
First Case

It's been about Six months working here in the S.T.A.R.S office...

It's honestly been the most boring six months in my life

I expected there to be action and shooting criminals and stuff! Paperwork is supposed to be for the normal officers!

I sighed, Getting back to signing off on this newest report

Necro explained to me the specifics for why I'm doing this a month or two ago

~~~ Flashback ~~~

[Stop Complaining, This is the life you will have to deal with. At least you are earning money, right?]

I groaned "Yeah, but this is the bane of excitement! I want to shoot something!"

I had grown really attached to my guns that I bought

The shooting range turned out to be a training Dungeon as well, so my accuracy has gone from amateur to as close to a veteran without actual combat experience that you could get

[You're going to have to deal with it, Jack. You won't have any action until the Forest and Mansion Incidents start rolling around. Police don't just go around shooting things either. You need to chill out or I'll erase your memories of going to the range and you'll have to go train all over again]

I shivered and got back to work

~~~ Flashback End ~~~

I hadn't really complained much after that, but it was still quite boring to fill out paperwork every day for 8 hours on end

To top it off, Wesker came back a week after I joined and finally told me what I was supposed to be doing besides whatever the rest of the team handed off to me

~~~ Flashback ~~~

I was standing in a small office, back straight and eyes forward

In front of me sat Albert Wesker - Captain of S.T.A.R.S, Umbrella C.E.O, Mastermind behind the T-Virus epidemic, etc...

"...So you're the new recruit the men up in New York sent to me?" He finally asked me in a 'Don't give me any shit' voice

I nodded stiffly "Yes sir..."

He stood up and slowly walked around me, examining my every movement

Only my training with the hologram kept me from running straight out of there or pulling a gun on the man

"Good. I might have made the correct choice in accepting you" He sat back down as I breathed a small sigh of relief

"You are to train the others in hand to hand combat in your free time, and Research anything that Barry or I send you, is that clear?"

I nodded again "Yes sir"

"Good" He dropped a folder in front of me

"That's your first task, tell me I made the right choice in taking you in"

I took the file and left the room, breathing out yet another sigh

"Holy shit, that was scary.."

~~~ Flashback End ~~~

The files were filled with data and random DNA sequences

I was quite sure he was secretly giving me different samples of the T-Virus data to work on when he handed me the folder, which was why I decided to start filing it away on a separate server Necro provided

I have to admit, Necro is really quite OP. He's provided everything I've needed so far in this world, and for free as well

I'm sure there's a catch to his help, but I'm going to abuse it while it's free, and not when it costs 20,000 Dollars for a piece of lettuce...

Anyways, from what I could tell - the data was only slightly different from human DNA, having a single different sequence from normal

From other various folders that he's handed me, I've pieced together - through sentences and data that Wesker was too careless to take out - one thing that was quite interesting

Some of this was data from someone named Alice

I don't know if it was THE Project Alice, from the movies, but it still got me thinking

'If this is the gaming verse, then why the fuck would Alice be here?'

Necro didn't answer that when I questioned him, so I assume it's either a mixup or a special event for later? Maybe my mind was just reaching for something and Alice was just some codeword that I didn't know the meaning of, still...

On another note on the folders though, I got an alert when I translated enough of the data into Necro, confirming my suspicions

~~~ Flashback ~~~

[ Stable T-Virus V1 Progress - 0.1% Complete ]

My eyes widened at that

'STABLE T-Virus?!? What??'

[You're going to need some sort of power boost that isn't too bad, so I chose one from this world. It won't be easy to complete though, you will have to put in some effort for it]

I got excited at that potential prospect

'If I can dodge bullets and shit like Wesker, then I'll take it!'

~~~ Flashback End ~~~

I really don't care about losing my 'humanity'. I lost it already when I was brought past an infinite number of universes to be dropped here with a wise-cracking ancient artifact from the gods. I was going to need any power boost that I could get, seeing as how I was not going to magically turn into Leon or 'Buff-Chris' any time soon, even with all of my training, those guys were monsters

Necro wasn't kidding, however, when he said I needed to put in some work to get it

I was only at around 23% Completion, even after 5 and a half months of various clues that Wesker gave me for some reason

My theory was that if I want the largest percentage boost, I'll have to either enter the Mansion and access their database or get some samples from infected

Jill and I have been getting on quite well at the Dojo, on another note

I go down there every day, and she joins me sometimes when she's not on shift

Jill is actually quite a nice girl to talk to. She's got a really bubbly nature, with a happy go lucky personality. A far cry from what I imagined her being in the games

It kind of saddened me that it was likely going to change after the incident, but it was something out of my control

She also acted as my training partner sometimes, when she felt I wouldn't put her down in the first five moves of the spar

The training Dungeon down here is honestly a little too OP...

I'm being serious about that. After 4 months I became a Senior Black Belt, unlocking the Taekwondo and Muay Thai instructors for me

I went for Taekwondo first, and after another two months I was close to earning another black

It was either the grounds were OP, I was OP, and/or Necro was OP, and I was still doubting the second a little bit

"Jack, we got a new assignment!" I was snapped out of my flashbacks as Barry walked in my tiny office

I looked up and rolled my chair back a little bit, raising one of my eyebrows "Details?"

"We've got a kidnapping case a little west of town near the forest that the police can't handle themselves, we need your Forensics experience," He told me, handing me a file before leaving

I grimaced 'This should be the very start of Umbrellas schemes...'

Sorry with all of the flashbacks, they shouldn't happen too often

Also, Alice is a freakin badass, can't deny that, so yell me if you want me to add her in. Idk how the movie events would come into play, but I could work with it

EDIT; May 18th, 2020. Fixed grammar mistakes and added in extra content

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