
The sunset tells everything

And that creek sound suddenly echoed in my ears nothing just me and the sounds we're there. I was standing in a whole purple house form curtain to pillo everything was purple even the colour of water was purple .... it's like some haunted shouse with weird and scary sounds surrounding me ...

The tv on my right side automatically turned off then on them on and off .... Remote was flowing inthe air like someone is controlling it ..

Watch was hanged upside down ... Everything was weird but , I can't be able to distinguish between the reality and my nightmare all of it feels like I'm in a waking dream , now I'm not even sure if, what I am thinking is a part of it or not and suddenly........ a women appeared right in front of me, all of it was foggy but still what I can see is , her shiny black hair falling upto her waist , she was wearing purple coat which looks so extraordinary like some antique style with ten black furs on right side of her shoulder and ten golden beads on her left side , she was wearing a dark red lipstick her shiny teeth we're dazzling as she was smiling at me but the smile seems so fake and creep that it gave me chills all over my body,

She was wearing dark black boots , which to me now seems like she was a "fashion trendy " women .

Her hat is covering her face which unable me to look at her face .

Suddenly a huge thunder broke out , rain seems to be in bad mood it was falling continuously , wind blow like there's no end . All of this seems usual to me now but I have never seen a women in my dream which kind a scary for me , I started to reverse my walk slowly but then that women gazed at me and come closer to me as she come closer I started to move away this continues .. and she said , " The answers you are looking for..... so desperately... Hmmmm . Could hurt you too ... You know that .. "

She continued by saying " it's all in your head...... all humans are like that ......they are all curious about things , that never happen... .. you're no expectation..."

I asked () : " But now I am at the edge neither I can jump nor run away ... The only way is to bring all the pieces together and to know the truth ...

....I'm at the point where I don't even know what is true or what is fake . It's like my dream is controlling me or am I controlling it .

I don't even know what is the truth I am looking for... "

She grinned and said , " this happens everytime when I need to deal with these youngsters "

If you wanna know the answer .....come to me.....

I'll be your guide ....

She then paused and looked at me with suspicious expression and said. " But you should know that I never go easy on my pupils... It will cost you something ... Maybe something huge or maybe nothing at all ... It's all up to your performance . "

Before I could say anything I woke up from the sound of car's horn . I was wondering what the hell is happening now .. I don't wanna to be fled away with any of that and think to myself " pet you need to sleep to get the answer "

Go to sleep .... Go to sleep...

But this time , I can't fall asleep easily now all of these confused me more and more to the point where I can't even look at anything in proper or original way. my own imagination is taking me to a different world where I was upside down all the things were talking . I thought to myself , before I go totally insane let's just sleep even if I can't I will

" Quote of the day for me would be : Sleeping is the most important , sleeping will cure everything "

Okay so now goodnight to me .... Even though it's afternoon ...

As I fall asleep a different man with clutches hang upon me and said ," don't believe her .. she is just a nightmare ... Get a grip .. "

Through this choas it was quite pentrable that everything is not it appears like ...

Suddenly a girl who always appeared in my dream and because of which I enjoyed to dream the same was seen today also . Even though I haven't seen her face but still my heart trenches whenever she looked at me with those melancholy eyes . It's like we have met before ..

Everything started to become blur and warp and she suddenly grabs my hand and say , " it's nice to meet you again ." I feel the lump in my heart my heart was beating so fast like ....it will just pop out anytime. We both were running beyond our capacity them after running from that damm dark place I found myself in a totally different destination ." Now this seems like a dream not a nightmare " I said calmly. I was totally astonished by the surrounding, the was about to rise up ,the wind is blowing just like in fairytales .. birds were chirping, trees were smiling which seems to me like they were happy about something , the mountain were shinning brightly ... I thought to myself , "So this is what they called a heaven .. '

Everything has it's own value we just quite don't get it ... Huh my bad ... I took a sigh relief like it was the end of everything i totally forgot about the nightmare thing.... and suddenly I realised that it was a dream , I looked here and there for that girl .

I started to wonder where is she ?

I started talking to myself , " where is she , just a moment ago .. "

Before I could say anything that girl stopped me by saying " you talk too much "

I asked hesitatingly " by any chance... Have we met before "

She replied grinningly. " If you wanna hit on me so badly , Just say so .. what being such a weirdo "

I thought to myself , " she is not as easy as I thought .. it would definitely take a time .. "

She said (looking at me with bombastic eyes )sighly , "don't say these words it sucks seriously ..."

I never did and nor I'm going to fall for anyone in this world ...

We both sat down on bench , both of us didn't say anything . We were just looking at each other with the most loving, caring and pampered way we could , that time I feel like this girl is more beautiful than she looks like ...

She was wearing a dark red dress and heels And black hat as always all of them was usual yet so beautiful .... and I woke up instantly , as usual it's my friends . I totally lost control and said , " why now ... Why ... Can't you wake me up after sometime . .. this is the only time when I feel like .. I hope that this time would stop.... Yet i got a girl for me ... This was more than enough to turn my nightmare into a real dream ... Everything was perfect from her to scenery to me ...."

Both of them looked and each other and then me and then char asked joyfully , " what girl .. and here we thought you're gonna die single . "

Both of them went downstairs saying " get ready Quickly , bub .! "

I started to get ready while was getting ready .

I remembered some of the words .. which to me sounds a little bit like my parents ...

thought even though I can't ask them anything I can look for it ..

I'll make sure to know the truth