
In Pokemon With A System

Ayaan_Wasim · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

First Harem Member

Today is the day when I will snatch one of the main events from Ash and make Serena the first member of our Harem.

(Polygamy is allowed in this world)

We were all made to go in a group ofcourse I was in Sarena's group and go with a professor to sightsee pokemons we saw many Pokemon like a group of ratatta eating berries, a flock of pidgey and pidgeotto and some caterpie and weedle. During this time I saw Sarena getting seperated from the group and then I followed behind her quietly so as to not get caught after walking for a while she lost her way around and started going in random direction. Sometimes later she heard some noise and saw the bushes start moving which scared her and she started to run but slipped and fell also scrapping her knee. After that she started to cry while holding her knee while also being scared of the noise coming from the bushes. Suddenly when the bushes stopped making sound a pokemon came from there and guess which ??? It was Treecko that came from the bushes when it saw Sarena it stared at her then the next second it got ready to attack her.

Today is my luckiest day after coming here. Now I can become a hero after saving the damsel in distress and also I can catch a Treecko which I wanted to catch for a long time.

Leo -"Let's go save Sarena before she get more hurt"

Saying that I came out from hiding and stood in front of Sarena and challenged Treecko to a fight.

Leo -"Hello buddy will you have a fight with me you can use all your attacks no problem but if I win you have to become one of my Pokemon"

At first when Treecko heard me talking to him it was surprised as to how I can talk to him so easily but it came out of it very fast and said

{Ok I accept your challenge and also the deal but beware I will be using my full power so make sure not to get hurt}

Leo -"Don't worry I won't" I said with a smirk which was seen by Treecko who acted like he didn't see it. We both got ready and got in our own stance while starting at eachother.

But before fighting I sent Rei near Sarena to protect her. They had met last night they both hit it off on their first meeting.

After making sure that Sarena was safe I broke eye contact with Treecko and ran towards him to punch him on stomach which it escaped by an inch. Treecko then used quick attack white energy surrounded it's body and it started running towards me I used aura sense to know where Treecko will attack and while dodging I put my leg in front of Treecko's leg due to which he fell on his face but he quickly got started to use bullet seed at me but sad for him I made a shield with the aura which made his attack of no use as all of them got deflected when he saw that even this was not working it closed the distance between us and started hand to hand combat but he lost even in this as I had been practiced in it for a long time.

It went on like this for some I got bore afterwards when I thought it was enough playing with Treecko I just dashed towards it a gave a chop on his neck which made it unconscious. After making sure it lost I threw a pokeballs towards it and caught it.

(Pokeballs were quest rewards for one mission as for when my parents asked me how I got it I just said I got it as a reward for winning a quiz game)

I'll deal with Treecko at night for now let's take a look at Sarena to make sure she's fine.

Sarena-"Leo how did you get here"

Leo -"Hey Sarena are you ok"

Sarena -"Yeah I'm ok but my knee is bleeding it hurts a lot"

Leo -"Aww...My cute friend got hurt leave it to me I will treat all your wound and make all the pain go" saying that I my napkin around her knee to stop the bleeding. But unknown to me that someone was blushing madly when I was treating.

After finishing that I said

Leo -"Let's go now everybody would be worried about us"

Sarena -"Yeah let's go"

When she said that I took her in princess carry which caused her to shout and then blush like a tomato. Then I started to walk towards the camp.

(Pov Sarena)..........

I got separated from my group while going behind a pokemon then getting lost and also falling and hurting myself. Whe I saw the Treecko coming from the bushes i got more scared I thought that I was going to die but then I saw a familiar person standing in front of me and when I noticed it was Leo. I was very happy to know that Leo had come to save me after all he became my first friend.

But when I saw him fighting the Treecko I was scared that he will get hurt but what I saw made me speechless he was overwhelming Treecko with ease. He won the fight after some time and caught Treecko then he walked towards me.

Sarena-"Leo how did you get here"

Leo -"Hey Sarena are you ok"

Sarena -"Yeah I'm ok but my knee is bleeding it hurts a lot"

Leo -"Aww...My cute friend got hurt leave it to me I will treat all your wound and make all the pain go"

When he said that I was blushing madly because he said I was cute and his face was very near to mine. Then Leo said

Leo -"Let's go now everybody would be worried about us"

Sarena -"Yeah let's go"

When I said that Leo lift me up in princess carry due to which I shouted also blush like a tomato cuse I could feel his chest which gave me a sense of safety and also I could hear his heartbeat.

(Pov Sarena) End.........

After walking for a while we reached the camp where I saw professor Oak standing there with a worried face but when he saw me he rushed towards me and started to check me whether I am fine or not. After making sure that I was fine he started to ask me where I was and what was I doing instead of being with the group.

Then I told about all things from saving Sarena to catching Treecko but when professor heard that he sighed and smiled cause he knew how I always went out of my way to help anyone I can. After that he took Sarena to the nurse to give her proper treatment. When they took her to the nurse I went to my room to sleep cause I was dead tired after all the things that happened today also I have to talk to Treecko. Like this I went to my room and talked with Treecko for sometime and then slept.

Morning came and today was the day all were going back and my last day with Sarena after this l will not be able to see her for a long time. I did like her afterall even though she was small she was really cute, beautiful and jind hearted which made me fall in love with her.

When everyone was going back Sarena had come to say me goodbye.

Sarena -"Hey Leo I don't want to leave I want to be with you you and me can always play together"

Leo -"Dummy you will have to go for now but don't worry I will come for you in some time afterall you are someone I love so I can't leave you alone for a long time"

When Sarena heard this she blushed but still took courage and said

Sarena -"I... also love.... you. You are the first person after my parents to ever treat me so nicely so I will wait for you but I will be your first wife you will have to promise me afterall I know you will have more wife in future"

Leo -"Ok cutey I promise to you that you will be my first wife "

Sarena -"Ok"

Saying that she came towards me gave me a small peck on my cheek and ran saying goodbye with a blush accompanied with a small smile.

Looks like I will have to become much more strong than I am now to take care of my loved ones.