
In Search Of Enigmatic: Rise Of The Ancient Lord

The empire's northern region is ruled by the Rosehart family, and Caesar Von Rosehart, a Highborn is one of the descendants. He has a unusual dream the night before his awakning ritual. He was unable to understand his dream, neither was he able to identify the man he saw in his dream. He began to see the man regularly after first seeing him in his nightmares. He was unaware of the man's identity or his true motive. ____________________________ Although there is now peace on the continent of Gais, the tranquilly is in danger as battle flames loom above it. During this time, geniuses were proliferating all across the continent and while the conflict was just behind the door. Powers of all kinds began to emerge from the shadows. Some people attempted to keep the peace while others threatened to conquer or to obliterate the continent. The Prophets were unable to deduce the course of fate of the continent. With gods not interfering in the matters of mortals anymore, situation seems bleak. Caesar, a little self-centered, selfish, human has been put inside such situation. He who lives while amusing himself. What will he do? _______________________________________ Author's words:- Hello everyone, the fact is that, currently the main character is only a 12 year old brat with no power, no experience, no money and no experience. The first 20 chapter will be introduction of main character, his behaviour, development of his personality and power. The first arc of story will start from chapter 21. pls also keep in mind that first twenty chapter will be mostly from third person POV. Again the real story will start from chapter-21. What to expect from the story? Different POV, battle, romance, manipulation, struggle, academy arc, fighting in shadow, selfish main character, and many more to be added as story progresses.

lover_in_lightning · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter-13 Surprise

Early Morning.

6:00 AM

Caesar woke up with sleepy eyes. Sensing that his mana core had re-filled, he sat in cross-leg position and started circulating mana through his veins, as taught by Lenora. After two hours of continuous mana circulation, he could feel that his mana capacity had increased, albeit only by little.

Soon Lina came, telling him breakfast was ready. Today's breakfast was salad, sandwich, juice. Caesar ate and directly went toward training hall to experiment with magic.

Remembering yesterday's failure Caesar started to think of mistakes he had done, Caesar could remember the whole book, line-to-line, page to page, So he again went through the book in his mind, but found that he made no mistake.

Caesar took some mana out of his core, his grasp over the mana was paper thin, applying the principle of changing Mana into gust of wind, Caesar tried but the result was failure. The Mana dispersed into the air.

Not getting dispirited, Caesar tried again and again but the result was always failure. Soon he ran out of mana. Thinking of trying again after sword training, he got himself busy in sword training. Caesar ate his lunch, tried again. creating a gust of wind by using mana but failed. Done mental training and psychokinesis then again tried using mana but he still failed.

Four days have passed, their was no sighting of Dragon in last four days, Caesar had tried creating gust of wind for last four days, trying three times a day but no results were obtained. On the morning of fifth day Caesar had an epiphany. Instead of going by the book, Caesar tried something new, combining imagination with principle.

Taking little amount of Mana, he started imagining a small gust of wind, to his absolute delight their was some change. Half of the mana he was holding in air had created a gust of wind while other half dissipated into air.

Surprised at his success, Caesar tried doing it again and again. Imagining, and to his surprise he was successful. Half of the mana was used while other half dissipating. The reason for dissipation of mana was his lack of control. In past four day of controlling mana, Caesar soon released that mana could not be controlled forcefully, instead it should controlled gently.

Caesar created wind till he ran out of Mana. Happy with his success Caesar soon continued the day as it was scheduled. He ate, then practised sword, then used mans but this time instead of wind, he tried tо created water droplets, and again he was successful, small droplets of water had drenched his hand. This continued till he ran out of mana. Having lunch, Caesar soon started practising psychokinesis then after that he tried creating a wisp of fire, he was successful but due to poor control, his hands got a little burned, but this didn't stop him from creating more wisp of fire.

Six Days passed, Caesar continued with routine of Mana training, sword training, mana training, psychokinesis training again mana training and sleep. Slowly getting better control over mana.



6:00 am

Waking, Caesar could find a beautiful face staring at him. Getting a feeling of déjà vu. Like last time caesar jumped, trying to hug the dragon. Surprisingly, Lenora showed no resistance allowing Caesar to hug her.

"You are finally here" Caesar said.

After remaining in same position for some time, Lenora. finally separated Caesar from herself.

"So, human were you diligent with your training."

"Yes, I was."

"That's good cause soon there will be assignment you have complete".

"What assignment". Caesar asked with questioning face.

"Don't think about it too much, you will come to know with time". Lenora said with a smile.

"Now lets go to training room, to see how much have you progress in sword arts." Saying this Lenora started walking.

In training hall.

With full confidence Caesar was holding his sword, ready to show the dragon his skills. He started moving gracefully, step by step performing the sword dance with absolute perfection. Rhythmic breathing, correct posture, correct angles, one could say he was literally copying what Lenora had shown him. But the thoughts of dragons were entirely different.

"Posture is correct, breathing is stable, everything is stable on outside but inside, its a mess, his muscle composition is not balanced, their seems to be some lag between movements, flexibility is not so good. He seems to be consuming more energy that required. Lenora was lost in her own thoughts, finding Caesar's mistake.

When sword dance over the dragon praised caesar, even though their were some problems, it could be corrected in future and its only been little over a month that Caesar had held sword, so seeing his progress, he can be called a genius among dragons if he was a dragon but for humans this type of talent was monstrosity Itself. According to human standard, it should have taken well over a year for any human to learn the sword dance properly, that too considering a year was minimum time, but here a human who had done something in a month which would take years for other to perform was miracle itself.

After praising Caesar, Lenora handed Caesar & silver knife made from the same material as the ball, on which he used perform psychokinesis.

"Human instead of ball, you will now be controlling weapons using psychokinesis, like knife, daggers, short swords, needles and shard. Now take this knife, try to twirl, thrust, slash and rotate is using psychokinesis".

Caesar took the knife. It was little difficult to handle the weapon. He couldn't maintain balance of knife in air, sometimes he would apply more force on knife which would make the knife unbalanced from fall to ground. It took Caesar many tries till he could control the knife just barely enough to not fall. But considering people takes day, even dragons would consume more time but for Caesar who had passive skill 'high comprehension', he could easily correct the mistake he had been making and making sure that he do not repeate the same mistake twice.

Caesar had performed, twirl, slash, stab and rotate just like the dragon told him to do even though the knife was shaking, the task was performed successfully. This earned another praise from Lenora.

"That was good Caesar considering for long you have been practicing, the progress is good, hopefully you can complete the assignment without any problem".

Hearing her praise Caesar was delighted...

"Now, lets move on to magic" Lenora said.

"Yes, let me show you how much I progressed in magic" Caesar said enthusiastically and soon he stretched his hand and a blob of water was formed on his hand, soon the blob of water separated into two blob, going in opposite direction and disappearing.

"IN-W-What did you just do now human". Lenora said, and her mouth agape.

"I used magic" Caesar said with a grin.

"No, Not that, how can you use magic, its impossible."

"Why would be it impossible. I just showed you!".

"You don't understand, just now when you controlled your mana. I could see that your mana control is no where near for to you to change properties of mana. You, what did you do."

Caesar was truly confused by Lenora's rambling, he understood every word she spoke, and that made him even more confusing.

"So you mean to say that I could not use magic because my mana control is poor." Caesar asked to which the dragon nodded.

"But I just showed you magic! ok here see this again".

Saying this Caesar again stretched his hand, Lenora yellow pupil, now shone in golden, she focused on Caesar's hand. Soon a wisp of fire was created by Caesar which was now dancing on Caesar's palm, then the wisp extinguish and a small light orb took its place, again the light too dispersed after few second but lightning started crackling from Caesar's finger.

Caesar showed all this tricks with a smug face, while Lenora had surprise written on her face and her mouth opened wide, her eyes widen to unimaginable degree.

"What did you do, human, what did you do?" Lenora asked loudly.

"Well, I just controlled some mana and imagined". Caesar gave the answer with

straight face.

"Imagine, You just Imagined. Why are you lying. This is not some fantasy that you imagine some thing and it happens." Lenora shouted at Caesar.

After hearing Lenora calling him a liar, caesar felt offend be too rebutted. "Lying. Why would I lie. I am Caesar Von Rosehart, there's no need for me to lie."

Seeing that she tried to had offended Caesar a little, Lenora calm her emotion and think through what just happened with stable mind.

'He indeed created magic but conversion of mana should be impossible. Just because he imagined it doesn't mean it should happen. Seeing his emotions and vitals human does not seemed to be lying'.

Lenora ran her though at full speed for few minutes..

Human, was there any other problem or abnormality while using mana. Lenora asked with calm voice.

Caesar thought for a little and said, "Yes, there was before, when few day ago I trained in psychokinesis too much, I had been feeling sleepy but I had to practice magic. So, I wished that my.. sleep would be gone and miraculously after few second I was not feeling sleep but for some reason my mana core was nearly empty. Then day before yesterday, I trained too were much while performing sword dance and all my muscles were sore so, I imagined that they be healed and suddenly I was feeling all good but again my mana core, it was again nearly empty.

Lenora was now looking at Caesar with stoic face. She literally had nothing to say to after hearing his absurdity. She had inkling of idea what had happened but for some reason she just denied those ideas, her subconscious was screaming that something like this was not possible. But to assure her heart and mind that she was wrong that she soon made a big blob of pure water, as big asbCaesar's face and asked.

"Human try to create a vortex inside this blob of water".

Caesar didn't understood Lenora's intention but without delay he tried what she told him to do.

Imagining a vortex forming clock-wise, Caesar tried while infusing his mana. Albeit late but surprisingly a small vortex was indeed formed.

While Caesar was celebrating his accomplishment, breathing of dragon got a littler faster and heavier.

"Human what exactly you thought, when your sore muscles suddenly started feeling better".

"HMM, I thought that my muscles might be damaged due to excessive stress and had released the enzyme, you explained on first day 'Creatine kinase', so I thought about my muscles healing and stop secretion of Ceretine kinase."

Lenora still had a stoic face but internally her blood was pumping, her mind thinking, slowly her breathing got heavy and her face flushed as she thought.

'First, an abnormal learning speed. Second, mana core developed and mature too early, third. abnormal soul. fourth turning imagination into reality, fifth an skill which cannot be identified by orb of zengis...'

Lenora release a long sigh She had never been this surprised in her entire life. She looked at Caesar, a boy whose talent surpass any other human she had ever seen.

She linked Caesar unidentified skill had something to do with imagination.

This boy might become one of the most powerful person on continent in future.

Lenora spoke in a sweet voice "Caesar there is a lot of explanation I have to do".

Hearing Lenora Caesar was visibly shaken. This was the first time she had called him by his name instead of saying 'Human'.

Caesar just nodded.

"So, human are creature who are born without magic or mana. They are not tuned to mana, but as they grow, they develop mana core which can help them store and use mana. This simply imply that human before the start of their magic journey, before they fully develop their mana core cannot use magic properly. Unlike dragons and elves who are attuned to mana from birth, humans are not, they to have slowly grasp control over mana and use them. So, humans developed magic circles or matrix so as to use spells and magic at lower stage. An 15 year old elf can make a fire ball just by waving her hand but an human of same age has to make an magic circle to make the same fire ball just because they are less attuned to mana".

"The same is with you. You had just matured your mona core so your control of mana is very poor. It can be said that you are barely attuned to mana, but this can change as you use more mana, practice more, you humans get better and that too at fast rate".

"So according to standards it should be impossible for you to make a wisp of fire, or gust of wind, this early and I am 100% sure about it."

"But it seems the your unidentified skill, it is the reason that you are able to create wisp of fire. You should know that even dragons cannot just imagine something and it just materialize they too have to move mana and apply principles to use spells but what if you have a skill that can do it. Then all you have done seems plausible."

Caesar heard everything patiently, slowly he realized what type of skill he has.

"So, you mean to say, whatever I Imagine can manifest into reality. Caesar asked.

Lenora nodded and "Yes and No".

"Seeing you ability, it must have some restriction. first your mana capacity, second your own thinking. And we can find other slowly as you grow up."

Caesar was happy, but Lenora she was deliberating. on what to do. Some memories of past soon came rushing make her mood foul. Her mind was going through turmoil, having conflicting thoughts. Not sure what choice she was going to make.

"Lenora, Lenora". Caesar called out seeing her lost in her own thought.

Hearing Caesar she soon looked him. A child no-more than the 12 year old. Possessing greatest talent on continent. His eyes pure and devoid of any malice.

Seeing him Lenora soon gathered her thoughts, vowing to train and protect this human child and set him ablaze toward right path. Making sure not repeat the same mistake she had to done in her past.

"Caesar, I think we need to change your training method. Before I was just going train you inside castle till Serina came out of training hall but now closed door training doesn't look like a very good idea." Lenora said with a smile.

"So, were are we going to train." Caesar asked eagerly.

"Think of the the whole Akarba forest as your training ground."