
In Pokemon With A System

Ayaan_Wasim · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Psychic Aura and Viridian Power

The refree then declared Leo as the winner of the match and got the bolder badge from Brock who even complimented me for being a strong trainer.



After getting I directly went to the Pokemon center gave all my pokemons for check up and treatment and then went towards the phone to talk to my parents and professor Oak and tell them about my first win. After finishing my talk I went towards the seating area to wait for my pokemons to get healed.

Then sometimes later nurse Joy came out and said I can take my pokemons back as they are healed. I took the pokeballs. Then ate something from outside and gave my pokemons to eat Pokemon food and then I went to the hotel to my room and completed all the night work then I crashed onto the bed as I was dead tired but still I told Violet to tell what all things I got today.

When I told that Violet appeared on the bed next to me and look at me smiling gave me a peck on my lips and then said

[Dear, Today you have completed 3 quests. They are:

{Win first gym battle (Complete) - Reward:- Viridian power (Healing and mind reading)}

{Win first gym battle without losing any Pokemon (Complete) - Reward:- Psychic Power}

{Get first gym badge (Complete) - Reward:- Pokeblock making knowledge and experience}

After sending today's gain I was really happy as I had become more strong. But since I was tried I just slept while holding Violet with leaving other things for tomorrow.

Morning came and I got up and saw Violet sleeping peacefully so as to not wake her up I moved carefully. Then I went to take a bath, brush teeth and eat something after finishing all that I went inside the inner dimension to train and master all the powers which I got yesterday. Yesterday I had also bought a Psychic training mannual and Viridian power training mannual to train the Psychic and Viridian powers.

Entering the inner dimension I saw lush green land with many mountains some covered with snow some normal and some were volcanoes. Many rivers, lakes and ponds with crystal clear water. Many trees and plants of different species from my old world and from the pokemon world along with that there were also many wild pokemons whom I had brought from the outside world to in here none of the pokemons are violent or cautious towards me because I had saved all of them from some or the other problems and also I had powers due to which pokemons were more friendlier towards me. Also they had given me permission to bring them here. After the pokemons saw me all ran towards me and jumped on me some hugged me while some licked and after sometime all of them seperated from me. We all talked for sometime and then they left.

There was also a bungalow not a big one but a medium sized one which looked very beautiful. This was my house which I had made in here.

[Image Here]

There I walked for some time then stopped in a place where energy concentration was the most. There I sat down cross legged and first started to practice Psychic Power as Psychic power was much harder to master than Viridian power similar to aura training. But in this first you had to temper your mind and soul and heart. As mind and soul were responsible for circulating and controlling the psychic powers and heart is were the psychic core would be formed.

In second stage you have to form a core of psychic power where the power reserves would be. After that you'll increase your control and the psychic power reserves. As you master control over the power would increase along with the power reserves to the points where it can't be increased anymore you will become a master. So I started practice Psychic Power.

In between I even went out to give some food to all my pokemons and I left them in care of Violet.

After 4 years

(inside the inner dimension)...

I have now got full control over my Psychic powers and my power reserves have reached there limit just like my Aura. I have also done some experiments with my Aura and Psychic powers which was a grand success due to which my power reserves have the limit. I tried to fuse both my Aura core and Psychic core which took a week to completely fuse them without any problems after a lot of trial and errors.

After the fusion there was now only one new core in heart now of purple colour which I named as (Physic aura). The new core was now bigger than the previous cores. And also from now to fill the cores I will have to first absorb both Aura and Psychic energy then fuse the energy and then send them in th core. This will make the process slow but the outcome will be much more powerfull.

Now I will start practicing the Viridian power it is actually much more simple I just have to feel the flow of energy inside of me then circulate it in my body to get used to the feeling of the energy and then try to the healing power and mid reading power. It only took me a year to completely master the Viridian power but this power will help me a lot in the future.

After finishing the training session I then went to check the things about Pokeblocks as that was also a reward I had got last time. I then asked Violet to buy me a Pokeblock machine from the system which she bought it then appeared in front it looked kinda like this.

[Image Here]

After that I started to practice making Pokeblocks using the berries in the forest. After a week I had become a pro in making Pokeblocks I could even make them with my eyes closed. Finishing this I then went back to the outside world.

Coming outside I was met with my pokemons playing with each other. Violet came besides me and gave me a kiss on my lips. After sometime we seperated then I went to my pokemons played will them a bit.

Afterwards I went to Violet to talk with her.

Leo -"Violet can I break my physical limits there have been no progress in my physical powers for a long time"

[Yes dear you can break your physical limits but for you will have to evolve your race and bear in mind that this process is very painful]

Leo -"Really Violet you are the best person ever. So can you please tell me how can I evolve"

Hearing that Violet blushed but still said

[I knew you would say this so I had already kept the race evolution serum ready you just have to drink it and then bare the pain after that for 12 hours without because how much pain that much powerful you might become after you evolve]

Saying this Violet passed me the serum which I took but before drinking I told all my pokemons that I what will happen now after hearing what will happen all were worried about me but still didn't say anything cause all of them believed me very much.

Then I drank the whole serum in one breath then put a towel in my mouth so the sound of my shouting will not go out of the room. After some seconds the hellish pain came I was literally going to faint there only but still held on somehow it was was like billion ants biting me all over my body. Each of bone felt like they were broken multiple times and then fixed to be broken once again all my muscle fibres were torn again and again to shreds and new muscle fibres were formed. Then the temperature of my was decreasing as if I was in such a cold place where even the magma would freeze in a fraction of a second and the next moment it was like I was sitting in hell fire which could burn everything that comes in its path. This torture was continued for continuous 12 hours after the pain subdued I asked Violet whether it was over or not. When I saw her nodding her I just fainted due to how much tired I was.

Next morning.....

I woke up and saw Violet and all my pokemons sleeping which I guess they were tired after taking care of me after I had fainted. So I didn't wake them up and just went inside the bathroom to do the morning routine. Now I was standing in front of the mirror checking out all the charges that had occurred in me. I was now more taller with a lean figure with fully compact muscles they looked like they had lots of power in them. My hair had grown to shoulder length which I had not cut short but tied it.

Now I had to get a new set of clothes from the system as my old clothes were now small for me. They was black shirt and pant with white tie along with a white trench coat and black hand gloves. I have to say they looked quite good.

[Image Here]

After changing I went out and woke everybody up when they saw me all of them jumped on my due to happiness. After sometime they calmed down and seperated I told everybody that I was fine and they didn't have to worry.

Later I asked Violet to show me my stats

[Yes dear these are your new status there are some changes in them which you will understand after seeing them and also your stats are reset as your Race has evolved]


[ Name - Leo (High Human)

Gender - Male

Age - 18

Psychic Aura - Beginner

Strength - F--

(Power, Stamina, Defence)

Agility - F--

(Speed, Movement)

Dexterity - F--

(Hand movement, Flexibility)

Perception - F--


Intelligence - Ex++

(Thought processing, Learning speed)

Charm - Ex++


Luck - Ex++

(Luck is Luck)


Adaptability (Level - Max)

(You can adapt to anything)

Inner Dimension (Level - Max)

(Your own dimension rich in energy and only you, your Pokemon and others whom you allow can enter)

Psychic Aura (Level - Max)

(All the abilities of Aura and Psychic)

Photographic Memory (Level - Max)

(Remember anything after a single glance)

Cooking (Level - Max)

(What you cook will taste heavenly)

Martial Arts (Level - Max)

(You can fight with multiple fighting techniques like you have been training in them for thousands of years)

Weapon mastery (Level - Max)

(Able to use all kinds of weapon like they are your own limbs)

Stealth (Level - Max)

(Other's can't sense your presence if you don't want them to)

Underwater Breathing (Level - Max)

(You can breath inside water)

Eternal Youth (Level -Max)

(You will stop aging after 21 years and will not die of old age. You can give this ability to others by making them drink your blood. Others will not get this ability if they drink your blood without your permission)

Singing (Level - Max)

(your voice can captivate anybody)

Status Nullification (Level - Max)

(You will have no effect of status related attack)

Aiming - (Level - Max)

(Your aim will never miss)

Regeneration (Level - Max)

(You will get healed immediately)

Massage (Level - Max)

(Any pain will go away with your message and make the person refreshed)

Observation (Level - Max)

(You can get information about anything)

Viridian Power (Level - Max)

(Your have power to heal pokemons and hear their thoughts)]

Leo -"Looks good"

To be continued....


[ Name - Rouge (Lucario)

Type - Fighting, Steel

Gender - Male

Age - 13

Strength - S++

Agility - SS-

Dexterity - SS

Perception - SSS-

Intelligence - SS++

Pokeball - Premiere ball



(If hit with a dark attack, its attack increases) Prankster

(increases the priority of status moves by one)


(increases the effectiveness of same typing moves from the usual 1.5× to 2×)


(Raises Speed each time the Pokémon flinches)


Close Combat, Karate chop, Endure, Counter, Double team, Extreme speed, Focus energy, Mega punch, Mega kick, Protect, Quick attack, Sleep talk, Aura sphere, Cross chop, Brick break, Drain punch, Force palm, Focus punch, Agility, Focus blast, Sky uppercut, Vacuum wave, Reflect, Focus blast, Rest, Bite, Crunch, Blaze kick, Iron defence, Water pulse, Howl, Meteor mash, Shadow ball, Psychic, Earthquake, Dragon pulse, Shadow claw, Dark pulse, Sleep talk, Poison jab, Flash cannon, Metal claw

Egg moves:-

Rock smash , Sword Dance, Calm mind]

[ Name - Rei (Alolan Ninetailes)(Hybrid)

Type - Ice, Fire, Fairy

Gender - Female

Age - 13

Strength - S++

Agility - SS++

Dexterity - SS+

Perception - S

Intelligence - S++

Pokeball - Repeat ball


Snow Warning

(The Pokémon summons a hailstorm when it enters a battle)

Flash Fire

(Makes the Pokémon immune to Fire-type moves )

Snow Cloak

(raises ability-bearer's evasion by 20% in a hail storm)


Icy Wind, Ember, Swift, Quick attack, Ice beam, Ice ball, Fire spin, Fire fang, Heat wave, Bite, Flame charge, Dazzling gleam, Charm, Fairy wind, Ice shard, Double team, Fury swipes, Protect, Light screen, Reflect, Dark pulse, Agility, Extreme speed, Endure, Sleep talk, Fire blast, Flamethrower, Incinerate, Energy ball, Inferno, Will-O-Wisp, Hyper beam, Solar beam, Iron tail, Shadow ball, Rest, Overheat, Dream eater, Safeguard, Howl, Flame wheel, Blizzard, Zen headbutt, Ominous wind, Aurora beam, Avalanche, Freeze shock, Freeze dry, Sheer cold, Frost breath, Fairy wind, Moonblast, Moonlight, Play rough, Misty terrain

Egg moves:-

Hypnosis, Ice Fang, Draining kiss, Mystical Fire]

[ Name - Levi (Sceptile)

Type - Grass

Gender - Male

Age - 13

Strength - SS++

Agility - SSS-

Dexterity - SS

Perception - S++

Intelligence - S+

Pokeball - Friend Ball


Lightning Rod

(When hit by electric type move, it deals no damage to the ability-bearer but raises its Special Attack by one stage)


(increases the power of grass-type moves by 50% (1.5×) when the ability-bearer's HP falls below a third of its maximum)


Pound, Leer, Cut, Quick attack, Absorb, Double team, Bullet seed, Leafage, Swift, Mega drain, Drain punch, Energy ball, Double team, Leaf storm, Sword dance, Solar beam, Iron tail, Leaf blade, Giga drain, Slam, Crunch, Leech seed, Focus punch, Agility, Rest, Dragon claw, Aerial ace, Dig, Grass knot, Slash, Thunder punch, Sleep talk, Mega kick, Mega punch, Acrobatics, Seed bomb, Fury cutter, X-Scissor, Protect, Dual chop, Frenzy plant, Earthquake, Focus blast, Dragon pulse, Bulldoze, Hyper beam, Dragon Breath

Egg moves:-

Grassy Terrain, Dragon Breath, Night Slash, Magical leaf, Synthesis]

[ Name - Noir (Rookidee)

Gender - Female

Type - Flying

Age - 3

Strength - A-

Agility - A++

Dexterity - A+

Perception - A-

Intelligence - A

Pokeball - Ultra Ball


Keen eye

(prevents the Pokémon from losing accuracy)

Big Pecks

(prevents the ability-bearer's Defense stat from being lowered)


Leer, Peck, Drill Peck, Tackle, Swift, Dual wingbeat, Sand attack, Hone claws, Fury attack, Pluck, Power trip, Taunt, Scary face,

Gust, Quick attack, Steel wing

Egg moves:-

Roost, Air slash, Sky attack, Brave bird, Fly]

[ Name - Sky (Pidgey)

Gender - Female

Type - Normal, Flying

Age - 2

Strength - A

Agility - S--

Dexterity - A++

Perception - A--

Intelligence - S

Pokeball - Standard Pokeball


Keen Eye

( prevents the Pokémon from losing accuracy)

Big Pecks

(prevents the ability-bearer's Defense stat)


Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Twister, Feathers Dance Agility, Wing Attack, Roost, Double Team, Steel wing

Egg moves:-

Air Slash, Air Cutter, Attract, Heat Wave]

[ Name - Bruce (Nidoran)

Gender - Male

Type - Poison

Age - 3

Strength - S--

Agility - A++

Dexterity - A++

Perception - B+

Intelligence - A+

Pokeball - Moon ball


Poison Point

( Contact with the Pokémon may poison the attacker.)


(Deals more damage to a Pokémon of same gender.)


(Hustle increases the ability-bearer's Attack by 50%, however, it also reduces the Accuracy of all Physical moves by 20%)


Leer, Tackle, Swift, Poison Sting, Peck, Focus Energy, Fury Attack, Toxic Spikes, Double Kick, Horn Attack, Helping Hand, Toxic, Flatter, Poison Jab, Head Smash, Dig

Egg moves:-

Confusion, Horn Drill, Take Down, Protect, Rock Smash]

[ Name - Katana (Scyther)

Gender - Female

Type - Bug, Flying

Age - 6

Strength - S--

Agility - S+

Dexterity - A++

Perception - A

Intelligence - S

Pokeball - Cherish ball



( Swarm increases the power of Bug-type moves by 50% (1.5×) when the ability-bearer's HP falls below a third of its maximum)


(Powers up the Pokémon's weaker moves.)


(Raises Speed each time the Pokémon flinches)


Leer, Tackle, Swift, Fury cutter, Quick Attack, False swipe, Wing attack, Agility, Double team, Slash, Focus Energy, Air Slash, Swords Dance, X-Scissor, Counter, Cut

Egg moves:-

Brick Break, U-turn, Aerial Ace, Night Slash, Double hit, Laser Focus, Psycho Cut]