
In Our Mortal World

Lurking in the shadows, werewolves have always been there. For millions of years, they've been guided by powerful Alpha, subjected to the powers of those monsters, until one day, that hierarchy was dropped. This part of history is dark and unknown to the average population. Now living side by side with humans, they were getting closer to extinction till an Alpha raised out of the darkness to rule and tame the wild beast left to roam freely. Seen as the new hope of an entire nation, he was feared and praised, but overall, cursed with a position he never wished to be in. Being that man, Akyl had grown in this gifted environment, away from kids and always training. Nothing had ever touched his heart until a girl came by. Unlike the feeling you get from a mate, she had that's of an old friend he hadn't seen in a long time. That girl, Raïna, didn't know what she got caught in. She never wished for anything except to save her dear sister from the cage she didn't know she was in. Also wearing a metal-like mask she had forged in her early years, she met him. Meddling in this new group of friends, their masks collide and start cracking. Unfolding the mystery of packs, on how things came to be while fighting a struggle for power, they are both overwhelmed. But in this mess, feelings start to bloom and come back. Learning of the past that could break them, they wished they never turned their backs. Learn about the mystery of their world, and how millions of years are buried in two frail bodies who know nothing of their fate. But the world is complicated and so are the two hearts that collided.

RomeCrash · Fantasy
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7 Chs

His Blue Night's pack

He was staring at a blank spot in his office. Maybe he was watching a story unfold on this blank spot, that's how captivated he was. Stephen often wondered why this particular spot and wanted to ask. He had once. And it ended up a bloody mess. So he won't.

Akyl's eyes flickered to Stephen. " What's the planning for today? "

Stephen raised his glasses and opened the white iPad. "Ah! An auction is planned at 9 in the afternoon and yes, you have to make an act of presence. " He said, cutting his hopes. " You don't have anything else planned for the day, weirdly enough. "

Akyl slammed his hands on the table and stretched his neck. " I want to meet with Alpha Mezdoxa of Blue Night's pack and his beta." He stopped on his track. " Ask if their Luna can be there too. The sooner the better. "

Stephen marked it down and went to call the pack while mumbling. " Dump people." Akyl didn't follow through with the conversation Stephen had on the phone even if his acute hearing caught glimpses of it, he was more focused on breathing, which was a weird habit of him as breathing was regulated unconsciously but it sometimes became hard for him. Often on the day, he skipped his daily yoga exercises, so often.

Stephen rushed in a few minutes later. " They've agreed to a meeting today whenever," he informed shaking his head in disappointment. " This pack will crumble." He tapped on his iPad. " And again, why was an ex-con entrusted with a pack? I understand he was the late Alpha's first son, but.... for god sake, that kid never passed the Alpha's training!"

Akyl breathed out and stood up, making his chair fall down. " Late Alpha Rodrick's second son, though he passed the Alpha's training, never intended to take what he rightfully thought was his older brother's right. " Akyl still had some problem swallowing air and felt his heart pumping too fast.

He turned around and clenched his fist before destroying the wall of his office. The bricks scrumble in loud rocky noises, filling the room with a cloud of dust. Stephen coughed and pinched his nose but still kept his eyes open long enough to see Akyl jumping from the aperture. Stephen shook his head in defeat and taped on his iPad a few times before placing it on the table and following Akyl.

He landed just when Akyl had metamorphosed. Stephen just stared ahead at the monster/beast in front of him. He may be of the same race but Akyl's wolf was a cosh upper than any other wolf. White fur that never seemed to taint by mud, a holy white. Red eyes, bloody eyes that were restless. It scared the living shit out of him.

That mountain lipped through the forest. Stephen took off his glasses wiped them with his shirt and put them in his mouth which soon became a muzzle. Claws spurred out of his paws and black unruly hair enveloped him. He followed Akyl's smell through the wood in a furious space.

" But all this's just a pretext. The second son, Madoxe, just doesn't want anything to do with the pack. " Stephen heard Akyl's voice in his mind and opened the mind link to respond. " But, Mezdoxa was born of a fling. If I remember correctly, his mother was Alpha Rodrick's girlfriend that got pregnant just before he met his mate, who after became his mistress., so he cannot be the heir "

"It all comes down to the will. " Stephen felt Akyl's voice become gentler. It sounded painful. " Akyl, are you alright? " No answer. Stephen still followed Ajel's smell for 3 hours and still didn't receive a response. He just moved forward and finally entered a wide glade where stood Akyl still in his wolf form.

Tall trees surrounded the glade where small tasteless construction that served the purpose of houses were arranged in columns. In front of the columns was the Alpha's house, bigger and taller. A multitude of wolves, recognizable by their sent, were standing in front of the house as if preparing something. Akyl advanced toward the Pack's house on all four which got the attention of wolves living their daily lives in the insipid houses. Husbands were standing in front of their wives in a defensive posture who themselves were holding their kids in a warm embrace. But only one look sufficed to have them shake in their boots. Some shifted while others began tearing up.

Stephen followed closely behind Akyl and "refreshed " the link before mind-talking. " What do you mean when you say ' it all comes down to the will'? " Silence. It was unusual for Akyl to hesitate and Stephen understood. It clicked in his mind.

"Rejection." Akyl only acquiesced before finishing the last meter that separated him from the Alpha's house and taking the towel he was handed by a well-dressed man. Stephen followed just behind. They wrapped it around their naked bodies after de-transforming and waited for an invitation to enter that never came. Instead, a tall brown-haired man with a black leather jacket, blue ripped skinny jeans, and silver jewelry got out of the house. A brown-haired woman with a white elegant dress clutching to her poor skin followed him.

"Well, isn't this The Conqueror we've heard so much about. " he instituted in a honeyed voice. " We were expecting you a bit later but I guess the decorations will have to hurry up. " his tone was condescending which didn't appeal to Akyl. Stephen could feel him become agitated and decided to intervene. " We apologize for the inconvenience but we are in a hurry so we'd appreciate it if you could lead us to your office. "

" Before I do that I'd like for you to meet my dear wife, Milene. You said you'd like for her to be at the meeting if I remember correctly." The brown-haired girl took a step forward and bowed to them. Stephen took a deep breath and put on his glasses once he finished cleaning them with the towel. " Pleased to meet you, Melene. If you could lead the way no-"

" I am the one pleased and enchanted to meet both of the wolves on top of the hierarchy in the dark world. Before we go to the meeting, wouldn't you like for us to give you some proper clothes to wear? " She calmly asked in a tight voice.

Stephen turned to Akyl shocked that this one would agree. But he did. They were shown to a guest room where hung in the closet were all sorts of clothing.They climbed numerous stairs and turned around a lot before arriving in front of this wooden door. Stephen fliched when he heard the lock being actioned after being flung into the room.

" Do they think they can lock us in here? " Stephen asked, clutching his fist, ready to land a sharp blow on the wall when he was stopped by Akyl. " Yes, they can, when there's silver hidden in between the walls. " And Akyl smiled, his vision became clouded and suddenly, Akyl was engulfed in darkness.

"I presume you anticipated everything. " Stephen shook his head and began browsing through the closet.

"Not everything. But this pack really is interesting, don't you think? " His smile widened, freaking out Stephen who had turned around perplexed. "What could be interesting about this boring and disrespectful pack? For all I know, we'll be killing them, aren't we? " Stephen crunched his nose and patiently waited.

Akyl sat down on the bed and opened the nightstand's drawer where he took an envelope. Stephen's eyes opened wide in shock and realized he had misjudged. " we'll be killing most of them but there's one we'll be taking back... "