And the curse of being smart is the incessant need to assess risks and consider consequences. He glanced at his wife, whose expression conveyed a mixture of shock and concern. His mind raced, weighing the potential outcomes of his response.

Veldora's mischievous grin didn't help alleviate the tension in the room. The King realized he had to tread carefully, his words carrying weight not just for himself, but for the entire kingdom.

After a moment of silence, Durm spoke, his voice measured but firm, "Very well, Lord Veldora. My wife will fulfill your condition."

His decision was made, driven by the understanding that in this high-stakes game, concessions were necessary to protect Blumand and its people.

The Queen, shocked and upset, spoke from the side, "Honey!"

"I am sorry, my dear," Drum said, moving to place his hand on her cheek to console her.

"Don't touch her. She is my property now," Veldora interjected firmly.

The King froze, his hand stopping mid-air. The room went silent again, the tension palpable. The Queen looked down, accepting her new reality, while the King stepped back, his face a mix of sadness and resignation.

"Guide him to Shuna," Veldora commanded, looking at a goblin maid. 

"Please follow me," said the goblin maid as she guided Drum out of the room.

Veldora then looked at the Queen and said, "Come here." The Queen, afraid, slowly walked towards Veldora. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her onto his lap.

Drum, who had walked outside, looked back to see his wife one last time. He saw his wife sitting on Veldora's lap. Accepting his fate, he turned and followed the goblin maid.

"What is your name?" Veldora asked the Queen, gently grabbing one of her boobs. 

"MNNHHHH.....Elizabeth," she replied.

Veldora continued to massage Elizabeth's boob as he focused on Albis and Sufia. Both of their faces were now flushed red.

"So, did you think about my offer?" Veldora asked.

Albis cleared her throat and spoke up. "About that, we would be glad to serve you, Lord Veldora. However, if you approve, I would like to talk to Lord Carrion one last time. In the meantime, Sufia will stay."

Veldora thought about it for a moment. "Fair enough," he said, then his eyes fell on the white-haired beauty. "It will be great to have a pet cat around," he spoke with an amused smile.

"Veldora-sama, I am not a cat, I am a white tiger," Sufia spoke with a flustered face, her tail wagging furiously.

Although Sufia was very loyal to Carrion, as a beastman, they always followed the rule of serving the strong. And she knew Carrion wouldn't be opposed to the thought of her serving Veldora.

"Yeah, we'll see about that," Veldora spoke with a playful grin, continuing to massage Elizabeth's boob.



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