
In Search Of Enigmatic: Rise Of The Ancient Lord

The empire's northern region is ruled by the Rosehart family, and Caesar Von Rosehart, a Highborn is one of the descendants. He has a unusual dream the night before his awakning ritual. He was unable to understand his dream, neither was he able to identify the man he saw in his dream. He began to see the man regularly after first seeing him in his nightmares. He was unaware of the man's identity or his true motive. ____________________________ Although there is now peace on the continent of Gais, the tranquilly is in danger as battle flames loom above it. During this time, geniuses were proliferating all across the continent and while the conflict was just behind the door. Powers of all kinds began to emerge from the shadows. Some people attempted to keep the peace while others threatened to conquer or to obliterate the continent. The Prophets were unable to deduce the course of fate of the continent. With gods not interfering in the matters of mortals anymore, situation seems bleak. Caesar, a little self-centered, selfish, human has been put inside such situation. He who lives while amusing himself. What will he do? _______________________________________ Author's words:- Hello everyone, the fact is that, currently the main character is only a 12 year old brat with no power, no experience, no money and no experience. The first 20 chapter will be introduction of main character, his behaviour, development of his personality and power. The first arc of story will start from chapter 21. pls also keep in mind that first twenty chapter will be mostly from third person POV. Again the real story will start from chapter-21. What to expect from the story? Different POV, battle, romance, manipulation, struggle, academy arc, fighting in shadow, selfish main character, and many more to be added as story progresses.

lover_in_lightning · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter-16 Strange Man's, Strange Request.

Currently Caesar was in bathtub cleaning himself diligently from all the sweet, dirt and blood. The armoured guard Hasin was standing outside the room waiting for him.

After a good bath he wrapped himself in towel and came outside. Beside Hasin, there was another elven women standing their tall height, green hair and eyes, white-smooth skin, long ears and amiable smile on her face. She was holding a white cloth with golden embroidery on it.

"Sir, would you lose your towel so that I can dress you up." The elf women said.

Caesar looked a little skeptical as he didn't want to show his bare body to just anyone.

The lady quickly followed. "You don't have to worry, I will close my eyes as to not make you feel uncomfortable."

Caesar though and soon nodded in a yes. As the lady was coming near, Caesar sharply turned his head toward Hasin only to see he had already closed his eyes.

Caesar was standing in front of a mirror seeing his reflection. He was currently wearing a white long cloth with golden embroidery on it. It was first circled around his waist multiple time covering his lower body then his upper body was covered by cloth by properly adjusting it. To say, the 12-year old Caesar was looking cute, some of his muscles were outlined due to him training in sword.

The lady after dressing him up handed him his sword and dagger.

Hasin came forward.

"What would you like to do, sir, there are still hours left before the party, would you like to tour the tribe" Hasin asked.

"Its fine, I am tired and little rest doesn't sound bad." Saying this Caesar sat on the bed.

"Oh! yes the language you were speaking before, I want it learn it."

"Yes, it's elven language, if you want to learn it then I can arrange someone from the tribe for you." Said Hasin.

Caesar's eyes started twinkling. "That would be great Hasin, please call someone, fast."

Hasin nodded then bowed and left.

Caesar was lost in his though when a knock came. Soon, the tribe leader entered, "Sorry for wait, I had some pending matters to attend."

Caesar nodded but in reality he didn't care too much, all he was waiting for was knowledge, elixirs and most importantly food.

"Mr. Caesar all matter have been taken care of. First about your scouting problem an retainer of mine will take of care of that. Next, please name the elixirs you need, it will be made available to you.

"Sefare and elixir of Tilak is what was told to me."

"Yes, please don't worry, it be taken care of." The tribe leader said.

"It may be an impertinent question but can I ask you what relation you have with guardian...."

Hearing this question Caesar was put into dilemma. 'What was his relation with Lenora. Was he just a guest of her or was she his teacher as she had been teaching him for quiet some time. '

Caesar thought and thought but couldn't think right answer, so he said the truth.

"I don't known"

Hearing his answer Lus was confused.

'Was this his way of ignoring my question or he actually didn't know. But not pursuing this topic, Lus changed the subject to tonights party.

Lus and Caesar made some small talk, the tribe leader was trying to figure out Caesar's intention or more exactly intention of guardian Dragon. While Caesar himself was not really interested in the conversation so he kept his answers short and precise.

Hasin came after some time, he was accompanied by a elf, probably the person who was going to teach Caesar elven language.

Seeing tribe leader both Hasin and the other elf made a polite bow. Lus also took his leave shortly after seeing that Caesar was uninterested in his talk.

Hasin stood outside the door leaving Caesar and other elf alone. "Hello, good sir My name is Cerita Morugfall and I will teach elven language."

"My name is Caesar and thank you for teaching me."

Cerita soon started, he had brought Parchment, Ink, and pen with him. According to Cerita there were two elven languages. One was common language used by every other elf. It was easy to understand and even humans, and the beastmen could speak the language if learnt properly. The second elven language was derived from dragon tongue. This second language itself resonated with mana so it was very difficult to learn even for elf's themselves.

All it took was four hours for Caesar to learn common elven language. Seeing Caesar's learning capability, Cerita was surprised. He thought it will take Caesar two weeks just to learn basics. But seeing his learning speed, Cerita was certain that after two more days of teaching. Caesar could speak elven language as fluently as anyone from the tribe.

Caesar was not going to stop learning any time soon but Hasin came, saying that party is going to start so, Caesar had to reluctantly end today's class.

On their way Caesar asked. "Hasin do your tribe usually throw a party every time a human comes to your tribe."

Hasin took a good look at Caesar, "Human are not allowed to step inside the tribe such was rule declared by previous tribe leader but you bear the coin of guardian herself, so the rules were overlooked. Moreover, the party is not to celebrate just your arrival but also the arrival of coin you brought. It is a token from Guardian."

"Then, what does the coin signify."

"If our tribe is in problem or tribe is facing destruction. The coin could be used to call the guardian herself, and she would help us one single time. The value of coin is immeasurable for the tribe." Hasin explained.

"I see." Caesar murmured

Shortly Caesar and Hasin reached the center of tribe seeing the atmosphere Caesar was surprised. Many kinds of food was kept on table, elf's were dancing surroundings a huge bonfire. Everyone was laughing, singing and dancing. Seeing the jolly atmosphere Caesar himself was delighted.

Seeing Caesar coming, the elf started cheering. After all Caesar was the person, who brought the guardian's blessing to them.

Caesar was greeted by nearly everyone. The elf's were too tall for Caesar, he has to crank his neck up to greet every one. Caesar stuck out like soar thumb but he was not fazed even once.

That night, Caesar let go all his precaution and enjoyed himself, he also learned the elven dance, he sang and most importantly ate a lot. He had forgotten all the suffering he endured for three week while traveling to this tribe. At the end Caesar even drank alcohol and passed out.

Hasin took him to guest room and while Caesar was going to have a good sleep for once or so he thought until a intruder came into his dreams.


Caesar opened his eye only to see vast land covered with grass and nothing else. He looked down at his hand and they were half-translucent. He quickly remember the last he was it this state.

After looking around for sometime Caesar could finally spot a person laying on ground. Caesar made a run. Reaching him...

"You! You are the man I saw last time in my dream." Caesar shouted.

The man in question was wearing a three piece suit with an oversized rob, he had black hair and purple eyes, he seems to be in dazed state of mind.

Hearing Caesar's voice he turned his head and says. "You are finally here."

"What do you mean by that" Caesar ask with frown.

"You see, I am meeting you because I am here to find a person more exactly a soul, there are some unsaid word between that person and me."

"But what does have to do with me."

"Simple, Because you are my best at chance in find that soul and its not like I didn't help you. I gave you a portion of my authority, and also induced mana core to mature early."

"Even if you did something like this, why I have to help you. You came here gave me a portion of your authority but that doesn't mean that I will help you. You didn't even ask for my permission. What if you have an ulterior motive or desire to control my body." Caesar asks with a frown.

The man just chuckles quietly and says. "Well, I guess this was going to happen, let me tell you some thing."

Saying this the man in black robe snapped his finger and suddenly Caesar went into trans, Getting a huge influx of

memories, thought and emotions.

After 10-minutes Caesar came back to his half-translucent state. He then looked at the man with baffled eyes.

"Why, why do you have to do something like this." Caesar asks after seeing the man's memory and though.

"Its because they will know." The man replies.

"This... This is really fucked up, you are fucked, they are fucked up and I am fucked up, No-no-no on second thought I am normal." Caesar stares at The man intensely then released a long sigh even though he couldn't breath in his half-transperent form.

"Fine, I will start look for that soul. So now tell me if I am going to see you in my dreams every day."

"No-No, Just once or twice a month."

"Ah! for god's sake..... Well the gods can go fuck themself but you-you are going to tell me everything you haven't told, at a later date."

The man just nodded his head to give Caesar a confirmation.

"Now, go lost from here and let me dream something beautiful."

An soon as Caesar said this the dream world started to collapse and he fell into deep sleep.


Next Morning.

Caesar woke up with groggy eyes. He was really troubled by what he saw in his dream. In simple terms he had mission and that is find a particular soul living on this continent. He also had many great revelation which seem absurd but he instinctively knew that they were all true.

Caesar was going to take it easy, he has all the time in this world. For now he was going to enjoy his time in the elf tribe.

Getting up, Caesar took a bath and changed into elf's traditional cloths, lest to say elf's clothing were simple and were much move comfortable.

After coming out of the room he was greeted by Hasin, and they both out he was took off toward the dinning room.

Inside tribe leader's office.

"Yes, make sure you do your best. We don't known what the guardian thinks so we should trend carefully."

Lus and another female elf were talking, soon there was knocking on the door.

knock knock!

"Come inside" Lus said.

Hasin and Caesar entered, Hasin bowed a little and greeted Lus and Caesar too greeted him and sat on the sofa.

With the short conversation and time Lus has spend with Caesar, he knows that Caesar doesn't have interest in small talk, so he directly took out two vials of potion from storage and handed them to Caesar.

"The transparent elixir is sefare which is made by rare herbs and spirit magic which increase, strength, stamina and durability of body while elixir of tilak helps in increasing mana quantity and purity inside of mana core." Saying this Caesar was handed both the vials to Caesar.

Caesar eyes were shining after seeing the elixir, he took them immediately.

"Caesar this hear is Litya, she is a master ranked awakened and she is going to help you with your scouting method."

Both Litya and Caesar exchanged small greeting. Hasin and Lus had already left the room.

"Hello, Caesar would we deal with your scouting problem or you like to drink elixirs first.

Without thinking much Caesar opted for drinking elixirs first.

"You just have to drink elixir and circulate your mana through your body, the rest will be done by your body itself."

Without wasting any time time Caesar gulped the elixir of Tilak. It has some bitter taste but it didn't matter to Caesar. Caesar started to circulate his mana, minutes passed, he could soon feel the changes only after few minutes of mana circulation. The mana from from elixir has permeated into his mana core. As mana coursed through his mana veins the effect of elixir became apparent. His mana quantity increased significantly, his mana veins where getting reinforced and mana flow was becoming smoother. Purity of his mana also exponentially increased.

It took Caesar three and half hour to assimilate the elixir completely.

The first thing Caesar saw after opening his eyes was Lityas's face which was oddly different, it was like she want to speak something but something was stuck inside her throat. After some time she finally opened her mouth.

"Congratulations Caesar"

Caesar just nodded and took the Second elixir in his hand and gulped it down, repeating the same process. This time he could feel his muscles relaxing, Caesar felt like something heavy had been lifted from his his body

His metabolism increased. Their was increase in strength., stamina, muscle density, agility, flexibility. He felt like he was born anew.

It took barely two hours for second elixir to assimilate inside his body.

He finally opened his eyes flashing bright smile to Litya, getting up he started to walk but due to poor co-ordination he fell down, tripping himself.

His body had gone through tremendous increase in strength, Caesar was having difficulty getting used to his new strength. It was hard for him to even walk.

Litya soon reached out her hand to help Caesar which he took without second thought.