
In Teen Wolf: As a Vampire

Earl Moore, has always wanted to live a life with a good group of friends, and with powers beyond that of a human, to be able to become the ‘cool kid,’ and not be a nerd. What will he do once he gains the powers? And will he be able to stop the threats which threaten him and his friends. (I do not own the cover or any of the original teen wolf characters) Yes i moved this from a different account, sue me

prata_wala · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 17: Arise little brother!

Chapter 17: Arise little brother!

"Really? Wow, privileges of making the movie huh. I mean, the public don't even know the specific release date yet." Allison said.

Well, that was because it was supposed to be released around this month, but I delayed it. I wanted Allison to be the first one in the world who is not part of the crew to see it.

Seemingly knowing what I was thinking, she turned her head to me and said," oooowwww, was this a romantic gesture? Not bad Moore."

"You are right, it is a romantic gesture. I have been planning this for 3 months." I said, low-key proud of myself. I wanted to see if she would give me any sort of 'reward.'

"Wait, 3 months? I didn't even know that I was going to move here until 1 week ago, how have you planned it for so long?" She shot back.

Well shit.

"That's because your dad told my dad he had to move here for some business over the phone, and then my dad told me about it." I said as I pulled something out of my ass.

"That sort of makes sense," she said as she took another bite of the pizza.

Seeing as my excuse worked, I tried to get her back to the point.

"So, since I did something for you…why haven't you done anything for me yet." I asked as I wrapped my hands around her waist.

I could feel her body warming up slowly, but then she suddenly turned around, and I could feel a warm, slightly wet sensation on my mouth.

As I realized what she was doing, I moved one of my hands to cup her chin, as I continued to kiss her.

It was my first kiss, even in my past life, I had never kissed anyone, so this was special for me.

As I slowly let my tongue into her mouth, Allison started to go wild as she turned her entire body and she started to grind on my dick.

She put one of her hands behind my head and grabbed my hair, as another one of her hands moved underneath my shirt as she traced my abs.

Right as I was about to move my hands to feel her up as well, she pulled back, while biting on my lips, and then asked," How was your present?"

"What present?" I feigned ignorance.

"Wha.." before she could continue I kissed her again.

There was no way in hell, after waiting so long I was gonna let her off so easily.

She didn't really seem to mind, as she slowly started to take my shirt off.

I also took her shirt off, and was able to run my hands all over her silky smooth skin.

Right as I was about to continue, I heard about a kilometer near our compound.

'Who the fuck…oh, it's the Argents.' I thought. While I did get a little mad, it wasn't that bad. While I did have to wait a really long time, I could wait a couple more days.

"What happened?" She asked as she showed me her gorgeous smile, which is probably the best part about her.

Whenever I saw her smile, she always took most of my worries away, well, not like I had many.

I didn't say anything, and waited for the other vampires to sense the argents.

As soon as they did, I heard someone knocking on the door to the theater room.

"SHHIITT, HURRY WEAR YOUR CLOTHES," Allison panicked as she quickly put her shirt back on.

I just smiled slightly at this cute sight, put my shirt on and said," come on in."

The maid came in and informed us," Sir it seems like the Argents are here."

"Alright, let them in. Also, prepare some food for them, I don't know if they have had dinner yet."

"Wait, my parents are coming? Why?" Allison asked, pretty guttered.

"How am I supposed to know, we can just ask them."

(POV Chris Argent)

We quickly arrived at the place which made most sense for Allison to be.

We didn't bother calling her, because we knew that when Allison is with Earl, she completely ignores everything around her.

We quickly arrived at his mansion and I really couldn't help but think that the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.

Just looking at the extravagant mansion, I couldn't help but be a little overwhelmed. Throughout my travels I have met plenty of rich people, but not to this extent.

My wife then said," hurry up, who knows what she is getting herself into with that kid."

She was right, with all the mess Earl and Allison made when they were younger, I wouldn't really be surprised even if they burn this entire place down.

As I drove into the garage, I could see tens of really expensive cars around. Some could probably buy out a subsidiary of my family business, and all of them could probably buy the main thing.

It's a good thing that the Moore family are on the side of Humans…if not, we would all probably be fucked. With their money, they could ruin the world's economy and ensue chaos, and then take over from there.

As I got out of my car, some of the servants in the mansion led me to the dining room, where I could see Earl and Allison laughing while eating. I say that as if both of them were eating, only Earl was eating as Allison watched.

"Hi Mr and Mrs Argent. It's nice to see you after so long," he said, not surprised to see us show up unannounced, and hugged both my wife and I.

He was already as tall as me, and even his baggy clothes could not hide the fact that he was as tall as me.

"Yes it has been a while Earl. We were just here to take Allison home." I said, as I walked over to Allison.

"Why don't you stay for dinner. It has been a while since I have seen you, I would like to catch up," he asked me.

I realized how hasty I had been, and since he was a friends son, decided to be a little less vigilant.

"Alright Earl, Victoria and I have yet to eat, we might as well eat something," I said as I pulled up a chair to eat.

Victoria, seeming to come to the same conclusion as me, also pulled a chair and sat down to eat.

"Allison, why aren't you eating?" My wife asked as she looked at Allison.

"Well that's because we had dinner, and Pizza, yet this freak is still hungry!" She exclaimed in fake exasperation, but she couldn't hide the fact that she was really happy spending the day with Earl.

It has been a while since I have seen her like this. While she is usually happy when everyone is around, I know it has been hard on her.

Moving so much, she barely had any friends. While Victoria and I were there she would be fine, but the second any of us leave, I could tell she felt sad.

I honestly couldn't remember the last time she was so happy.

I just smiled as I saw them all laughing with each other's company.

(Authors Note: Changing the roles a bit, the vampires are not completely loyal, won't be fun if they are all mindless)

(POV Clone 1)

"We have arrived sir," James told me, as he opened the helicopter door.

We both have reached Ohio. Originally, the main body wanted to leave this to James, but he decided to take matters into his own hands.

I know what he is thinking, we are the same person after all, he wants to know their reason for attacking innocent wolves.

As soon as I got off of the helicopter, I could see hundreds of Vampires kneeling on the ground, all with extremely scared expressions.

The pure vampire in-charge of leading the group walked towards me, and the second he reached me, his first words already ticked me off.

"You have grown up sir." He said.

Keep in mind that all Pure-Vampires have to be personally bitten by me, and the clones, such as myself, usually take care of them.

This bastard, I could sense his emotions, and after getting stronger by killing the wolves, he probably thinks he can take me on.

"Yeah, I have. Anyways, I am busy, I just want to know, why did you kill them?"

"Because I could." He replied

That was enough for me. I walked past him, and asked," who else agrees with this dumbass?"

Not one of them dared to raise their head in my presence. It probably stemmed from the rank difference, they were 3 ranks below me, and I am the original, so they can't do anything normally in my presence, if they had not followed me to the teeth.

However Pure-Vampires are different, they are given a little bit of freedom, and usually don't feel the suppression, unless I want them to.

"Good, I will take it as he acted out on his own." I said, as I formed a gun with my fingers, and pointed it at the Pure-Vampire.

"Bam," I mimicked a gun sound.