
In Pokemon With A System

Ayaan_Wasim · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Pewter Gym Battle (Part - 1)

As morning came Leo got up did his routine workout which is the Saitama training just much more hard. The workout is 1000 push up, 1000 crunches, 1000 squats, 1000 chin up and 100km run. The workout is done in the inner dimension alongside the pokemons who do the workout given to them and after finishing the workout he give nice massage to all of his pokemons to help them relax for the gym battle.

After finishing the training Leo and team had breakfast then started walking towards the gym. After walking for some time we at last reached the Pewter gym.

It was a big place it was made up of a lot of stone which was carved very skillfully which made the place stand out from the others outside it was written Pewter gym with timings of the gym. Then when I entered I saw that the inside of the gym was made up of stones there in the far end I saw a guy with spiky brown hair with a nice build and closed eyes whom I think is Brock.

Then Brock spoke

Brock -"Hello there I am Brock Pewter City's Gym leader are you here today for a challenge"

Leo -"Yes I am here to challenge you can we please have a fight"

Brock -"Yes we can. So please get on the stage and get ready to fight"

Leo -"Ok"

Saying that I went over to that place to stand and got ready. Seeing that I was ready Brock spoke.

Brock -"So before starting the battle let me tell you the rules. This will be a 3vs3 battle the challenger may switch their pokemon any time they want. But the gym leader is not allowed to do the same. After all the pokemons of one person is unable to battle the winner will be the other person. Understood"

Leo -"Yes undestood"

Brock -"Ok so now let's begin"

After finishing that the refree come in between and says.

Refree -"This is an official gym battle between Brock the Pewter City Gym leader and Leo of pallet town. Both of you please send your first pokemon."

Leo/Brock -"Yes"

After that we sent our first pokemon Brock first sent a geodude and I sent Katana who was very eager to fight since this will be his first gym battle with Leo.

Refree -"Both the parties ready"

Leo/Brock -"Yes ready"

Refree -"Ok so ready and fight"

After saying that the first battle started.

After starting at each other for some seconds and Brock understanding my intension of not attacking first commands geodude to use tackle which was easily dodged by Katana whom I order to use agility with quick attack which directly hits geodude cause the attack was too fast for it too react.

Then geodude used Rock polish it then got surrounded by a light indicating that it's speed increased then Brock asked geodude to use Rock throw suddenly then lots of small rocks appeared on top of geodude floating above in air then all the small started to shoot towards Katana at a very high speed I asked her to move away from there and she did but some of the stone eventually hot her and she for hurt and fell. At that time Brock asked geodude to use tackle which it did and it hurt Katana very badly since it was already injured.

Very hardly getting up from the ground with great difficulty. After Katana got up I asked her that whether she can fight for which she shouted "Scyth ther ther scyth" which I understood what she was saying so I didn't say anything and agreed with it. Katana's eyes were now showing lot of motivation since it was her first gym battle and it didn't want to lose at any cost at least not in front of Leo.

I then said her to use Agility, Double team and X-Scissor simultaneously after saying that Katana vanished then many of her appeared in the field who completely surrounded the geodude and all of them used X-Scissor in everybody's scyth there was a green surrounding it then all made a X with there scyth and slashed. From everywhere there was a green energy in the shape of a X coming towards geodude. Brock tried to say it to dodge but it was too late all the attack meet head on with geodude there was a small explosion sure to the intensity of the attack lot of smoke and dust has aroused due to it.

When the dust settled down we geodude on the ground fainted which surprised both Brock and the refree but the refree came out of the shock quickly and declared.

Refree -"Geodude has fainted winner of first match is Leo of pallet town. Gym leader Brock now has two pokemons left and challenger Leo has three. Gym leader Brock please call or your next Pokemon."

Brock -"I have to admit you are quite strong but don't be overconfident cause I still have two of my pokemons"

Then Brock called back geodude and sent out a graveler.

I saw that Katana was very tired after the battle so I called her back to rest and then I sent out Sky for the next battle.

To be continued.....


[ Name - Rouge (Lucario)

Type - Fighting, Steel

Gender - Male

Age - 13

Strength - S++

Agility - SS-

Dexterity - SS

Perception - SSS-

Intelligence - SS++



(If hit with a dark attack, its attack increases) Prankster

(increases the priority of status moves by one)


(increases the effectiveness of same typing moves from the usual 1.5× to 2×)


(Raises Speed each time the Pokémon flinches)


Close Combat, Karate chop, Endure, Counter, Double team, Extreme speed, Focus energy, Mega punch, Mega kick, Protect, Quick attack, Sleep talk, Aura sphere, Cross chop, Brick break, Drain punch, Force palm, Focus punch, Agility, Focus blast, Sky uppercut, Vacuum wave, Reflect, Focus blast, Rest, Bite, Crunch, Blaze kick, Iron defence, Water pulse, Howl, Meteor mash, Shadow ball, Psychic, Earthquake, Dragon pulse, Shadow claw, Dark pulse, Sleep talk, Poison jab, Flash cannon, Metal claw

Egg moves:-

Rock smash , Sword Dance, Calm mind]

[ Name - Rei (Alolan Ninetailes)(Hybrid)

Type - Ice, Fire, Fairy

Gender - Female

Age - 13

Strength - S++

Agility - SS++

Dexterity - SS+

Perception - S

Intelligence - S++


Snow Warning

(The Pokémon summons a hailstorm when it enters a battle)

Flash Fire

(Makes the Pokémon immune to Fire-type moves )

Snow Cloak

(raises ability-bearer's evasion by 20% in a hail storm)


Icy Wind, Ember, Swift, Quick attack, Ice beam, Ice ball, Fire spin, Fire fang, Heat wave, Bite, Flame charge, Dazzling gleam, Charm, Fairy wind, Ice shard, Double team, Fury swipes, Protect, Light screen, Reflect, Dark pulse, Agility, Extreme speed, Endure, Sleep talk, Fire blast, Flamethrower, Incinerate, Energy ball, Inferno, Will-O-Wisp, Hyper beam, Solar beam, Iron tail, Shadow ball, Rest, Overheat, Dream eater, Safeguard, Howl, Flame wheel, Blizzard, Zen headbutt, Ominous wind, Aurora beam, Avalanche, Freeze shock, Freeze dry, Sheer cold, Frost breath, Fairy wind, Moonblast, Moonlight, Play rough, Misty terrain

Egg moves:-

Hypnosis, Ice Fang, Draining kiss, Mystical Fire]

[ Name - Levi (Sceptile)

Type - Grass

Gender - Male

Age - 13

Strength - SS++

Agility - SSS-

Dexterity - SS

Perception - S++

Intelligence - S+


Lightning Rod

(When hit by electric type move, it deals no damage to the ability-bearer but raises its Special Attack by one stage)


(increases the power of grass-type moves by 50% (1.5×) when the ability-bearer's HP falls below a third of its maximum)


Pound, Leer, Cut, Quick attack, Absorb, Double team, Bullet seed, Leafage, Swift, Mega drain, Drain punch, Energy ball, Double team, Leaf storm, Sword dance, Solar beam, Iron tail, Leaf blade, Giga drain, Slam, Crunch, Leech seed, Focus punch, Agility, Rest, Dragon claw, Aerial ace, Dig, Grass knot, Slash, Thunder punch, Sleep talk, Mega kick, Mega punch, Acrobatics, Seed bomb, Fury cutter, X-Scissor, Protect, Dual chop, Frenzy plant, Earthquake, Focus blast, Dragon pulse, Bulldoze, Hyper beam, Dragon Breath

Egg moves:-

Grassy Terrain, Dragon Breath, Night Slash, Magical leaf, Synthesis]

[ Name - Noir (Rookidee)

Gender - Female

Type - Flying

Age - 3

Strength - A-

Agility - A++

Dexterity - A+

Perception - A-

Intelligence - A


Keen eye

(prevents the Pokémon from losing accuracy)

Big Pecks

(prevents the ability-bearer's Defense stat from being lowered)


Leer, Peck, Drill Peck, Tackle, Swift, Dual wingbeat, Sand attack, Hone claws, Fury attack, Pluck, Power trip, Taunt, Scary face,

Gust, Quick attack

Egg moves:-

Roost, Air slash, Sky attack, Brave bird, Fly]

[ Name - Sky (Pidgey)

Gender - Female

Type - Normal, Flying

Age - 2

Strength - A

Agility - S--

Dexterity - A++

Perception - A--

Intelligence - S


Keen Eye

( prevents the Pokémon from losing accuracy)

Big Pecks

(prevents the ability-bearer's Defense stat)


Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Twister, Feathers Dance Agility, Wing Attack, Roost, Double Team

Egg moves:-

Air Slash, Air Cutter, Attract, Heat Wave]

[ Name - Bruce (Nidoran)

Gender - Male

Type - Poison

Age - 3

Strength - S--

Agility - A++

Dexterity - A++

Perception - B+

Intelligence - A+


Poison Point

( Contact with the Pokémon may poison the attacker.)


(Deals more damage to a Pokémon of same gender.)


(Hustle increases the ability-bearer's Attack by 50%, however, it also reduces the Accuracy of all Physical moves by 20%)


Leer, Tackle, Swift, Poison Sting, Peck, Focus Energy, Fury Attack, Toxic Spikes, Double Kick, Horn Attack, Helping Hand, Toxic, Flatter, Poison Jab, Head Smash, Dig

Egg moves:-

Confusion, Horn Drill, Take Down, Protect, Rock Smash]

[ Name - Katana (Scyther)

Gender - Female

Type - Bug, Flying

Age - 6

Strength - S--

Agility - S+

Dexterity - A++

Perception - A

Intelligence - S



( Swarm increases the power of Bug-type moves by 50% (1.5×) when the ability-bearer's HP falls below a third of its maximum)


(Powers up the Pokémon's weaker moves.)


(Raises Speed each time the Pokémon flinches)


Leer, Tackle, Swift, Fury cutter, Quick Attack, False swipe, Wing attack, Agility, Double team, Slash, Focus Energy, Air Slash, Swords Dance, X-Scissor, Counter, Cut

Egg moves:-

Brick Break, U-turn, Aerial Ace, Night Slash, Double hit, Laser Focus, Psycho Cut]