
In search of peace..

Many times you are not looking for extraordinary things, you just want a bit of peace and you can't get it.......

creature1 · Fantasy
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3 Chs


"you know what? I have good news for you, Dad, today when I was sitting in the market. People describe having dream stories all the time. The same stories that a person can lift several hundred kilos with one hand, or what do I know, can split a hundred-year-old tree with one blow, and many other strange stories!"

Nolan was staring at the middle-aged man's face as he told his father about today's story. He took a deep breath and continued after a short pause:

 "I heard that some strange people can make medicines that can even heal someone who is dying, can you believe it? And do you know where to get these drugs?

The same forbidden shops that sometimes smell like dead donkeys and sometimes you can feel the smell of heavenly flowers.

I wanted to go and visit, but you know it's impossible to even get close to these shops, it seems like it has a guard that smells like money and if you don't have it, it won't let you in. It's very strange, isn't it?

But don't worry, Dad, I'm going to be hired to work at the Balor mansion. The same Balor mansion, whose multi-story porches can be seen from the whole city. They say that they are a powerful and influential family whose words are heard not only in the city but also in the province.

I don't know when, but believe me, upon entering this mansion, I will work all the days I can in my life and I will ask them to buy this medicine for us.

Then we don't have to worry anymore, I know you are happy, I was happy too, and maybe it won't be very soon, but I will finally get a result."

The man's tears, as always, were the only thing that displayed his special air instruments for the boy in the bitter cold and the house without light.

Nolan smiled and wiped his father's tears and said:

"You know dad? You are everything to me! Many people ask me whether I am satisfied with my life or not, and I answer yes without even thinking for a second, and it is only because of your existence.

Thank you for being there and hurting for me, please don't be sad and I am one of the happiest people in the world without you...

After all, tears are not suitable for your strong face, you know? This is how the reputation of us men goes! Even now I can hear Aunt Eliza's laughter in my ears saying that you men are the most childish creatures that have come into existence since the beginning of your creation!

I don't know how he can say such things, that's why he never fell in love with her and married her despite her beautiful face.

Actually, Dad, the fake princess didn't come today either, despite the lies that she says that maybe she knows about miraculous medicines, I will definitely ask her this time when I see her."

After the stupid words that he didn't know where they came from, he crawled on his straw bed and hugged his knees.

As his eyes slowly closed, he remembered his mother's words.

 "Laugh when the world closes its eyes to you. Laugh, Nolan, laugh so loud that even the most beautiful smiles have nothing to say next to your smile. That's when the times are forced to pay attention to you and the color of your life changes from one side to the other. You may think that there is no change, but the biggest changes appear with the smallest ways of thinking. You may not believe it, but if you lose your sight, you are ready for there to be no sun in the world, but your sight returns, if you lose a loved one, you are ready to give everything to get it back, but there is no news of it coming back, and even if you have a simple toothache, you will die. And you give it time to get better, do you know why?

Because you are satisfied with the things you have! interesting, does not it? Enjoy your contentment and don't let your heart be sad so that by laughing in the world it can laugh, just like the funniest jokes prevent pleasant laughter for others, now it wants to speak in any language or be from any world.

You laugh, the world laughs."

And by reviewing his mother's last words, a smile came to his face and he covered the darkness and coldness of his life for one more night with kindness and renewed hope...